Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Van »

Goobs wrote:Does John McLaughlin make your pee smell funny?
It tastes kinda crunchy, too.

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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by mvscal »

Van wrote:
Both are "surrounded by enemies" and forced to act as hyper military aggressors--complete with overwhelming force upon huge civilian areas.
Nope. Nazis slaughter their enemies, perceived or otherwise. Israel tolerates to an historically unprecedented degree belligerent behavior from its weaker neighbor enemies.
Oh no!! EEEEEEE-ville genocidal Zionazi madmen torment Arab child!! Oh wait...they provided the medical aid his dirt gobbling community couldn't. Nevermind. I guess that'll happen when your only export is brainwashed explodobots.
Arab Boy from Jenin Saved in Afula Hospital

The antipathy of a Jenin Arab was replaced by appreciation after his son’s life was saved in HaEmek (Valley) Hospital in Afula.

"My son and I are not the same as we were before this happened,” the boy’s father said afterwards, “and I will share this with my family and friends." The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported on the story.

The incident began this past Thursday, when 15-year-old Mohammed Kalalwe of Jenin, a Palestinian Authority-controlled city in Samaria, was working in the field. At one point, the boy noticed a deadly viper snake and tried killing it with a rock, but he was unable to avoid being bitten in his right palm.

The Arab-run hospital was ill-prepared to treat the boy, and despite the common presence of snakes in the area, had no anti-serum. The hospital staff decided to send the boy by ambulance to the HaEmek Medical Center in Afula. Hafed later related that he was genuinely afraid to be taken to the Jewish hospital, because he was sure that he and his son would be ignored. His son's palm and arm were critically swollen and the pain was unbearable.

The reality of HaEmek contrasted sharply with Hafed’s negative expectations. They were immediately greeted in Arabic and rushed into the emergency room, where the multi-ethnic staff administered life-saving anti-serum and brought the boy back from the brink of death. Mohammed remained in the pediatric intensive care unit for the next two days, and is now resting comfortably in HaEmek's pediatric surgical department. It is expected that he will be released in the next two days.

Asked by a hospital staffer how he felt now about HaEmek Hospital and the Israelis he had come into contact with, the father stared his Israeli questioner straight in the eyes and said, "Our people do not know the truth about you, and our medicine has a long way to go. My son and I are not the same as we were before this happened and I will share this with my family and friends. May Allah bless all of you."

Yep, just like them Nazis. Oh hey, Felchco? I thought the Zionazi's wiped out everybody in Jenin a few years ago? What's up with Arabs still living there?
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by smackaholic »

Are asparagus that devoid of tone and soul?
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Van »

Now you've done it. You went ahead and agitated Pandora's moistly sluicing box.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Yer just blowing sour smoke, Van. Your whole argument is based on the rapacity and murderous nature of the Germans as they overran Europe. However, you completely and irresponsibly overstate the basic facts of the Nazis, and then you just run with it. First of all, the Germans certainly didn't seek to murder everyone they sought to conquer at all. France, for example. Or the Scandinavian countries, Greece, Italy, Spain.

And just saying
nope" is total bullshit. The obvious similarities between a seething Zionist of the 1930's and a Nazi are overwhelming. Look at those pictures of Beruit again, and try to bluff your bullshit about "restraint."

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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Van »

Nick, look at any picture of Warsaw, circa 1944, while keeping in mind that the Poles did absolutely nothing to provoke Hitler's invasion.

Compare Warsaw to Beirut, Aman, or Gaza City while keeing in mind that those places openly attack Israel.

Then, while you're at it, go ahead and show me the six million Palestinian civilians the Israelis rounded up and slaughtered. Show me the Israeli equivalent of 1945 Ukraine.

Do you even know what the Nazis did, you fucking fruitcake? They weren't only about cool logos and really well orchestrated pep rallies. They attacked and destroyed allies. They committed the wholesale slaughter of their own citizenry. They didn't merely displace or inconvenience the locals who supported terrorism within their own borders; they branded them and made lampshades out of them, and they did it on a scale only Josef Stalin could smugly relate to.

So are you merely a troll, or are you truly this much of wafer-thin lightweight?
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

First of all, the Germans certainly didn't seek to murder everyone they sought to conquer at all. France, for example.
Pardon me for wanting to take a giant shit inside your head. Are you KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, the Blitzkrieg bombers were loaded with fluffy pillows and love. And the railroad cars leading to the death camps were fur lined and and had personal valets for everyone.

Stop while you are WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY behind Nick.
What were we just talking about?
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by PSUFAN »

Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:
First of all, the Germans certainly didn't seek to murder everyone they sought to conquer at all. France, for example.
Pardon me for wanting to take a giant shit inside your head. Are you KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, the Blitzkrieg bombers were loaded with fluffy pillows and love. And the railroad cars leading to the death camps were fur lined and and had personal valets for everyone.

