I don't get it, Van. You've been posting on these boards for over a decade, and you still make judgments about the morals of people you've never met based solely on what they post here? Most folks with skin that thin woulda bailed long ago. Was what Wags posted vile, distasteful, humorless, and classless? Absolutely. Had no relevance whatsoever to the subject of the thread, and was completely uncalled for. It referred to perhaps the worst time of your REAL life and not to your board existence. Criticize it as harshly as you want, and I'll completely agree with you.Van wrote:You're a complete fucking dirtbag, and the worst kind of moral fraud.
But to use it as evidence of one's moral makeup and character is fallacious. You might be right - WW might be a moral fraud and might be a complete fucking dirtbag. But neither you nor I know that. If he were to submit hundreds or thousands of similar posts, we still wouldn't know. IT'S JUST A MESSAGE BOARD! I realize you are somewhat different (in a number of ways) from most folks here because if we are to believe you (and I do), your persona on the board is similar to who you really are. But that's the exception rather than the rule. I doubt that it's a stretch to say nearly everyone else here, to a large extent, is much different IRL than how they portray themselves here. I'll use a phrase that I detest, but please tell me you knew.
I'm not defending WW. He submitted a horrible post. But you're jumping to unfounded conclusions, and I guess I figured you were smarter than that. I know you think you're smarter than that. Maybe we're both wrong.