Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by indyfrisco »

Martyred wrote:The moneyed classes and the workers.
Funny...I find that the ones who work have money and those who sit on their ass expecting those who work to share don't. Certainly, not everyone who works has the same amount of disposable income as their neighbor, nor should they. Life is about risks. If you risk your future on a liberal arts degree and are dissapointed when you can't get a job that allows you to live the lifestyle you want, then that's on you.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

IndyFrisco wrote:
Martyred wrote:The moneyed classes and the workers.
Funny...I find that the ones who work have money and those who sit on their ass expecting those who work to share don't. Certainly, not everyone who works has the same amount of disposable income as their neighbor, nor should they. Life is about risks. If you risk your future on a liberal arts degree and are dissapointed when you can't get a job that allows you to live the lifestyle you want, then that's on you.

Yeah...that's why people are poor. Because they are lazy and shiftless and aren't pulling themselves up by their bootstraps hard enough...


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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Mikey »

Martyred wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:
Martyred wrote:The moneyed classes and the workers.
Funny...I find that the ones who work have money and those who sit on their ass expecting those who work to share don't. Certainly, not everyone who works has the same amount of disposable income as their neighbor, nor should they. Life is about risks. If you risk your future on a liberal arts degree and are dissapointed when you can't get a job that allows you to live the lifestyle you want, then that's on you.

Yeah...that's why people are poor. Because they are lazy and shiftless and aren't pulling themselves up by their bootstraps hard enough...


Why do you hate the American Dream?
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Tom In VA »

Well Marxism as practiced in the former Soviet Union didn't appear to be much different Marty.

It starts off with high ideals and finite human conception of justice but eventually the lesser angels of our natures take over and the same pyramid develops.

I might be a victim here of American "Anti Soviet" propaganda seeing as I grew up towards the end of the Cold War, but even folks with whom I've associated that come from that area suggest a similiar division was in full effect.

The fact remains that any system put into place by human beings is prone to degrade into something giving the appearance of impropriety. In a Capitalist system, a "pure" free market (which doesn't exists save for - potentially the criminal market) it is the skills, the products, the services that dictate who gets what. That is why in America, there are stories that include "Rags to Riches, Riches to Rags" and in some cases "Rags back to Riches".

One is not stifled by party affiliation, caste, gender, or race. This can be proven throughout even the most egregious eras of U.S. History. In fact, at one point in Tennesee the most successful slave trader - was in fact a black man.

The Capitalist System is the closest to the natural order of things (Law of the Jungle). It too gets corrupt by the fallibility of mankind. Couple that with a government ruled by LAW, as opposed to heritage or party favor and we have the best country on Earth, ever.

Next to Canada of course.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Mikey »

Tom In VA wrote:
Next to Canada of course.

Actually, I think we're the ONLY country next to Canada.

We're also next to Mexico, though.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Goober McTuber »

Mikey wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
Next to Canada of course.

Actually, I think we're the ONLY country next to Canada.

We're also next to Mexico, though.
Other than the climate, is there a difference?
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schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Tom In VA »

Kind of makes you think of that movie "The Human Centipede", we're stuck in the middle.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Tom In VA wrote:That is why in America, there are stories that include "Rags to Riches, Riches to Rags"
But less so every day. That's my point.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by indyfrisco »

Martyred wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:That is why in America, there are stories that include "Rags to Riches, Riches to Rags"
But less so every day. That's my point.
This is true. Because as soon as anyone starts to accumulate cash, the government feels the need to take it and give it to some fucking leech.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Tom In VA wrote: The Capitalist System is the closest to the natural order of things (Law of the Jungle).
That's great.

Thousands of years of human civilization, and we haven't moved beyond "dog eat dog"...

The problem with American society is that, most people are propagandised to believe they are somewhere other than at the bottom of that illustration I posted.

...and the problem with the "American Dream"?

" have to be asleep to believe it."


Last edited by Shlomart Ben Yisrael on Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

IndyFrisco wrote:
This is true. Because as soon as anyone starts to accumulate cash, the government feels the need to take it and give it to some fucking leech.

Why do you hate the Pentagon/Wall Street/Big Pharma?
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Tom In VA »

Martyred wrote:
Tom In VA wrote: The Capitalist System is the closest to the natural order of things (Law of the Jungle).
That's great.

