Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Mace »

mvscal wrote:
Mace wrote: they'll keep trying, but failing.....
They will only fail as long as we continue to fight them. So I hope you can see how your strategy of dropping to your knees and distending your esophagus with as much Muslim cock as you can swallow is not much of a winner.
Of course we'll continue fighting the terrorists, you ignorant douchebag, but we aren't fighting all Muslims. Our fight is with terrorists, not Islam (just as Obama said).
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by War Wagon »

Mace wrote: But have I ever voiced an opinion in favor of denying religious freedom to any group?
Who gives a fuck, that's not the point. You've gotten up on a self-righteous PC soapbox with your head firmly up your ass, not seeing how some would object to a mosque at Ground Zero.

It's not about religious freedom.

Jeez... you voted for Obama and are trying hard to justify doing so again. You really do have a Chicago fetish.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Mace »

War Wagon wrote:
Mace wrote: But have I ever voiced an opinion in favor of denying religious freedom to any group?
Who gives a fuck, that's not the point. You've gotten up on a self-righteous PC soapbox with your head firmly up your ass, not seeing how some would object to a mosque at Ground Zero.

It's not about religious freedom.

Jeez... you voted for Obama and are trying hard to justify doing so again. You really do have a Chicago fetish.
Now you've done it, TWATLIPS! Since when is the Bill of Rights and Constitution considered PC? And the proposed Mosque is two blocks from ground zero.

Btw, I did not vote for if that's any of your fucking business.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by poptart »

Barry is a squishy little fuck and he has a serious disconnect with "fly-over" America.

There is no reason for the nation's leader to lecture the American people on tolerance on the anniversary of 9/11.

It's seriously fucking bizarro world stuff, man.

If he wanted to speak on tolerance, he should have directed his comments toward the MUSLIM world.

Mace, go to any predominantly muslim country and see how tolerant they are of other beliefs.

---- zip

If you think Islam doesn't intend to do the same thing in America, you're simply out to lunch.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by War Wagon »

Mace wrote: And the proposed Mosque is two blocks from ground zero.
At least you didn't say several blocks, as I've seen some apologists try to claim. The very fact you make that distinction shows you're not entirely comfortable with the idea either... or at least you recognize it touches a raw nerve.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Mace »

If you think Islam doesn't intend to do the same thing in America, you're simply out to lunch.
What exactly is it that they intend to do to us?
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Mace »

War Wagon wrote:
Mace wrote: And the proposed Mosque is two blocks from ground zero.
At least you didn't say several blocks, as I've seen some apologists try to claim. The very fact you make that distinction shows you're not entirely comfortable with the idea either... or at least you recognize it touches a raw nerve.
I was just clarifying that they were not intending to build at ground zero, as you had previously claimed.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by poptart »

Mace wrote:What exactly is it that they intend to do to us?
I already told you.

Islam intends to rule America and all of the world
They intend to force all people to bow to Allah, and suppress any who go against it.

In any predominately muslim nation, do you see any pattern different than that?

Do you?
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Mace »

poptart wrote:
Mace wrote:What exactly is it that they intend to do to us?
I already told you.

Islam intends to rule America and all of the world
They intend to force all people to bow to Allah, and suppress any who go against it.

In any predominately muslim nation, do you see any pattern different than that?

Do you?
Maybe that's their intent, but how do you suppose they're going to be able to pull that off? Maybe if I can find me one of those tin foil hats, I'll be able to buy into that bullshit. :roll:
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by poptart »

It's no bullshit, Mace.

It'll take relatively little effort on your part to research Islam.

America is too big and great for Islam to overcome?

Think again.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by poptart »

Here's another way - have an assclown in the oval office who is VERY friendly toward the Islamic agenda.

One of MANY examples - NASA as an "outreach" program to Islamic nations. :?

That's like ... rockets technology and shit, right?
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Mace »

poptart wrote:It's no bullshit, Mace.

It'll take relatively little effort on your part to research Islam.
Oh, I've researched Islam and feel confident that I know how they operate in other countries.
America is too big and great for Islam to overcome?
That's right.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Mace »

KC Scott wrote:
poptart wrote: If he wanted to speak on tolerance, he should have directed his comments toward the MUSLIM world.

Mace, go to any predominantly muslim country and see how tolerant they are of other beliefs.

---- zip

If you think Islam doesn't intend to do the same thing in America, you're simply out to lunch.
Spot on

Mace you may know some pretty decent Muzzies, I do so I take an objective look at the whole.
But what everyone is trying to convey is that those folks are a small part of the entire Muzzie world.

