View from the room. 1 of 4 pools at the resort...

This is the Yacht Club beach area. I was enjoying a $10 margarita. It was pretty fucking good but not worth $10.

This is me a little wasted and a little gay.

After laying out and drinking a little too much at the pool, Mrs. Rumps and I had dinner at this italian spot in Marble Falls. I had the grilled salmon over a bed of shrimp and ricotta cheese stuffed ravioli. 'Twas fucking good.

After dinner we took in a scenic drive before sundown...

Next morning we ate at this local joint which is kinda famous in central Texas...

This was another pool at the resort just up the road. It was very nice and a lot less crowded. I ordered a burger and fries for lunch. $9 for the meal and $5 for the beer...

After another relaxing morning at the pool, it was time for some golf. Pay attention to the form, fellas. That is how you fire a 76 with two water balls.

This is some cool waterfall shit we had to hit over on one of the holes. Not only that, but you drove between them on a slick, narrow path...

The next day we spent most of the morning and part of the afternoon cruising the lake on some waverunners. I got twisted on that thing and scared the shit out of the Mrs. with my shenanigans.

Later that day we played the resort's natural putt-putt course. It was kinda gax, but cheap...

A souvenir...