I made a huge mistake
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Re: I made a huge mistake
Screwed, I didn't vote for Bush in 2004.
You can feel free to tell us what Barry has done which strengthens the republic ... anytime.
Scott, I'm not saying our republic will collapse soon, in 10 years, in 20 years ... or necessarily anytime.
It might, but I'm not making a call on that.
But what is OBVIOUS is that this administration has weakened the republic with the agenda it is pursuing.
A collapse is brought on by continued erosion and weakening.
I would say the path we are on is quite dangerous and certainly not at all beneficial to the majority of taxpaying citizens.
Sure, some can see their own personal situation as ... just fine, or better than before.
I would never dispute that.
Some have always benefitted from tyranny, yes?
Sort of the point of it.
Barry has taken the worst of Bush - nutzo spending, failure on illegal immigration, failure on foreign policy - and DOUBLED DOWN ON THOSE THINGS.
It's brain damage, dude.
You can feel free to tell us what Barry has done which strengthens the republic ... anytime.
Scott, I'm not saying our republic will collapse soon, in 10 years, in 20 years ... or necessarily anytime.
It might, but I'm not making a call on that.
But what is OBVIOUS is that this administration has weakened the republic with the agenda it is pursuing.
A collapse is brought on by continued erosion and weakening.
I would say the path we are on is quite dangerous and certainly not at all beneficial to the majority of taxpaying citizens.
Sure, some can see their own personal situation as ... just fine, or better than before.
I would never dispute that.
Some have always benefitted from tyranny, yes?
Sort of the point of it.
Barry has taken the worst of Bush - nutzo spending, failure on illegal immigration, failure on foreign policy - and DOUBLED DOWN ON THOSE THINGS.
It's brain damage, dude.
- Screw_Michigan
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Re: I made a huge mistake
We're well aware of that. You're a knuckle-dragging mongoloid. For Whitey, idiocy is a virtue.War Wagon wrote:Fuck you both, I'd vote for him again.Screw_Michigan wrote:Right, after the two times you voted for him? Get fucked.poptart wrote:Dude, I came to hate Bush, the conservative fraud.
Re: I made a huge mistake
And that is a failure of our society and our government. There absolutely should be some form of decent work available to such people. If there isn't, then they're on the dole. Your whinge about some labor being overvalued is hypocritical at best.88 wrote:To be blunt... if all you have to offer is that you attended a free public high school for a year or two and can barely read, you don't have a particularly valuable skill set.
Globalization is not some corporate invention.
Actually what it is is a conspiracy between government and business.
That is the proper function of government in this situation. American workers have not benefited in any way shape or form from globalization. Wages are stagnant. Employment opportunities have fled offshore by the millions. Even traditional unskilled labor such as agriculture and construction have been completely undermined by unchecked illegal immigration. These circumstances might beneficial to the corporate bottom line, but they are toxic to the country.And that isn't going to change unless you: (1) empower a national government to engage in extremely protectionist policies (i.e., prevent global competition);
Corporate globalists need to join lawyers as the first ones up against the wall and shot.
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Re: I made a huge mistake
He IS half white. That's something most n-ig-gers tend to overlook- including Ojigaboo himselfmvscal wrote:Of course you did. He's black...just like you. That makes you fucking moron and yet another mistake waiting to happen.Bobby42 wrote:I voted for Obama.
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
- smackaholic
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Re: I made a huge mistake
RACK the fukk out of mvscal.mvscal wrote:And that is a failure of our society and our government. There absolutely should be some form of decent work available to such people. If there isn't, then they're on the dole. Your whinge about some labor being overvalued is hypocritical at best.88 wrote:To be blunt... if all you have to offer is that you attended a free public high school for a year or two and can barely read, you don't have a particularly valuable skill set.
Globalization is not some corporate invention.
Actually what it is is a conspiracy between government and business.
That is the proper function of government in this situation. American workers have not benefited in any way shape or form from globalization. Wages are stagnant. Employment opportunities have fled offshore by the millions. Even traditional unskilled labor such as agriculture and construction have been completely undermined by unchecked illegal immigration. These circumstances might beneficial to the corporate bottom line, but they are toxic to the country.And that isn't going to change unless you: (1) empower a national government to engage in extremely protectionist policies (i.e., prevent global competition);
Corporate globalists need to join lawyers as the first ones up against the wall and shot.