Thousands of years of human civilization, and we haven't moved beyond "dog eat dog"...

The problem with American society is that, most people are propagandised to believe they are somewhere other than at the bottom of that illustration I posted.

...and the problem with the "American Dream"?

" have to be asleep to believe it."



Quite valid points, however, the folks at the bottom of that illustration are often times content to indulge themselves in other things - that often make them unable to progress to the other levels. They become "slaves" as it were to their own lack of self discipline.

Then, an observer comes along, informs them of their "plight" solely for the purpose of helping him or herself up the very same ladder by promising to give them equality - give, give, give. When they finally arrive in a position to do that, they too have fallen asleep and are enjoying the creature comforts. Comforts of course, earned, because they do a lot of work "for the people" and besides "the people" are happy as long as they have three hots and cot, can watch the Telly on a nightly basis, and feel as if they're participating in the "bigger picture".

That very same thing happened, in Soviet Russia as well. In America, you can move up the "food" or "consumption" chain by marketting yourself as a - stand up comedian - for instance. If people laugh, think you're funny, you sell records, tapes, and get asked to be in movies. HBO does comedy shows about you and pay you lots of money.

You achieve the American Dream by telling people it's phony. Now THAT is sheer fucking brilliance. Carlin, was a genius. Now he's dead.

Gain populist appeal by telling people they're victims of some evil scheme and get paid to do it. Solely for the purpose of being able to engage in your own self delusion of brilliance ? George Carlin got over, that's for sure. But he didn't get over on the American Dream. He got over on the people at the bottom of that illustration just like Al Gore's family did, just like Obama has done, just like the Bush family, the Roosevelt family, etc.. etc..

He just did it differently.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by War Wagon »

BSmack wrote:This is why I bought that shoebox house that Bushice mocked, so I could afford to be unemployed for a while because I knew that my lack of a technical degree would eventually hurt me in the job market. Guts and guile don't trump certifications and degrees in a bad job market. Fuck Bushice too. Where is he? Probably in a refrigerator box somewhere blowing strangers for mortgage money.

lessee, last post 13 Nov 2009

Bitch_sheesh was run and good fucking riddance.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Poor Bushice. Cut the guy some slack, he bought into the whole fantasy, not knowing it was just a scratch off lottery ticket.

Oh well, I guess he can just pull himself up by his bootstraps all over again.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

BTW, I think Bushice also adopted some Third World child too.
Maybe he's busy teaching it to climb trees for coconuts or wave a tin cup around while he cranks the handle on the organ.
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Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by PSUFAN »

I think Bushice also adopted some Third World child
He and Otis have a lot in common, then.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by mvscal »

PSUFAN wrote:
I think Bushice also adopted some Third World child
He and Otis have a lot in common, then.
Bushlice's dirt gobbler probably has more teeth, though.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by poptart »

I don't think Bushice quit the interweb.

He just couldn't hang here and he was ----> RUN!

Prolly took his bullcr@p over to Farcebook with Mike the Gerbil and BStiff ... where they keep it like, real.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

poptart wrote:...Mike the Gerbil and BStiff ...

rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by titlover »

Martyred wrote:
Tom In VA wrote: The Capitalist System is the closest to the natural order of things (Law of the Jungle).
That's great.

Thousands of years of human civilization, and we haven't moved beyond "dog eat dog"...

The problem with American society is that, most people are propagandised to believe they are somewhere other than at the bottom of that illustration I posted.

...and the problem with the "American Dream"?

" have to be asleep to believe it."


you should really make a decision on who's cock you're going to suck, Marx's or Carlin's.
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Re: Student Loans (and the american dream..wakey wakey...)

Post by Goober McTuber »

titlover wrote:
Martyred wrote:
Tom In VA wrote: The Capitalist System is the closest to the natural order of things (Law of the Jungle).
That's great.

Thousands of years of human civilization, and we haven't moved beyond "dog eat dog"...

The problem with American society is that, most people are propagandised to believe they are somewhere other than at the bottom of that illustration I posted.

...and the problem with the "American Dream"?

" have to be asleep to believe it."


you should really make a decision on who's cock you're going to suck, Marx's or Carlin's.
I believe he can handle both. Just because you have such a narrow focus, don’t project it onto Marty.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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