Most every Muzzie nation in the world hate us, including thise we support from a Military / Economic standpoint.
The only reason we're tolerated is we're typically protecting the regime in power from being cut down like corn in October.

What you may not know about the Muzzie culture is it embraces wife beating, genital mutilation, honor killing and rape.
Not that all practice every aspect - but many do.

Any culture not sharing their belief system is considered infidel - and in the Koran Surah 9:5 it reads:
9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
I'm not sure you can read that any other way than kill anyone not believing in Allah
I'm familiar with the things that go on in the Muslim world, Scott, but the conversation is about them taking over our country. It ain't gonna happen, so you and 'tart can come out from under your beds. We don't live in a Muslim country and we are a nation of laws ....laws, and the power to enforce them, that would prevent the things you fear from ever happening in the U.S.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Mace »

Toddowen wrote:
Mace wrote:
Oh, I've researched Islam and feel confident that I know how they operate in other countries.

Add this to your endless research.

BEKASI, Indonesia (AP) ” Assailants stabbed a Christian worshipper in the stomach and pounded a minister in the head with a wooden plank as they headed to morning prayers Sunday outside Indonesia's capital.

Neither of the injuries appeared to be life-threatening.

No one claimed responsibility for the attacks. But suspicion immediately fell on Islamic hard-liners who have repeatedly warned members of the Batak Christian Protestant Church against worshipping on a field housing their now-shuttered church.

In recent months, they have thrown shoes and water bottles at the church members, interrupted sermons with chants of "Infidels!" and "Leave Now!" and dumped piles of feces on the land.
Can you show me even one such incident like this that has occurred in the U.S.? Didin't think so.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Mace »

Toddowen wrote: I wouldn't necessarily say Mace is warped. Probably just cautious. You see, the central scrutinizer has powerful eyes, sesitive ears, and a long nose.

Mace wants to make sure that if the people who decide whether or not he'll be a basball manager next season should happen upon this thread, that they wont read any comment of his that might foul things up for him. He's got to play the game off the field as well as on.

These days, just about anyone managing scholastic sports has to cover every base.

You can be like cautious Joe Girardi and have your post game show in which you are gone over with a fine tooth comb trying to find a snarl. Or you can be a Rob Dibble and make a comment on a blog and have it come back to kick you in the ass.

Mace wants to play it safe.
I am safe, Todd, and I have no intention of joining the Chicken Little crowd.

As for your little story, there may be a sliver of truth in what you say. Anyone coaching or teaching in a public school has to be somewhat guarded with their comments in the media, BUT that's not the case with what I post here. Some of you have an irrational fear of Muslims taking over our country.....and I don't share that fear.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Screw_Michigan »

poptart wrote:Barry is a squishy little fuck and he has a serious disconnect with "fly-over" America.
Because nobody gives two shits about flyover America except for Chicago and maybe God's Cuntry, WI. Tell me you knew.
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You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by War Wagon »

Screw_Michigan wrote: Because nobody gives two shits about flyover America
so that's why Obama has campaigned extensively in the bellweather state for Robin Carnahan?

Go rinse out your jizzmop and try again.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Derron »

KC Scott wrote:
What you may not know about the Muzzie culture is it embraces wife beating, genital mutilation, honor killing and rape.
Not that all practice every aspect - but many do.
They actually start beating their women a bit before they marry son told me he saw 7 year old or so boys slapping around girls, both younger and older in Afghanistan this spring..and saw a "man" beating a woman..they stopped him, jammed a Berreta under his throat to try and make him understand that was not just quite right...real great religion...hard to dispute the quote KC just posted in my opinion...
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Mace »

KC Scott wrote: I thought the conversation was about them attempting to achieve the political objectives I outlined previously through terror.
You kind of moved the goal post when you came in with least that's how I was interpretting the posts of others.
Under no circumstance do I ever see a Muslim flag flying over American Soil.
Of course not. That will never happen but there are others here who seem to think it's possible...or so I interpretted from their posts, maybe incorrectly.
I absolutley could however see a Nuclear device being set off here if a rogue Muzzy Nation (Iran, Syria, etc) had the capability
The war on terror is a never ending process and, yes, it's entirely possible a nuclear device could be the next act of terrorism in the U.S. However, I think the odds of that happening are slim due to two ops and the Israeli Air Force.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Mace »

Derron wrote:
KC Scott wrote:
What you may not know about the Muzzie culture is it embraces wife beating, genital mutilation, honor killing and rape.
Not that all practice every aspect - but many do.
They actually start beating their women a bit before they marry son told me he saw 7 year old or so boys slapping around girls, both younger and older in Afghanistan this spring..and saw a "man" beating a woman..they stopped him, jammed a Berreta under his throat to try and make him understand that was not just quite right...real great religion...hard to dispute the quote KC just posted in my opinion...
I know what goes on in the Muslim culture but it's their culture, not who gives a fuck? We don't have to westernize and Christianize every single culture in the world because, when we try......see the Middle East. Their values/mores/morality are different than ours, and are abhorrent to us, but it's been going on for eternity there, and there are many who do not want to change and who prefer living by their fucked up religious beliefs. Some might say the same for some fucked up Christians at Waco and Jonestown.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Speaking of Ground Zero...

