What's a HOA?
I fuggen love you guys. That's the best comeback yet.
R-jack, There is a view believe it or not. Not a sierra nevada kind of view you're prolly used to. And it becomes somewhat compromised this time of year when all them fukkin' oak trees burst out their leaves, but, that's nothing my trusty Stihl can't fix.
Anyway, say what you fukkers will about my palace, it's prolly not as nice as some, definitely not as nice as Indy's or mikey's casas, but, I bet it's nicer than the flat over a liquor store dins rents. And there's another thing that looks pretty fukkin' cool. It's my mortgage statement. Sitting here on my desk which is slightly more organized than that OSHA inspector's wet dream under the deck is the statement from december. The "new principal balance" is 51,494.11. Today, it's well under fity. I think it's 47 and change, maybe 48. That's as fuggen beautiful as anybody's perfectly manicured lawn. Ofcourse if you have both, then 'bode you I guess.
Time to go out there with my trusty R2 square bit equipped Hilte drill and try to make this place look almost like white folks live here.
And Dins, about your treating already treated stuff, I went to the big orange box again and found the one dude there that seems like he knows what he's talking about. Actually, some HDs might have 2 of these guys. I ran the idea of treating the tops of the joists by him and he looked at me a little funny and said "sounds like a little overkill don'cha think?" I said yeah, but, this dude who thinks he's the smartest fukker in the world said it'd collapse if I didn't. He said "yeah, it will, but, we'll both be dead by then". Actually, he then said something that kinda made all this shit make sense. he said if it was PT doug fir, I'd agree, but, this SYP is tougher than cinder's clitoris. I said you know what, this smartass dude is in the U&L and being in the U&L, they wouldn't even think about using inferior wood cultivated and harvested by sudden sam's inbred cousin (yeah, like sam's got any other kind of cousin). So, I'd be willing to bet that they use doug fir or some other native, but, not quite as tough as SYP stuff.
PT lumber is apparently like football. It is stronger, bigger and faster when it comes from the SEC. I just hope it holds up well for this 40 year road game in the Big East.