News Corp: "Net Zero Carbon by 2010"

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News Corp: "Net Zero Carbon by 2010"

Post by Mikey »

:lol: :lol:

I wonder if anybody has informed the folks at FOX News (Green and Neutral?) that the parent company has joined the Dark Side.
We aim to transform our business practices in order to significantly reduce our energy use and carbon emissions. Each News Corporation business unit is on the path to achieving carbon neutrality, net zero carbon emissions.

We will

- Reduce our energy consumption and switch to renewable sources of power when economically feasible

- Become carbon neutral by 2010

- Engage our employees, our business partners and our audiences on the issues of energy use and climate change
“Imagine if we succeed in inspiring our audiences to reduce their own impacts on climate change by just 5 percent. That would be like turning the State of California off for almost a year.”
Rupert Murdoch,
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer,
News Corporation
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Re: News Corp: "Net Zero Carbon by 2010"

Post by smackaholic »

can somebody please 'splain to me how you become "carbon neutral"?

there are folks that are carbon neutral, we call them dead. actually, i guess they emit a bit of carbon while decaying, so maybe they aren't either.

i suppose what murdoch is saying is we could have used 1000 tons of carbon this year, but, we cut back to 500, so, we saved 500 and are therefore "neutral".

fukk you, dumbfukk. no you aren't. nice to see you've signed on with all the whack jobs. wonder how many carbon credits he's buying?

that fukking ponzi scheme should be made illegal yesterday. it's made algore extremely rich, but being algore, one of the dumbest fukks to ever draw breath he still isn't smart enough to just pay a proper hooker and instead goes after masseuses.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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