Though this may be hard for some to believe, especially in these sentimental times, the so-called Twin Towers at the World Trade Center were hated by many New Yorkers, who before September 11, 2001 would have been happy if the goddamned things had never been built and after September 11th are glad that they're gone.
Built for an enormous amount of money between 1966 and 1970 by the Port Authority of the State of New York...the Twin Towers were always money-losers as rental properties and required huge subsidies (tens of millions of dollars a year) from the State of New York to remain solvent. Because all of the windows in both towers were sealed up tight...the WTC complex was ludicrously costly to heat and light.
In New York City, obsolete buildings are infrequently saved, whatever their historical or architectural interest. Most often, they are simply torn down and replaced. The only thing that saved the Twin Towers from demolition was the fact that they were filled with asbestos, which would be released into the air if the buildings were destroyed by controlled explosions. In 2000, the Port Authority calculated that it would cost $1 billion -- i.e., much more money than the Port Authority could afford to spend -- to remove the asbestos before the buildings were destroyed. And so the Port Authority was stuck with the Twin Towers, that is, until 26 April 2001, when it found a consortium of business interests (Westfield America, led by Larry Silverstein, the owner of the building at 7 World Trade Center) that was willing to lease the property. Supposed to last for 99 years, the $3.2 billion lease mandated that the Port Authority continue to pay taxes on the property. "This is a dream come true," Silverstein said at the 23 July 2001 celebration of the lease's signing. "We will be in control of a prized asset, and we will seek to develop its potential, raising it to new heights."
And so, quite paradoxically, the mass-murdering hijackers who destroyed the Twin Towers by flying fully fueled passenger airplanes into them did Westfield America an immense favor. Even though Westfield America would obviously have preferred that both the planes and the buildings were unoccupied (save for the hijackers themselves) at the time that the former were used to destroy the latter, the terrorists got rid of the towers quickly, efficiently -- the towers fell down instead of over -- and in such a way that Westfield America didn't have to pay for any of it, including the asbestos, which was "removed" from the site by the wind, the rain and the search-and-rescue teams employed by the City of New York in the months after the buildings exploded, collapsed and gave off thick clouds of toxic dust.

Now consider how the towers were in fact dropped in a controlled demolition manner. Let's start waking the fuck up!

As for Muslims, yes they are basically disgusting. But no more so than your average fundamentalist Christer. Seriously, if you compare a standard Islamic fundamentalist with a Tea Bagger, you'll find the same blustering ignorance and intolerance. The difference is that the Muslim cultures have not based their economies on military production...

The Obama administration is set to notify Congress of plans to offer advanced aircraft to Saudi Arabia worth up to $60 billion, the largest U.S. arms deal ever, and is in talks with the kingdom about potential naval and missile-defense upgrades that could be worth tens of billions of dollars more.

The administration plans to tout the $60 billion package as a major job creator—supporting at least 75,000 jobs, according to company estimates—and sees the sale of advanced fighter jets and military helicopters to key Middle Eastern ally Riyadh as part of a broader policy aimed at shoring up Arab allies against Iran.

Of course the fact of Saudi Arabia spending $60 billion on weapons which they'll never use is pathetic. But that fake "kingdom" is basically our creation after all.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Carson »

Why do you hate yourself?
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by War Wagon »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: Now consider how the towers were in fact dropped in a controlled demolition manner.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

And now let's consider how a flunked novice pilot who had never flown any airplane before suddenly had skills like Col. Chuck Yeager...