I remember having the same sort of discussion with my grandfather. He was born in 1898. He got married and raised 2 kids during the depression. He saw america's rise and decline. Dude didn't just read about it in a book. He was there.
Back in the early 90s while he was still around, he said NAFTA and our chumy relationship with the chinks would bite us in the ass.
He pooh poohed the "service economy" fairy tale. He pointed out that this service economy would lead to a handful of rich fukks and a whole lot of poor ones. An industrial economy provides plentiful decent paying yobs he said. 50 years ago, after high school, you could get a yob in the local widget factory and do OK.
I have a question for 88.
What happens when so many of the jobs have been sourced out to the lowest bidder? Eventually, you get to the point where even the hard working skilled folks find themselves out of a job. It is a simple matter of doing the math.
We are pretty much there now. So, why go through all that higher edumacashun if you end up asking folks if they want to supersize it for a living anyway?
So what do we do?
1. We do what we can to simplify/shitcan useless regulation which does nothing more than provide jobs for hacks.
2. We selectively impose tariffs. I would put a huge one on china yesterday. Partly because their slave labor is undermining our work force, partly because they cockblock us diplomatically ever chance they get. North Korea is a problem for one reason. China wants it to be a problem.
3. I would foster trade agreements with countries that work with us and have wage scales in the same neighborhood.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
- indyfrisco
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Re: I made a huge mistake
Capitalism?smackaholic wrote:What happens when so many of the jobs have been sourced out to the lowest bidder?
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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Re: I made a huge mistake
mvscal wrote:Even traditional unskilled labor such as agriculture and construction have been completely undermined by unchecked illegal immigration.
By design.
Turning a "blind eye" to illegal immigration is a government tactic long used to smash the unions of those jobs you mentioned. No coincidence there.
You are correct. That is the nexus of corporatism and State. Of course, the politicians and their billionaire masters that foist this shit on Americans don't live in the congested ghettos, amid squalor and epidemic.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
Re: I made a huge mistake
^ exactly correct.
Anyone who tells you that they would not leave the shithole we call Mexico in order to better provide for their family is lying.
Which illegality is easier to check - that of workers streaming across the border, or that of employers droolingly eager to utilize said workers?
Anyone who tells you that they would not leave the shithole we call Mexico in order to better provide for their family is lying.
Which illegality is easier to check - that of workers streaming across the border, or that of employers droolingly eager to utilize said workers?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Re: I made a huge mistake
Complete, 100% bullshit. That is not how inflation comes about. Don't worry, you're going to see runaway inflation soon enough. Debt monetization is the cause of it. The market for our treasury securities is softening and deficit spending has been quadrupled over the already dangerously irresponsible levels seen during Chimpy's administration. The unavoidable consequence of that is hyperinflation or default.KC Scott wrote: You realize of course that if everything consumed in this country were made in this country we would have runaway inflation.
The Fed can stave off the inevitable with gimmicks for a time but the piper will be paid. It is a stone cold economic fact. And when our economy collapses, we're going to take the rest of the world with us.
The question you should be asking is why anybody should care if Walmart prospers? If you think it's a good thing for American workers to be competing against slave labor in Asia and Latin America, you're a fucking idiot.Why do you think Wal-mart prospered so?
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Re: I made a huge mistake
This is not an either or proposition. We need to do both to get illegal immigration under control.PSUFAN wrote: Which illegality is easier to check - that of workers streaming across the border, or that of employers droolingly eager to utilize said workers?
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Re: I made a huge mistake
A simple look at the 50's should suffice. A couple of short term inflationary periods in that decade, but wages increased faster than inflation. In a period where almost all consumer goods came from the Good Ol' USA.mvscal wrote:Complete, 100% bullshit. That is not how inflation comes about.KC Scott wrote: You realize of course that if everything consumed in this country were made in this country we would have runaway inflation.
If we can't make it here, we don't need it.
Time for some serious protectionism.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: I made a huge mistake
That should effectively collapse the retail industry pretty good.Dinsdale wrote: If we can't make it here, we don't need it.
Time for some serious protectionism.
