My street

This is Tin Lizzie, a Michigan State bar I go to sometimes. There are better ones, but this one is within stumbling distance.

Mickeys, a competing Ohio St bar across the street. The patrons outside like to belligerently yell things at passers-by. Fukkin' Bucknuts. The place is kinda cool though; it was built around a tree which sprouts through the roof.

The Field House is my favorite local bar. It's a good mix of down to earth locals who really like and know their sports. Cheap beer and sometimes free pizzas.

Clark St, the main drag. Take this north a few blocks and you run into the douchebag festering shithole better known as Wrigleyville.

Biking toward the lake now, passing through the old nature museum.

Back on the path.

North Shore Beach. Very popular and crowded spot. Gotta be on high alert when biking through this sea of people.

This is a big party ship. No, it's not real, it's docked in the sand. I've passed it many times but never went inside. I did today.

Tons of hotties and slick dbags. You take the good with the bad I suppose. This band was atop playing some covers. At the time it was Pearl Jam's Even Flow. Not too bad, actually. I'll sendspace their shit to Derron and blow his mind. I'd also like to point out that I tried my damndest to get some quality teet and ass pics (throughout the ride) but was thwarted EVERY fucking time by one thing or another. My luck today was utter shite. Maybe next time.

Back on the path.

Some sledding hill I felt compelled to ride down.

A view of the abortion that is renovated Soldier Field from atop the hill.

Shedd Aquarium and some other sites.

Zyclone's discounted paddle boat.

Veered off the trail down to a pier.

A fine resting spot to down some water.

Back on the lakefront trail. This is a historic fountain, though I just call it the bigass fountain. I was a good 75 yards or so away from this thing and could still feel the water hitting me. Felt prettay prettay good on this hot day.

A huge tree cracked in half. A massive storm rolled through here yesterday and did quite a bit of damage.

Ahh, solitude.

The black man's beach.

Atop a bridge in Kenwood overlooking Lake Shore Dr to the north. That was the end of the road.