Stop while you are WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY behind Nick.

He's actually right. The Germans didn't have extermination plans for all of the folks they sought to conquer. They did for the Jews, of course...
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Mikey »

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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

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And all the mud people, of course.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by mvscal »

PSUFAN wrote:The Germans didn't have extermination plans for all of the folks they sought to conquer. They did for the Jews, of course...
And slavs, gypsies, homos, anyone who could tie their own shoelaces and anyone else who happened to become...inconvenient.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:However, you completely and irresponsibly overstate the basic facts of the Nazis, and then you just run with it.
How, exactly, does one overstate the 22 million killed in the most catastrophic war in the history of mankind?
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Van »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:However, you completely and irresponsibly overstate the basic facts of the Nazis, and then you just run with it.
How, exactly, does one overstate the 22 million killed in the most catastrophic war in the history of mankind?
Because the Zionists retaliate when attacked, and they, ummm, make some Palestinians live in refugee camps! Try to keep up.

Oh, wait. No, they don't. Those "refugees" could easily pack up and live elsewhere in the Arab world. The Israelis certainly aren't compelling them to stay.

Oh, wait. No, they can't. The Arab world doesn't want them, and won't take them. Those damn Arabs are some real Nazis!
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by mvscal »

Van wrote: they, ummm, make some Palestinians live in refugee camps!
There were over 40 million refugees in Europe after WW2 and they were all resettled less than 20 years after the war.

There were only several hundred thousand Arab refugees after the 1948 war. Why haven't these people been resettled in other Arab nations? Why are there still "refugee" camps 50 years later?
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Dr_Phibes »

I don't know, some of the discussions they have in The Knesset are getting deeply weird. The consensus is, that Jews just aren't having sex and the Arabs are. In order to maintain the ethnicity of the state they're talking about deporting mixed marriages into Gaza and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

That sort of fortress mentality is their undoing, that country was just never meant to be - you can't fight old mother nature. They should have stayed loyal to Stalin and avoided all this, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast is still quite nice in summer I hear.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

I understand you Israel ass-kissers are in a very nervous state. You're basically wetting yourselves, and I suppose that's appropriate--for kids denied their after dinner ice cream. But what's your excuse?

Please...someone just try to explain or defend the basic premise of Euro Jews invading and occupying a distant land in the Middle East. Are you kidding? The entire idea is a total sick joke--from stem to stern.

All of the resulting sixty-plus years of uninterrupted geo-political toxicity is based on....some disgusting primitive religious mandate?

Don't bother trying to defend the murder of countless thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians--as well as British and American servicemen--at the hands of the ZioNazi military. Why bother? It's like defending the Germans for "fighting Communism" in attacking the Ukraine.

As for the long list of obvious and embarrassing similarities between the the German and Zionist National Socialists, none of the specific points I've raised have been refuted. And no, just saying "nope" means nothing but a cheap cop out.

FACE IT...this disgusting chapter in human degradation is coming to a close, like it or not.

And why....do you support the Zionist state? So far, none of you has shown one hint of real moral or intellectual honesty in your cheap slurs and smears. You're like masked cowards shouting insults as a mob. utterly disgraceful.

Obviously a simple fellow like Shrub--whose own child plays on a softball team named the freakin' Nazerenes is exempt due to basic mental incapacity. Same with a twisted twerp like poptart, etc.

But...what's your excuse?

Rack Helen Thomas for having the sheer courage to state the real truth--when it needs so much to be revealed!!

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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Please...someone just try to explain or defend the basic premise of Euro Jews invading and occupying a distant land in the Middle East.
I'll get right on that just as soon as YOU explain or defend the basic premise of Arabs invading and occupying Christian and Jewish land in the Middle East. Arabs certainly aren't from there. It seems to me that the descendents of the Roman Empire have a better claim to the Middle East than Arabs do. Those Euros were there a thousand years before goat fucking Arab vermin ever infested the region.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Roger_the_Shrubber »

Nick tard,

2 things:

1. softball team...? Obviously not me or mine.

2. Ever read the Bible? The old part? The Jews were there for centuries. The Palestinians never had a country....they were the rabble of the Arab world. The "Palestine" you, and Helen Anti-semitic Thomas talk of, was an invention of England during colonial times.

Just shaddup.
What were we just talking about?
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by LTS TRN 2 »


You can't pretend.

Here's what's really happening..

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt — After three years of cooperating in the Israeli blockade of Gaza, Egypt said Monday that it will leave its border with the Palestinian territory open indefinitely for humanitarian aid and restricted travel.