But agreed.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
Re: I made a huge mistake
KC Scott wrote:And it wasn't the Govt. that caused it - rather a lack of Govt. regulation
You're really making a habit of slinging 100% pure, unadulterated bullshit these days.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: I made a huge mistake
:?Scott wrote:Like it already did (economy collapse) in 2008? That was a watershed event and won't be seen again in our lifetimes.
Scott, as I see it, the fundamental issues which plagued our economy in '08 were ... not fixed.
And if anything, the "solutions" they put forth have just made the problems worse.
I think another collapse is inevitable.
Will it happen in our lifetime?
Can't say for certain, but I would think it will.
Re: I made a huge mistake
KC Scott wrote:Psssst...
Oregon Stoner Needs to Stay on Subjects He Understands - Like Square head Deck Screws and 2:00 AM Hog Calling
Care to explain which private entity, participating in the free market, passed laws FORCING financial institutions into making subprime loans?
Or was that a result of government regulation, at the behest of GOVERNMENT SPONSORED ENTERPRISES.
Go ahead, take your time, H&R Blockhead.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: I made a huge mistake
The one HUGE variable, Scott, is that neither you or I know how long our lifetime is going to be.
We might check out tomorrow.
Never know.
If you want to say an economic collapse will not happen, say, in the next 40 years, I would disagree.
I think there will be a collapse, or a reorganizing of the economy into something much different than what we now see.
We might check out tomorrow.
Never know.
If you want to say an economic collapse will not happen, say, in the next 40 years, I would disagree.
I think there will be a collapse, or a reorganizing of the economy into something much different than what we now see.
Re: I made a huge mistake
KC Scott wrote:Tell ya what champ - go google up Derivatives and Credit Default Swaps and then when you think you're just about ready to sit at the grown up table I'll explain how NO govenrment oversite or SEC visibility into these "products" caused a global economic meltdown.
Fucking Tard
Oh -- so Big Brother didn't put a gun to Fannie and Freddie's heads and make them back stupid fucking loans?
I suppose if you just make "history" up as you go, it's much easier to try and make a point.
CDSs were worthless without a taxpayer-funded fall guy to foist them on... which was clearly ridiculous meddling in the market by an entity (the fed) that had absolutely no business doing so.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: I made a huge mistake
And credit derivatives and default swaps insured and/or hedged against what exactly? Once you are able to provide the specifics you will understand why you just kicked your own ass.KC Scott wrote: Tell ya what champ - go google up Derivatives and Credit Default Swaps and then when you think you're just about ready to sit at the grown up table I'll explain how NO govenrment oversite or SEC visibility into these "products" caused a global economic meltdown.
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Re: I made a huge mistake
mvscal wrote:And credit derivatives and default swaps insured and/or hedged against what exactly? Once you are able to provide the specifics you will understand why you just kicked your own ass.KC Scott wrote: Tell ya what champ - go google up Derivatives and Credit Default Swaps and then when you think you're just about ready to sit at the grown up table I'll explain how NO govenrment oversite or SEC visibility into these "products" caused a global economic meltdown.
SHHHHH!!!!! It's just starting to get funny.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: I made a huge mistake
KC Scott wrote:It could have as easily been any other inflatated tangible asset.
But it wasn't, now was it?
It was in fact one that the fed REGULATED to an unprecedented degree.
And it was one, in fact, that the fed REGULATED with taxpayer assets.
Whose idea was it to make bad loans? It sure the fuck wasn't the banks... they'd done just fine for the last 200 years... right up until the fed REGULATED who they were to loan money to.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: I made a huge mistake
KC Scott wrote:The collateral was irrelevent.

You're trolling now....right? Please tell me you're trolling.
Jesus Christ...
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Re: I made a huge mistake
He's really dancing around the two huge elephants in the room (both have the initials FM).mvscal wrote:You're trolling now....right? Please tell me you're trolling.KC Scott wrote:The collateral was irrelevent.
Jesus Christ...
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: I made a huge mistake
KC Scott wrote:One bad set of federal regulations deserves another.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: I made a huge mistake
It makes you wonder where we would be as a nation had we excercised quality after WWII. We were the #1 manufacturer of consumer goods for such a long time that quality was considered irrelevent. Yet, we sent two experts on quality to Japan after the war to teach them how to build radios so FDR's rebuilding message could be heard throughout the greater Pacific.KC Scott wrote:Capitalism expouses competition whether that's competition for quality or price is for the consumer to decide.
