ground zero mosque
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Re: ground zero mosque
Watching you take BP swings on yourself is funny.
In the county I live in, approximately 75% of all the police blotter in the county records are Mexicans.
The drug catels shooting it out in the forests and cities over the drug trade are all Mexican.
So, by your logic, we should decry anyone attempting to build a catholic church, since just about all Mexicans are catholic, and use churches as meeting places.
In the county I live in, approximately 75% of all the police blotter in the county records are Mexicans.
The drug catels shooting it out in the forests and cities over the drug trade are all Mexican.
So, by your logic, we should decry anyone attempting to build a catholic church, since just about all Mexicans are catholic, and use churches as meeting places.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: ground zero mosque
I'm not a fan of what our general foreign policy has been over the past few decades.Marty wrote:Fucking get over yourself.
3000 people died. A drop of piss in the bucket, going by the metrics you country has set as a standard.
A couple of buildings went wobbly, so the Earth should stop turning on it's axis because Baby Huey got a boo-boo?
Perhaps you were in a coma for the last 50 or so years, when America set countless countries on fire.
But, they were the "bad guys" and you are "virtuous" and "just".
We have a national defense and ought to use it if the security of our nation is directly threatened or has been attacked.
We've been tangled up in a whole lot of shit we ought not have been involved in.
That said, every place we "set on fire" was going to be set on fire by someone, probably sooner rather than later, because the leadership there was pissin' in the world swimming pool.
So no, we didn't deserve to be hit like we were on 9/11, you limp canadian frenchtard.
Re: ground zero mosque
Lack of character?Dins wrote:heavy religious leanings in any direction tend to indivcate a lack of character and free-thinking
Imo, some of the world's greatest people throughout history have been people of strong conviction in their faith.
Re: ground zero mosque
Oh, I understand the source of your paranoia, Wags, but your distrust and fear of all Muslims makes no sense. We're talking about American citizens practicing their religion.War Wagon wrote:For Mace, the axiom of not placing your hand on a hot stove after you've been burnt seems appropriate.
Throwing a Frenchman into a pot of boiling water would probably cause him to surrender.Or the realization that if you toss a frog into a pot of boiling water he'll jump right out. But if you place that frog into a pot of cold water and then gradually turn up the heat to boiling, he'll sit there until he dies.
Mace seems to be taking the approach that the water is just fine.
Re: ground zero mosque
C'mon mace, the guy who supposedly flew the most technically difficult mission in history--into the section of the pentagon which happened to be undergoing repairs.., etc--was in fact incapable of piloting a simple one-propeller crop duster. Remember? :wink:Mace wrote:Wipe your dripping vagina and understand that no one is minimizing or condoning what happened on 9-11, so don't even go there, you ignorant fucking tard. The people wanting to build the mosque are Muslims....not the terrorists who planned the attack in 2001. To no one's surprise, Islamophobia seems to be running rampant on this board by all of the usual haters. I suspect that the gang activity in NYC is responsible for far more violence on a daily basis that any violent acts committed by the Muslims who intend to build the mosque. Get a fucking clue, dumbfuck, or go hide under your bed.The Seer wrote:Those that minimize the violence done by muslims against innocents and somehow are able to condone that violence by pointing to random solo acts done by individuals are enablers. Enablers because other naive clueless fucks elect clueless politicians that enable violence to reoccur....Those enablers should be the ones that experience the next act of violence by the religion of peace since they create opportunity for more violence.
Perhaps 3000 fellow Americans slaughtered still evokes yawns from you...maybe if it hits closer to home it can dent the concrete your tiny brain is encapsulated in.
Christ you blame all Catholics for Notre Dame having a shitty football team?
The controlled demolition of the ugly WTC towers was designed to shelter wimpy bleating rednecks like you into line--their line!
Go ahead, sing along...
