Grandma was slow, but she was eighty…
Christ, Scotty, I can only write em. Do I need to call you and
read ‘em to you too?
Since perceptive reasoning gleaned from written language appears to be beyond your capabilities, let’s appeal to your spatial reasoning and take a look at a chart.
The pretty colors should hold your attention:
See all those (?) thingies?
Looks like Mr. Science forgot to erase all those enroute to publishing his definitive proof, which, of course, settles the question of evolution.
BTW, you might wanna make note that
H.neanderthalensis didn’t give rise anyone, save a certain mulelish poster that clearly enjoys having his teeth kicked in on an Internet chat board.
KC Scott wrote:Truman wrote:I took a stand
No you didn't. You straddled the it may be...but maybe not.
Do I need to re-quote all of that
Yes I did. You don’t
like the stand. As for quoting me... Knock yourself out. You’ll creatively parse my words into something that resembles validation of your fence-sitter fallacy, and then I’ll have to log-in and make fun of you all over again.
KC Scott could you argue something you've already said you may agree with?
Probably because you keep insisting that the evidence
proves evolution. No it doesn’t. The evidence
suggests proof of evolution. But this question is FAR from settled.
Hell, you’ve made the same mistake twice in this thread: Care to chuck up that skull pic of yours again and explain how our primitive cousin gave rise to Modern Man? Or maybe that’s just how things work in Blue Springs....
I’ll make this simple. All you need to do is post that
there is Scientific evidence that suggests that man evolved rather than was created and I’ll leave you to making sport of pops while he laughs at you.
KC Scott wrote:You are looking for the corners in a round room.
Yup. And if I find one I’ll pee in it. :P