LTS TRN 2 wrote:A Zionist is basically a Jewish Nazi.
No, it isn't. One has nothing to do with the other in any way, shape or form.
What's so difficult to appreciate about that?
The fact that red isn't blue. A Zionist is no more a Nazi than you're a U.S. Senator.
Both are fanatically devoted to a race-state based upon an ancient racist myth of Divine Mandate.
Both are "surrounded by enemies" and forced to act as hyper military aggressors--complete with overwhelming force upon huge civilian areas.
Nope. Nazis slaughter their enemies, perceived or otherwise. Israel tolerates to an historically unprecedented degree belligerent behavior from its weaker neighbor enemies.
Both openly flaunt international law as part of their "mission" to achieve their race-state security. Including stealing and developing nuclear weapons.
The Nazis used their weapons. The Israelis sit on theirs, even as rockets are lobbed into their country.
Both are designed on National Socialist models.
If one twists definitions enough, as you do, then John McLaughlin is also an asparagus.
Both are rife with crime and corruption.
Which can be said of every government on this planet, starting and ending with every government in the Middle East, yet you turn a blind eye to every filthy thing they do.
Both seek to instigate "permanent instability" so as to necessitate the permanent war they realize is necessary to continue their rapacious policies of occupation and repression.
Ditto, every government in the region.
Both are essentially against the world--"us versus them"--the Nazis called everyone else "auflanders," while the Zionist refers to everyone else as "goyim."
Ditto every government in the region, all of which ignored the lawful creation of Israel.
The list of direct similarities goes on.
And they're all pointless.
The differences are that Germany happened to be a major military power from its inception--and legitimately lived in Germany. The Zionists are like an invading horde of locusts who are in fact Poles, Germans, Russians, Americans, etc. And they learned from the rash Germans to use the huge moron Christer contingent in America for a bulwark of political support.
The difference is that the Nazis set out on an upnrovoked campaign of terror and conquest while the Israelis do no such thing. If the Israelis were in any way like the Nazis, there would be no Palestinians living in Israel, Gaza would be annexed, so too would the Golan Heights and all of the West Bank, and Lebanese waiters would be serving lox and bagels.
Wake the fuck up, Psycho Bozo.