Before God was, I am
Re: ground zero mosque
You're either painfully naive, ignorant, or just trolling here.Mace wrote:Oh, I understand the source of your paranoia, Wags, but your distrust and fear of all Muslims makes no sense. We're talking about American citizens practicing their religion.
It makes perfect sense for Americans to distrust Islam.
It's not just any ol' religion, guy.
Sure, you can find examples of violent extremists in many religions, but the SCOPE and pattern of violence around the world that goes wherever Islam goes does not come close to being matched by any other group.
The goal of Islam is not to assimilate, Mace.
The goal is to conquor and FORCE, ultimately through violence, people to bow to allah.
Or you die.
As the number of members of Islam within a country grow, the more militant and violent they become, as they seek to impose their will and view of how society ought to operate on the other people.
That's the continuing pattern and that is the reality.
If you're cool with Islam, as if it's just another benign religion, you're quite simply out to lunch.
Again, Americans have every reason to distrust Islam and be very wary about it.
Placing a mosque right near ground zero is an "in your face" move, even if the muslims there say that they are not intending it as such.
They CAN do it, legally, yes.
I support the right for it to happen.
It's just a really bad move to do so.
Re: ground zero mosque
If my neighbors ever saw a bunch of men brandishing weapons riding down the street on camels, and those camel jockeys took the time to look at each other, they'd see little red dots on all of their foreheads.poptart wrote:[The goal of Islam is not to assimilate, Mace.
The goal is to conquor and FORCE, ultimately through violence, people to bow to allah.
Or you die.
Oh, I realize that there's a faction of Islam that interpret jihad as meaning just what you say. However, the vast majority of Muslims do not and, in fact, have tried to assimilate in our society. That said, your paranoia is duly noted.
Re: ground zero mosque
Mace, it's bit-by-bit, step-by-step, piece-by-piece.
Overwhelmingly in America, muslims don't show us any kind of threat at all, I agree.
If you look at the history of the Islamic movement, you will see, however, that as their pct. within a given nation rises, so does their violence and their push to impose their will.
Again, this is not just any religion, it is not just any movement, and a mosque being erected very near the site of the single greatest act of carnage ever to take place against Americans -- at the hands of muslims -- isn't being done just by random chance.
Oh, ho-hum ... a mosque.
Overwhelmingly in America, muslims don't show us any kind of threat at all, I agree.
If you look at the history of the Islamic movement, you will see, however, that as their pct. within a given nation rises, so does their violence and their push to impose their will.
Again, this is not just any religion, it is not just any movement, and a mosque being erected very near the site of the single greatest act of carnage ever to take place against Americans -- at the hands of muslims -- isn't being done just by random chance.
Oh, ho-hum ... a mosque.
Re: ground zero mosque
Believe what you want, 'tart, but I don't think that will ever happen in the U.S., and I don't think widespread paranoia and fear should ensue over the building of a mosque. Of course I don't buy into your doom and gloom outlook for our economy and the country either.poptart wrote:Mace, it's bit-by-bit, step-by-step, piece-by-piece.
Overwhelmingly in America, muslims don't show us any kind of threat at all, I agree.
If you look at the history of the Islamic movement, you will see, however, that as their pct. within a given nation rises, so does their violence and their push to impose their will.
Again, this is not just any religion, it is not just any movement, and a mosque being erected very near the site of the single greatest act of carnage ever to take place against Americans -- at the hands of muslims -- isn't being done just by random chance.
Oh, ho-hum ... a mosque.
Re: ground zero mosque
About the economy and country ...
The economy is already at the point of doom.
They've desperately soothed the patient with pain-killers, but much more pain will be felt.
No doubt about it.
Doesn't mean it's "the end," though.
The country is not necessarily doomed.
There may indeed by a resurgence.
The economy is already at the point of doom.
They've desperately soothed the patient with pain-killers, but much more pain will be felt.
No doubt about it.
Doesn't mean it's "the end," though.
The country is not necessarily doomed.
There may indeed by a resurgence.