With international pressure building to ease the blockade, an Egyptian security official said sealing off Hamas-ruled Gaza has only bred more militancy.


The whole disgusting premise of a Euro invasion of a non-Euro land is OVER!!!

And make no mistake, I really like Euros!!! And I love Jews!!

The natural disgust at the Zionist agenda is based on moral rectitude and long term vision for a sustainable planet--NOT some hysterical Christer scenerio, or a seething ZioNazi power trip.

The South African Boers showed how easy it is to face reality and BACK OFF from the demented relgio/fascist commando dream of nut jobs like Begin and Sharon

Begin as a young man...a Timothy McVeigh type, dreaming of blowing up a big building...for his beliefs!

(Sorry, Shrub, I think I somehow mixed you u with S-Sam and his kid. My bad. But, as for the ancient Hebrews somehow assuming a natural ownership of the land in question...well, yes I do in fact regularly examine the Bible carefully, and I think you'll agree that they clearly stole the land through all manner of treachery, deceit, and foul play. Or what do you call a sneak attack with a rock? Know anything of Greek moral codes of combat, etc? And notice that as soon as they established a "kingdom"--approximately fifteen miles around Jerusalem, they fell into civil war and were promptly conquered and punted about for the next 600 years, after which the whole thing was ignored--except for the Christer cult which spread EXACTLY as a virus into Europe and the Dark Ages)

The Palestinian people--and yes they are Arabs, have lived there for 1600 years, far longer than ANY of the ancient Jews, and no need to mention the Ashkanazi, etc.

Another basic feature shared by the Nazis and Zionists has been the shrewd and unrelenting use of propaganda, a tactic embraced and utilized in recent years by Karl Rove, etc. A basic tenet of Zionist smear propaganda is to suggest that the "land was vacant," or "a land without people for a people without land." Due to non-stop repetition, this disgusting lie is easily accepted by simpletons and racists alike. Here's a bit of the facts..


Now start waking up and begin preparing for a new day without "Zionism" and similar hideous vestiges from demented 19th century bunk science.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Diego in Seattle »

I'm betting that she goes tits-up w/in a month.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by The Seer »

Diego in Seattle wrote:I'm betting that she goes tits-up w/in a month.
HT and tits do NOT belong in the same sentence....

Good luck to whatever coroner has to determine time of death.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by BSmack »

PSUFAN wrote:He's actually right. The Germans didn't have extermination plans for all of the folks they sought to conquer. They did for the Jews, of course...
And don't forget the flair the Germans made the Jews wear.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Van »

Nick, Wags is the one you're searching for. He's the "Christer" with the softball-playing daughter.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Goober McTuber »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: Sorry, Shrub, I think I somehow mixed you u with S-Sam and his kid.
Much like you mix your fantasy world with reality.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

(Yep, it's wags. Sorry, S-Sam. The point, of course, remains)

But, as usual, no actual refutation is anywhere in sight. Just smears and simplistic nonsense.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Total bullshit!!

The flotilla obviously wouldn't try to sneak in rockets and so forth because they knew perfectly well the contents would be inspected even if they were let through. This is just total Israeli lies and propaganda. Obviously if someone wants to believe this they will--and ZioNazis know it.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by PSUFAN »

The Seer wrote:HT and tits do NOT belong in the same sentence....
Well, they may, but they're certainly not up.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:The flotilla obviously wouldn't try to sneak in rockets and so forth because they knew perfectly well the contents would be inspected even if they were let through.
Not this one, of course, but later ships certainly will. That is why the blocakde is in effect in the first place.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Categorical horseshit!

Inspections would be no problem at all. As it is the ZioNazis won't even allow musical instruments or donkeys! And of course they won't allow concrete because it might be used for rocket -proof bunkers! As though protecting oneself from rocket attacks is "terrorism." The sheer insanity of the ZioNazi excuses for their utterly barbaric acts are getting more and more ludicrous by the day. The Zionist experiment is as illegal and immoral an entity as has existed since its fellow apartheid state class of '48 in South Africa.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

I'll give the Israeli's this much...they're certainly a hell of a lot smarter than Americans.

You have absolutely no idea how much they loathe you.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Mikey »

Martyred wrote:I'll give the Israeli's this much...they're certainly a hell of a lot smarter than Americans.
I wonder if they know the correct usage of the apostrophe.
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Re: Helen Thomas, Patriot and American Hero

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Mikey wrote:
Martyred wrote:I'll give the Israeli's this much...they're certainly a hell of a lot smarter than Americans.
I wonder if they know the correct usage of the apostrophe.
They're smarter than me in that regard, as well.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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