The Japanese embraced the idea of quality and took it to another level. When those two dudes returned to the states and attempted to impement the same ideas to our top manufacturers, they laughed in their faces and told them to get fucked. Then the late '70s hit and we got blindsided by the likes of better products and automobiles made from the very people we taught how to make top-end shit.
The US is the poster child for getting fat and lazy when things are going good. When the shit hits the fan, we trim the fat and get things going again. At some point this vicious cycle will backfire on us and we won't climb out of it. Maybe it's already happened. I'm not sure.
I do know that another big economical breakthrough needs to happen in order for US to stay on top. It was the industiral revolution, then oil, then manufactured goods, now it's been technology for the past 20+ years. Technology is hitting a wall again and again. Fuck the Go Green movement, something else needs to jump start the recovery. Who knows what will be next. Maybe health and wellness?
88 wrote:Go Coogs' (Regular Season Total Points Champ)
Re: I made a huge mistake
I tend to agree with Scott on piss poor regulation. FINRA and the SEC are a joke when it comes to the oversight. They are really more concerned about the OFAC and AML side of things. What comes in must come out, right? Forget the fucking investment itself; they just want to know that the client wrote a check and the BD or RIA did not skin anything from it. The paper trail has become too complex in addition to there being not nearly enough manpower to really investigate the Madoffs and Stanfords of the world.
Sub-prime mortgages were really a drop in the bucket compared to the other investment issues that led to 2008.
Sub-prime mortgages were really a drop in the bucket compared to the other investment issues that led to 2008.
88 wrote:Go Coogs' (Regular Season Total Points Champ)
Re: I made a huge mistake
I don't see how homeownership and the ability to own property are the only way to exercise personal 'freedom'. Harvey pointed that out as a cultural thing, it's bizarre. 'Private' is by definition exclusionary, it's a barrier, it can't really be equated to freedom in any way.88 wrote: I substantially agree with your take. But I think you think I place more importance on capitalism than I do. I believe in individual freedom, which can only be exercised if individuals are able to own property (real, personal and intangible). Market based economies flow from individual freedom. I think you get upset when market based economies produce what you view as social inequities. I see the social inequities too. But I believe that the alternatives (being anything that restricts individual freedom) are worse. Capitalism is the system we use because it is the most efficient. But it is not the only system that could be used, even today. Individual freedom allows groups of individuals to join together and interact in ways that are the antithesis of capitalism. In other words, people are free to engage in any economic activity in any way they choose (e.g., cooperatives, collectives etc.). But they should not be permitted to impress their views on others against their will. Do you agree that capitalism is almost always the most efficient (and ruthless, I admit) economic model?
You've turned an economic system into an ideology and ideology presents itself as 'natural'. The more you try to naturalise your beliefs, the more ideological you become. The only way to break that naturalisation of ideology is to expose its workings, by theorising it.
Look at capitalism - I wouldn't describe it as efficient, it's primitive. The central focus of the system is the fetish of an inanimate object - money, gold etc. Investing yourself in a supernatural relationship with it
The system only functions property when there's adequate shortage. Production capacity is deliberately held back, excess product is routinely destroyed rather than used.
Just now as an example, an additional six or seven percent of the workforce has vanished in the US at the stroke of a pen. They're sitting at home when they want something to do, perfectly good factories are sitting empty and resources abound.
Ideas and human knowledge have become a commodity and are restricted from use in the form of intellectual property when they could be put to work for advancement.
The system is riddled with parasites, drawing far in excess of what they put in.
I could go on and on, if that's your definition of 'efficiency', you should be locked in a padded cell.
I'd say the Soviet and Chinese economies were more efficient, socialism took two farmfield backwaters and transformed them into industrial superpowers in a few decades, it took capitalism two hundred years to do that in the US.
And spare me your Lada takes, I'm not reading them.
Ruthless? meh. Anyone can do that, the drive to industrialisation in the Soviet sphere was extremely violent and coercive. Just ask the Kulaks.
Re: I made a huge mistake
KC Scott wrote:were they not leveraged a hundred times over
You're almost starting to catch on... almost.
Now, if you can simply answer a question, we can be done with it...
Leveraged against what?
I'll give you a hint -- it comes out of your paycheck.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: I made a huge mistake
This is funny.KC Scott wrote:Kind of backpeddling now aren't we O Harbringer of Doom?poptart wrote:The one HUGE variable, Scott, is that neither you or I know how long our lifetime is going to be.