Re: ground zero mosque
Only because there aren't enough of them here yet.poptart wrote: Overwhelmingly in America, muslims don't show us any kind of threat at all, I agree.
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Re: ground zero mosque
Right again.
poptart wrote:If you look at the history of the Islamic movement, you will see, however, that as their pct. within a given nation rises, so does their violence and their push to impose their will.
Re: ground zero mosque
poptart wrote:As the number of members of Islam within a country grow, the more militant and violent they become, as they seek to impose their will and view of how society ought to operate on the other people.
That's the continuing pattern and that is the reality.
Damn dude -- you need to crack a book other than the bible sometime.
I'd suggest starting with something that covers the Ottoman Empire, then you can maybe shut the fuck up and feel rightly stupid.
But I'll give you a quick rundown -- many of the states that were up for grabs during that turbulent time CHOSE to align with the Ottomans (Muslims), for the very reason that the Ottomans LEFT THEM ALONE, while the other warring factions (like the Byzantines, for example, along with other christian entities) FORCED them to convert-or-die.
But feel free to just make shit up out of thin air, since it's pretty entertaining.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: ground zero mosque
Yes, but Jim Jones and David Korsesh don't typlify Christianity any more than bin Laden typlifies Islam, and a mosque in NYC would not appear to pose a serious threat to Christians, imo, and that will remain my opinion until I see evidence to the contrary. So far, all I see are a bunch of haters living in fear based on their ignorance and bigotry.KC Scott wrote:They do show a higher propensity towards terrorism / extremism to achieve their objectives than any of the other religions - anyone who deosn't acknowledge that is lying to themselves.mvscal wrote:Only because there aren't enough of them here yet.poptart wrote: Overwhelmingly in America, muslims don't show us any kind of threat at all, I agree.
Re: ground zero mosque
Oh? OK, fair enough. How about accepting blatant insults? Is that one of your strong suits?Dinsdale wrote:Succumbing to hate and fear have never been my strong suits.
This has nothing to do with hate or fear. The issue is whether or not we, as a nation, are going accept a blatant insult from Muslim theocrats. I believe in accepting things in the spirit with which they're offered. This smegmatic foreskin of a piss dripping diaperhead should be told to take his mosque and fuck the fuck off.
Believe it or not, there are no monuments in Hiroshima and Nagasaki memorializing the exploits of US Army Air Force B-29 pilots in WW2. No group of British emigres has ever proposed building a statue of Sir Arthur 'Bomber' Harris in Dresden, Germany.
Why? It has nothing to do with the fact that not every American was a B-29 crewman or that not every Briton was Bomber Harris. It has nothing to do with the legal right to construct such a memorial.
Try to guess why.
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Re: ground zero mosque
poptart looks -------> calendarDins wrote:Damn dude -- you need to crack a book other than the bible sometime.
I'd suggest starting with something that covers the Ottoman Empire, then you can maybe shut the fuck up and feel rightly stupid.
But I'll give you a quick rundown -- many of the states that were up for grabs during that turbulent time CHOSE to align with the Ottomans (Muslims), for the very reason that the Ottomans LEFT THEM ALONE, while the other warring factions (like the Byzantines, for example, along with other christian entities) FORCED them to convert-or-die.
But feel free to just make shit up out of thin air, since it's pretty entertaining.
What year is this, 2010?
Just checkin'.
Re: ground zero mosque
poptart wrote:poptart looks -------> calendar
What year is this, 2010?
Just checkin'.
Yeah, I know history isn't a strength of yours... hell you can't even recall the last 24 hours, in which
poptart wrote: If you look at the history of the Islamic movement, you will see, however, that as their pct. within a given nation rises, so does their violence and their push to impose their will.
