KC Scott wrote:Onoga is Bush dark - Nothing has changed. Nothing is better. He's failed to deal with big issues (like the economy or the Gulf) while burning up all his political capital on an issue (healthcare) that didn't need intervention - at last not now while we have troops fighting two wars, unemployment over 9% and a debt that's out of control. 99.9% sure unless the Repubs throw another Palin up he's one term and out
I was pretty much content to let you have the last say on this topic without comment, Scott, ‘til mvscal bumped the thread. ‘the hell. Just a couple-o’-three thoughts. Besides, I’m bored.
You DO realize that you’re placing stock in an American Electorate dumber than a whole English college full of Nick-Crisco-climate-change-posts, and stupid enough to elect this Empty Suit to Office in the first place, right? This November’s elections should finally drive a stake into the spectre that is G-Dub and end the President’s tired harangue of “TODDIT” (
the other dude did it).
The Blame Game is simply due to shift. Oturban will have two solid years to harangue a Voting Public – the same one that has an attention span the size of your average Youtube video and is more engaged politically with the pursuit of the next American Idol - and blame a newly-minted Republican Congress for obfuscating “his” Recovery and delaying the Hope and Change that America so clearly mandated in ‘08.
Can’t wait.

out loud.
As for your categorization of the Good Governor...
Sorry, but on her Worst Day, I have trouble imagining Ms. Palin assuming control of our Banks and Financial Institutions; co-opting TWO major American automobile corporations;
quadrupling our Federal Debt; presiding over
double-digit unemployment; signing a quarter of a
trillion dollar “spending bill” in the name of “job creation” and “stimulus” and then having the audacity to ask for more; lobbying for a disastrous job-killing energy bill in the name of junk science and a cross-dressing, fat-assed ex-vice president; having her AG patently ignore blatant racist election fraud; nominating a pair of leftist dyke skanks to sit on our Nation’s Highest Court; alienating our allies, glad-handing our enemies, kow-towing before kings, handing our nuclear capabilities over to the Russkies on a plate AND apologizing to the fucking
French for
American “arrogance”; and playing golf for two solid months before even acknowledging the enormity of the biggest natural disaster in our Nation’s history.
Oh, and not to mention seizing one-sixth of the Country’s GDP in the name of healthcare “reform” AND - back on topic, sorta - suing a sovereign state for passing an immigration bill to, well, enforce
Federal immigration law.
And you truly believe Sarah Palin could do any