We might check out tomorrow.
Never know.
And what exactly would that be?If you want to say an economic collapse will not happen, say, in the next 40 years, I would disagree.
I think there will be a collapse, or a reorganizing of the economy into something much different than what we now see.
Does it have anything to do with all of us taking the number of the Beast and JC Flying down to kick ass?
I'm sure you were a somewhat normal person at one time - you do know this brainwashing CAN be reversed, don't you?
I've never posted anything in here about end times, the mark of the beast, armageddon, or related topics.
I may have responded to a direct question about one of those things, but never sought to post about it.
This doesn't have to do with that.
This has to do with the @ssclown in the oval office taking a bad economic situation and making it a whole lot worse.
His policies have made it so that the next crisis will be worse than the one in '08.
How do I think the economy might be reorganized in that case?
Well, look at what happened after '08.
Government banks, government auto, government health care, HUGE bailouts to private companies at taxpayer expense, and 3 trillion more in debt.
Not long ago, such actions would have been seen as HIGHLY radical - and especially coming together in just a few month time.
But the sheeple have been desensitized over the years to huge fed government over-reach and unconstitutional actions.
And somehow you seem to be ok with that phallus, so long as KC Scott's personal situation still looks a-ok.
I posted about our republic, the revolutionary war, tyranny -- but it just won't sink in to some folks.
So who knows what sort of economy we will have when it all craters again.
It'll be something that fucks us up the @ss, though, you can bet on that.
Or it may just be that that paper you have in your wallet just isn't worth dick anymore.
Good times.
Re: I made a huge mistake
Yes, Christians generally do believe there will be a mark of the beast that people must take if they want to do business.
I believe that.
God bats 1.000 in fulfilling His Word, so yes, it'll surely happen sometime.
But as I said, this is not about that.
AP asked me that question - "Do you think Barry is the anti-christ," and I told him no, I don't believe so.
I guess some things could happen which would change my view, but I don't expect it.
I believe that.
God bats 1.000 in fulfilling His Word, so yes, it'll surely happen sometime.
But as I said, this is not about that.
AP asked me that question - "Do you think Barry is the anti-christ," and I told him no, I don't believe so.
I guess some things could happen which would change my view, but I don't expect it.
Re: I made a huge mistake
Obama wishes he had the persuasive powers of The Antichrist.
His one-term reign will prove he's been outed as just an empty suit.
His one-term reign will prove he's been outed as just an empty suit.
JPGettysburg wrote: ↑Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:57 pm In prison, full moon nights have a kind of brutal sodomy that can't fully be described with mere words.
- Atomic Punk
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Re: I made a huge mistake
I remember that. Pops and I have discussed this. Onogger is an anti-christ but not THEE biblical antichrist. Maybe enough Barry O's coming in and out will desensitize the crowd to be fooled by the real Jim Jones.poptart wrote:Yes, Christians generally do believe there will be a mark of the beast that people must take if they want to do business.
I believe that.
God bats 1.000 in fulfilling His Word, so yes, it'll surely happen sometime.
But as I said, this is not about that.
AP asked me that question - "Do you think Barry is the anti-christ," and I told him no, I don't believe so.
I guess some things could happen which would change my view, but I don't expect it.
Right now, all of you... walk outside and don't tell me you don't see a morbidly obese male or female out in public. Seriously, go outside and see if I'm not cracking in on the master fisherman in Go Coogs' (grammatical error guy and fool) and tell me you don't see fat fucks rolly-pollying around.
BTW, P90X Day 40 here.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.
Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
- Screw_Michigan
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Re: I made a huge mistake
The only morbidly obese fucks like Papa Willie who live in the District are either tourists or project-dwelling mongoloids.Atomic Punk wrote:Right now, all of you... walk outside and don't tell me you don't see a morbidly obese male or female out in public. Seriously, go outside and see if I'm not cracking in on the master fisherman in Go Coogs' (grammatical error guy and fool) and tell me you don't see fat fucks rolly-pollying around.
BTW, P90X Day 40 here.
- ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
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Re: I made a huge mistake
Atomic Punk wrote:BTW, P90X Day 40 here.