Air Traffic Controllers Recall Sept. 11

"The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane," says O'Brien. "You don't fly a 757 in that manner. It's unsafe."
"And it went six, five, four. And I had it in my mouth to say, three, and all of a sudden the plane turned away. In the room, it was almost a sense of relief. This must be a fighter. This must be one of our guys sent in, scrambled to patrol our capital, and to protect our president, and we sat back in our chairs and breathed for just a second," says O'Brien.
But the plane continued to turn right until it had made a 360-degree maneuver." - ABC (10/24/01)

On Flight 77: 'Our Plane Is Being Hijacked'
"But just as the plane seemed to be on a suicide mission into the White House, the unidentified pilot executed a pivot so tight that it reminded observers of a fighter jet maneuver."
"Aviation sources said the plane was flown with extraordinary skill, making it highly likely that a trained pilot was at the helm, possibly one of the hijackers." - Washington Post (9/12/01)

Primary Target
"New radar evidence obtained by CBS News strongly suggests that the hijacked jetliner which crashed into the Pentagon hit its intended target."
"But the jet, flying at more than 400 mph, was too fast and too high when it neared the Pentagon at 9:35. The hijacker-pilots were then forced to execute a difficult high-speed descending turn."
"Radar shows Flight 77 did a downward spiral, turning almost a complete circle and dropping the last 7,000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes."
"The steep turn was so smooth, the sources say, it's clear there was no fight for control going on. And the complex maneuver suggests the hijackers had better flying skills than many investigators first believed." - CBS (9/21/01)

Scuse me, wags, were you laughing at something? :wink:
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by mvscal »

Mace wrote:Can you show me even one such incident like this that has occurred in the U.S.? Didin't think so.

Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by mvscal »

Mace wrote:We don't have to westernize and Christianize every single culture in the world because, when we try......see the Middle East.
Crack a book someday, you stupid fucktard. We didn't try to "Christianize" the Middle East. It already was a Christian culture before the Muslims obliterated it.

The Christian victory at Tours was a response to Muslim aggression. The Crusades were a response to Muslim aggression. The Spanish Reconquista was a response to Muslim aggression. The Christian victory at Vienna was a response to Muslim aggression. Are you divining a common denominator here through the centuries of ceaseless Muslim violence against the non-Muslim world?

Where, exactly, are you getting all your alleged information on the history of Islam?
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

But, Avi, the Middle East had only succumbed to the new official Roman religion of Christer at the threat of death. And then the Christers sought to eliminate ALL vestiges of non-Christer culture, starting with the works of the Greeks and the Olympic Games themselves.

What's your point? That the Christers are any better than the Muslims? But the Muslims SAVED what remaining Greek literature, mathematics, philosophy we have. We are far more in debt to them rather for this alone than any contribution of the Christers to Western society.

As for the New Pearl Harbor Day conspiracy, this is another bald excuse to attack the Muslim world. Look who was relieved..

"Israeli leaders, who have chafed at occasional American criticism of their measures against Palestinians, said the day's attacks would awaken the United States to the threat of global terrorism.
Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, "It's very good." Then he edited himself: "Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy." He predicted that the attack would "strengthen the bond between our two peoples, because we've experienced terror over so many decades, but the United States has now experienced a massive hemorrhaging of terror." - New York Times (09/12/01)
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:But, Avi, the Middle East had only succumbed to the new official Roman religion of Christer at the threat of death.
A blatant lie not to mention irrelevant.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Entirely true and ironically relevant.

What exactly do you dispute? That once the Christer cult had been made the official religion of Rome that good folks like Justinian were tolerant of the local religions? Really? The plain facts prove otherwise. And there's lots of examples of the blind hysterical intolerance of the empowered Christers--then and since--to reveal them to be really about the same as the Muslims. That ignorant Koran-burning Christer preacher, for example, is every bit as pathetic as any ranting mullah you can find. The Oklahoma judge who insisted with tears that the ten commandments belonged in front of his courthouse? Why is he any less insane than a "Death To America" babbling imam?

What's your point again?
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by poptart »

mvscal wrote:
Mace wrote:Can you show me even one such incident like this that has occurred in the U.S.? Didin't think so.

That didn't work out well for you, Mace.

How about Ft. Hood?
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

How about you explain how a completely incompetent flight student suddenly became the most skilled aviator in history?

How about if you explain how the Christers decided ALL of Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, etc., should be immediately burned as humanity properly awaits the advent of the Returning Christ?

How about if you shut the fuck up! :wink:
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by poptart »

LTS TARD wrote:How about you explain how a completely incompetent flight student suddenly became the most skilled aviator in history?
Wad, I don't trust the government account of the events of 9/11 - just as I don't trust the government account of a LOT of things.

Al-Qaeda DID claim responsibility for the attacks, however.

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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Dinsdale »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:"You don't fly a 757 in that manner. It's unsafe."
I see Marcus Allen became an air traffic controller after his days on the sidelines were over.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by Mace »

I guess you're right, 'tart, the Muslims are taking over the country. :roll: Word has it that they've taken Atlanta and are heading north on their camels. You're much safer in Korea.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Dinsdale wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:"You don't fly a 757 in that manner. It's unsafe."
I see Marcus Allen became an air traffic controller after his days on the sidelines were over.
You miss the point, dins. It wasn't a 757 and it sure as hell wasn't being flown by an incompetent flunked out student.

