the new Y opened this week.

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the new Y opened this week.

Post by smackaholic »

I now have a new reason to stop being a fat bastid. Maybe I'll use this one.

This place is pretty frickin' nice. And it's geothermally powered which should delight all you fuggen hippies. Actually, even a knuckle dragging, odd number of chromosome havin' neocon like me can get on board with GT. I think it has much more potential than PV.

There is just one thing that annoys me.

Everyfukkingthing is dumbed down.

The hot tub is a warm tub. My analog, uncalibrated ass tells me it's barely 100 degrees.

And then there's the "sauna". Real nice, cedar lined......and maybe a couple degrees warmer than the warm tub.

I want it to be 1980 again. When hot tubs were hot. Entering a hot tub should be a painful experience. It should involve sounds not unlike TiVO mutters on a friday night with steve, at a lower pitch, of course. After about 5 minutes in it, you should be dizzy. If you're stupid enough to stay to the point of passing out, oh fukking well, another notch on chuck's bat.

Saunas should cause breathing difficulty and on occasion, kill somebody like that one did in finland a few weeks back.

Yeah, such things occasionally result in some fukker getting his ticket punched a little early. Cie la vie or say la vee or however it is you spell it. I seriously doubt any of these fukks would have otherwise lived an extra 30 productive years, anyhoo.

A little bit of danger spices it up a bit. A sauna should be so hot that remaining in it more than 10-15 minutes should be hazardous. I could do a fukking 45 minute spinning class in this one. I don't do spinning classes, btw as they are gax. I much prefer a bicycle that actually takes me somewhere even though that somewhere might be underneath some soccer mom's escalade.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by Screw_Michigan »

You mean your non-muzzie community center? You know that's what it is, right?
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by smackaholic »

KC Scott wrote:Holic, there's no need to feel down
I said, holic, pick yourself off the ground
I said, holic, 'cause your sauna's luke warm
There's no need to be unhappy

Holic, there's a place you can go
I said, holic, when the Jacuzzi won't flow
You can go there, and I'm sure you will find
A way to get this off your mind

Go and ask for an M-A-N-A-G-E-R
You just need an M-A-N-A-G-E-R
They have everything holic needs to enjoy
then you can go hang out with all the boys
that's good.

now work some homosmack in and it'll be great.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by smackaholic »

Jsc810 wrote:Join the water aerobics class. Yes, I'm serious, I've been going for about a year now. Your joints will thank you.
waterclasses are for 67 year old women. they are an awesome workout though, or so an old broad told me.

one other thing.

folks who singlehandedly keep an entire state's surgical community in the black, ought not offer health advice. i realize that said advice is good, but, that's besides the point.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by smackaholic »

Screw_Michigan wrote:You mean your non-muzzie community center? You know that's what it is, right?
The entire

this country is chock full of organizations with religious roots.

the Y is one. So is the entire ivy league. And they are all as secular as any other organization in the country.

Are you saying the muzzie commie center is, dumbfukk?
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

smackaholic wrote:I now have a new reason to stop being a fat bastid.
And you're going to accomplish this through the use of hot tubs, saunas, bikes? :lol:

How about you start with recalibrating your diet and hopping on a treadmill for 30 minutes/day. Don't worry if you're not running, just go as fast as you can for a half hour. If your knees/joints can't handle running, find out what an Arc Trainer is and starting using it.

You're welcome.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by smackaholic »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
smackaholic wrote:I now have a new reason to stop being a fat bastid.
And you're going to accomplish this through the use of hot tubs, saunas, bikes? :lol:

How about you start with recalibrating your diet and hopping on a treadmill for 30 minutes/day. Don't worry if you're not running, just go as fast as you can for a half hour. If your knees/joints can't handle running, find out what an Arc Trainer is and starting using it.

You're welcome.
gave up running about 5 years back after my orthopod said continued running would result in knee replacement down the road. i bike commute now (not as often as i should, but, plan on increasing it). I plan on using the Y mostly for getting in some pool laps. I definitely do need to cut back on the calories. My biggest problem is recreational eating. need to cut back on snacking on garbage just because it's there.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by smackaholic »

rack you, chip. if hanging out with mildred and agnes in the pool at the Y works for you, then (insert deity of choice) bless ya.

i actually did a few of them a long time ago when we lived close to our timeshare that we pretty much used as a health club. and yes, it was an early thirties smackaholic kickin' it with a bunch of blue haired ladies, for the most part. of course, there was one factor here which should give me a pass on being kicked out of the man club for partaking. the class instructor was a cute thick little redhead with a pair of titties that made me think maybe there really is a god.

maybe i will do a class. gotta see what the instructor talent looks like first.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by Mikey »

Wouldn't put my ass in a public hot tub unless it was filled with about 50% Chlorox. Even then, prolly still wouldn't do it because of the chlorine smell.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by socal »

Mikey wrote:Wouldn't put my ass in a public hot tub unless it was filled with about 50% Chlorox. Even then, prolly still wouldn't do it because of the chlorine smell.
Doesn't seem to bother the coons.
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by Bucmonkey »

socal wrote:
Mikey wrote:Wouldn't put my ass in a public hot tub unless it was filled with about 50% Chlorox. Even then, prolly still wouldn't do it because of the chlorine smell.
Doesn't seem to bother the coons.