Might be time to hit the button on the ejector seat, eh... you're a mess.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: ground zero mosque
Uh, wrong. Top to bottom bullshit. Back up and have another go.Dinsdale wrote: But I'll give you a quick rundown -- many of the states that were up for grabs during that turbulent time CHOSE to align with the Ottomans (Muslims), for the very reason that the Ottomans LEFT THEM ALONE, while the other warring factions (like the Byzantines, for example, along with other christian entities) FORCED them to convert-or-die.
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Re: ground zero mosque
You're sadly mistaken, Dinsdale.
Those friendly Ottomans continuously sought to increase their territory by jihad, just as Islam does today.
Those friendly Ottomans continuously sought to increase their territory by jihad, just as Islam does today.
Re: ground zero mosque
The Ottomans left people to their own religion.poptart wrote:You're sadly mistaken, Dinsdale.
Those friendly Ottomans continuously sought to increase their territory by jihad, just as Islam does today.
The christians of the time did not.
I got 99 problems but the 'vid ain't one
Re: ground zero mosque
As long as that religion was Islam.Dinsdale wrote: The Ottomans left people to their own religion.
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Re: ground zero mosque
Sudden Sam wrote: I guess I'm ignorant 'caus eI hate all religions..
No, you're ignorant because you're a gibbering dumbfuck
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
Re: ground zero mosque
mvscal wrote:As long as that religion was Islam.Dinsdale wrote: The Ottomans left people to their own religion.
The Ottoman Empire was, among the nations of the time, the most tolerant of religious expression. Was their record without blemish? No - but they were definitely ahead of the pack - if religious tolerance is something you consider to be a hallmark of civilization, that is. I doubt that tolerance of ANY differing viewpoint is becoming more widespread in contemporary society, sad to say. Too much work.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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Re: ground zero mosque
The Ottomans were Turks first, Muslims second.
Anyone who's studied the history can recognise the distinction to which I refer.
Anyone who's studied the history can recognise the distinction to which I refer.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
Re: ground zero mosque
Check your PM's, Jsc.Jsc810 wrote:poptart wrote:It's more-or-less what I used to say, too.Jsc wrote:While you may be able to distinguish their followers, both Christianity and Islam share something in common: there is absolutely zero evidence for either's invisible sky wizard.
But then I objectively looked at Old Testament Scripture, and prophecies, and looked at the PHENOMENAL fulfillment of that by Jesus, and could not rationally deny that He is in fact the Christ.
In my estimation, one who says there is no evidence has not really looked into those things.
Or if they have looked into it and still deny the evidence, ... well, something else is going on.
Perhaps I missed it. Could you provide the specific evidence that you're talking about?
- War Wagon
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Re: ground zero mosque
Damn, bro... you made that post at 2:10 am. That's way past my bedtime. What, you had to get up and check to make sure coyotes weren't raiding the chicken coop?Mace wrote: Oh, I understand the source of your paranoia, Wags, but your distrust and fear of all Muslims makes no sense. We're talking about American citizens practicing their religion.
No paranoia or fear, but a healthy distrust. And I've seen what an American citizen, a freaking US Army officer, can do while practicing his "religion" at Fort Hood, Tx.
Allah Akbar
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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Re: ground zero mosque
poptart wrote: Check your PM's, Jsc.
Let me guess...Bible passages, right?

How compelling.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
- War Wagon
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Re: ground zero mosque
Hey, at least he didn't post them here so be thankful for small favors.
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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Re: ground zero mosque
Hmmm...good point. I didn't even think of that.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
Re: ground zero mosque
Don't be jealous, Marty.
I can PM you sometime, too.
I can PM you sometime, too.
Re: ground zero mosque
Why not? JSC claims to be a unitarian minister or something. That's what makes him so interesting*Martyred wrote:poptart wrote: Check your PM's, Jsc.
Let me guess...Bible passages, right?
How compelling.
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
- Shlomart Ben Yisrael
- Insha'Allah
- Posts: 19031
- Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:58 pm
- Location: filling molotovs
Re: ground zero mosque
Cuda, I see what you did there....
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.