And no, AL Queda never actually claimed responsibility--certainly not Bin Laden--despite the Cheney claims to the contrary.

But the real point is that the inception of the Christer cult as official Roman religion in the 4th century ade had a immediate toxic effect on the entire region--starting with the careful destruction of all non-Christer ("pagan") writings, arts, institutions, religions--including everything connected to ancient Greece. And the Dark Ages began at once. And except for the Jesuits and their restored emphasis on academic values, the Christer cult--as massive as it's become--is every bit as dedicated to ignorance, intolerance, and the arrogant promotion of the same. It is this dire similarity to the recent rise of Islamic fundamentalists to which you must awaken. :wink:
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by poptart »

LTS TARD wrote:And no, AL Queda never actually claimed responsibility--certainly not Bin Laden--despite the Cheney claims to the contrary.
Yeah, you're an idiot.

If inciting people to do that (kill many innocent Americans) is terrorism, and if killing those who
kill our sons is terrorism, then let history be witness that we are terrorists ... We will work to
continue this battle, God permitting, until victory or until we meet God before that occurs.

- Osama bin Laden (October 2002)

Mace wrote:I guess you're right, 'tart, the Muslims are taking over the country. Word has it that they've taken Atlanta and are heading north on their camels. You're much safer in Korea.
You asked for an example of Islamic religious pieces of living shit carrying out violence against "infidels" on American soil and mvscal pointed out the very obvious 9/11.

I also pointed out Ft. Hood.

Look around the globe, Mace.
As the percentage of muslims increase in a given country, the clashes with those not within their group increase.
And if a nation is predominately muslim, it become a COMPLETELTY grotesque culture ruled by dangerous freaks who oppress any other point of view - through violent means.

Knowing this, why on earth would you want to extend an olive branch to that?

Why on earth should our president lecture us on tolerance at any time, let alone on 9/11?

Lecture Islam.

It's those freaks who somehow have an overwhelming need to slaughter people because ... "Somebody burned a book ... *boo hoo*.


You may think America is too big and great, but our country has been weakened considerably since 9/11 - economically and militarily.
You could say that bin Laden has had some success in carrying out his objective.

We're not that strong now and in just one day, we could become a lot weaker yet.
Terror attack, economic meltdown ... something else.

Pride cometh before a fall.

Islam sucks totally, dude.
Don't felch.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Well of course he endorsed it. Is that a surprise? But he never suggested at all that he was involved in the actual attack.

As for the value of Islam, at least it saved whatever we properly base our claim of "civilized" upon. That is, without the (partially) restored classics of Greece--including the literature, philosophy, science and math--by the Muslims (Shiite, btw, in Persia)--which were then translated by Jews in Toledo, Spain...there never would have been a Renaissance of Europe.

Do you get that on one bounce? Without Islam, Europe would have effectively died under the stagnating ignorance and abdication of the Christer cult.

We are completely in debt to our Muslim brothers, regardless of how badly we've abused them in the colonial era, and how badly we've succumbed to the persistent cowardice and fear of the hysterical Christers to this day...

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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by poptart »

Without Islam, Europe would have effectively died under the stagnating ignorance and abdication of the Christer cult.

Clown, wherever the Gospel has gone in, countries have propspered and been better off for it.

Wherever Islam has taken root, ugliness, oppression, and violence has been the result.

Did I mention that you're an idiot?
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

poptart wrote:
Without Islam, Europe would have effectively died under the stagnating ignorance and abdication of the Christer cult.

Clown, wherever the Gospel has gone in, countries have propspered and been better off for it.

Wherever Islam has taken root, ugliness, oppression, and violence has been the result.

Did I mention that you're an idiot?
Well, compare the example of Europe being immediately cast into the Dark Ages when the Christer cult effectively took power around the 6th century


and the "ugliness" of the Muslim culture entering, say, Spain,


Are you kidding?

Name ONE nation that prospered under the forced implementation of the Christer cult--and it was always forced.

European culture recovered despite the Christer cult, not because of it.
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Re: Ground Zero Mosque? (Part II)

Post by BSmack »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Well, compare the example of Europe being immediately cast into the Dark Ages when the Christer cult effectively took power around the 6th century
The Dark Ages had a lot more to do with Germanic and Nordic tribes wrecking havoc on Europe than Roman Christians. Christians took power in the Roman Empire well before the 6th century.
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