Derron wrote:And while a Republican, he has done nothing to stop the implosion of that state on itself
Dunno where you got idea, but it's patently false. Following the recall election he was all about getting shit done. Problem is, he completely underestimated the power of the CA unions and the CA legislative dems.
Here's what he put on the ballot in a special election shortly after taking office:
Proposition 74, which would lengthen the time it takes for public school teachers to get tenure
Proposition 75, aimed at curbing public employee unions' political spending
Proposition 76, which would limit state spending
Proposition 77, which would strip lawmakers of the ability to draw political voting districts
Had he gone with 76 and 77 first, things might have gone much differently for him. But by calling out the unions, and specifically the CA teacher's union, and packaging them all together, he completely fucked himself. They spent more than $100 million making sure
all four of his measures failed. Sadly, once again our retarded voters believed the talking heads on a commercial, rather than common sense.
Oh yeah, and he may be a Hollywood self-obsessed tool, but the guy believed so much in those four measures that he spent $7 million
of his own cash on ads, billboards, etc.
He's done his share of dumbfuckery, but you can't say that they guy didn't try to unfuck this state.