I didn't think they could swim :?
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by indyfrisco »

Bucmonkey wrote:
socal wrote:
Mikey wrote:Wouldn't put my ass in a public hot tub unless it was filled with about 50% Chlorox. Even then, prolly still wouldn't do it because of the chlorine smell.
Doesn't seem to bother the coons.

I didn't think they could swim :?

And socal, apparently the smell of chlorine does seem to bother...
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by Mikey »

Another Darwin sighting?
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by Trampis »

Jsc810 wrote:Mildred and Agnes are nice, but considering the amount of hardware in my back, any excuse to get in the pool is a good one. Big fan of the pool now.
Fuck me running(FMR). Is that image of your neck or nearer your butt? And what are those things and why are they there?

Ill have to give you racks for having good spirit Jsc.
Bad spelling is a diversionary tactic
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by Dan Vogel »

Wow Jsc810 I didn't know what you've been through. I'm glad the water aerobics has been helpful for you. I started some light workouts about 6 months ago because I was gaining weight and a little out of shape. It's been mostly outdoor jogging or fast walking some stretching and a little light weight work about 4 or 5 days a week in the mornings. I'm not sure what I'll do when the weather gets too cold in the winter. Maybe bundle up because really can't afford a gym now.

I have a miserable life and wish I were dead!
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by Goober McTuber »

Jsc810 wrote:Dan, a gym is not necessary...anything that gets you moving and makes you sweat. Perhaps it could be something that you and your wife would both enjoy.
Sounds like a visit from mvscal.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by Dan Vogel »

Goober McTuber wrote:Sounds like a visit from mvscal.
He'd never visit me and maybe he'll be the one who is visited. Maybe you have a short memory. The board eyes don't go away just because I don't talk about it. You might watch your own step if you don't want to get there to. Some of you here obsess whenever I message. Just forget about me and make your own messages. That's my honest advice for what is good for you. Maybe I know a little more than you do.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by BSmack »

smackaholic wrote:Are you saying the muzzie commie center is, dumbfukk?
You do realize that Islam and Communism go together like Barbara Streisand and the PLO?

Do you?
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by BSmack »

Jsc810 wrote:Image
Wow. You look like Glen Beck. I always thought he was institutionalized when he wasn't on air.

But seriously, props for the comeback.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."

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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by R-Jack »

Jsc810 wrote:Image

It's like a reverse negative of the Underground Railroad.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by smackaholic »

BSmack wrote:
smackaholic wrote:Are you saying the muzzie commie center is, dumbfukk?
You do realize that Islam and Communism go together like Barbara Streisand and the PLO?

Do you?
i was referring to the muzzie community center.

sorry if i confused you. well, no i'm not, actually.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by Goober McTuber »

Dan Vogel wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:Sounds like a visit from mvscal.
He'd never visit me and maybe he'll be the one who is visited. Maybe you have a short memory. The board eyes don't go away just because I don't talk about it. You might watch your own step if you don't want to get there to. Some of you here obsess whenever I message. Just forget about me and make your own messages. That's my honest advice for what is good for you. Maybe I know a little more than you do.
Are you threatening me?
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by Dan Vogel »

I don't threaten people. I'm a good neighbor and I'm not in to trying to bash other people and fake like I'm smarter than others. I'm just telling you how it is and you'll pay attention if you're smart. It's public record that a formal complaint of harassment and threats toward my and my family was made by me to the authorities. So this message board continues to be under pereodic surveillance. And specific members who have made threats have been singled out and looked at. That is just the fact. Just make your own messages and leave me out of it. That is what is good for you and not a threat.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by smackaholic »

sounds like a threat to me, goobs.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by PSUFAN »

Dan, this isn't a threat - but I fantasize about receiving the news that you've taken a Drano colonic. That would make my goddamned day a good one.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by Goober McTuber »

smackaholic wrote:sounds like a threat to me, goobs.
I'll be contacting the authorities on Monday to report the harassment techniques of one Dan Vogel.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by BSmack »

Goober McTuber wrote:
smackaholic wrote:sounds like a threat to me, goobs.
I'll be contacting the authorities on Monday to report the harassment techniques of one Dan Vogel.
He is so in your dome.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."

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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by PSUFAN »

Is Dan writhing in agony yet? Please update. I am so committed to this
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by mvscal »

BSmack wrote:
smackaholic wrote:Are you saying the muzzie commie center is, dumbfukk?
You do realize that Islam and Communism go together like Barbara Streisand and the PLO?
Guess again, you stupid douche. Iran has one of the most heavily socialized economies on planet earth. Saudi Arabia is no different.

The two are like peanut butter and jelly.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: the new Y opened this week.

Post by BSmack »

mvscal wrote:Guess again, you stupid douche. Iran has one of the most heavily socialized economies on planet earth. Saudi Arabia is no different. The two are like peanut butter and jelly.
You're confusing socialism and communism again. Are you sure you're not Glenn Beck?
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."

—Earl Sinclair

"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.

- Antonio Brown
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