When it becomes a lifestyle instead some some passing fad that you're counting the days of, I'll be impressed. Eventually, you'll stop doing it. You'll hit the bottle again... hard. You'll post stupid shit and contemplate yet another career change/relocation. Rock on, dude.
Re: I made a huge mistake
Paranoia about end times?KC Scott wrote:And it's what has shaped you into this batshit crazy - "the end is coming I just don't know when" paranoia that so many of your ilk seem afflicted by.poptart wrote:Yes, Christians generally do believe there will be a mark of the beast that people must take if they want to do business.
I believe that.
The problem of course is that when you are proven wrong, you'll be dead and I won't be able say "told you so"
Link?God bats 1.000 in fulfilling His Word
:D :D :D
I think you're projecting, or something, Scott, because I've never said word one about such things in here.
I'm not going to respectfully not turn this into a theology thread.
You can look into the Bible some if you care to do that on your own time.
I highly recommend it.
- Atomic Punk
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Re: I made a huge mistake
I've been an employed nurse for almost 7 months. Most of my classmate can't find jobs in Barry O's economy BTW. Oh, and guess what? I don't work @ HD anymore. Shrubber's spreadsheet must be on another website.ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Atomic Punk wrote:BTW, P90X Day 40 here.
When it becomes a lifestyle instead some some passing fad that you're counting the days of, I'll be impressed. Eventually, you'll stop doing it. You'll hit the bottle again... hard. You'll post stupid shit and contemplate yet another career change/relocation. Rock on, dude.
I know you don't workout because you have no idea WTF I'm talking about. It's a challenge and the fat fucks would give up after Day 1. I was listening to Rome today and finished the 1hour and32 minute Yoga X routine 5 minutes before Tony Horton came on the show this morning. I wanted Jim to ask why that Yoga routine was so torturous. Tony said because when you get old you need that routine to keep you from injury. So right. I had to take a week off in the 1st round because I didn't modify until my body adjusts.
BTW, give it a try and you'll thank me at some point. You'll either toss it after Day 1 or you'll keep going. Your tired employment smack, Sue Bird horse, and anything else can pack sand. I've met some of you and many of you are miserable fat fucks. This program works. Give it a shot. Go on eBay and get it cheap. 'Sayin'
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.
Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
- Eternal Scobode
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Re: I made a huge mistake
How do you go from Home Depot aisle guy to...nurse? Androgynous, indeed...
- ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
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Re: I made a huge mistake
Actually, dude, I do work out. At a gym. For the last 20 years or so. Not only that, I used to be an ACE Certified personal trainer and was the GM for a Gold's Gym for about 4 years. I'll pass on your ebay advice to purchase some shitty DVDs that won't tell me anything I already don't know, you pathetic fucking loser.Atomic Punk wrote:I know you don't workout because you have no idea WTF I'm talking about.
With regard to my "tired" smack, you felt compelled to address it on a point by point basis, even covering topics I didn't post about. Why? If I left out anything else, feel free to prance around these as well.
- Eternal Scobode
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Re: I made a huge mistake
But leave the Kodak on the countertop, PLEASEucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:feel free to prance around
- Atomic Punk
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- Location: El Segundo, CA
Re: I made a huge mistake
So you're "Workout guy." I get it now.ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: Actually, dude, I do work out. At a gym. For the last 20 years or so. Not only that, I used to be an ACE Certified personal trainer and was the GM for a Gold's Gym for about 4 years.
Okay I get it... you're "Workout guy."ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:I'll pass on your ebay advice to purchase some shitty DVDs that won't tell me anything I already don't know, you pathetic fucking loser.
Bitch please, just drop it. You are insecure and take smoke breaks between sets. Is that point by point good enough for you, or are you at a tattoo parlor getting one for the neck? STFU fatass.ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: With regard to my "tired" smack, you felt compelled to address it on a point by point basis, .
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.
Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
- Atomic Punk
- antagonist
- Posts: 6636
- Joined: Sat Jan 15, 2005 5:26 pm
- Location: El Segundo, CA
Re: I made a huge mistake
I'm sure he could. I thought this was a "smack board." I keep getting told how I shouldn't take my ass handings seriously, but that only applies to whom? So what is it? Smack board or "has issues" board? BTW, tell MgBlow to drop the Dan Vogel troll. Katy sold him out many months ago. I thought you knew. 

BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.
Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.