SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) - Actor Randy Quaid and his wife are facing burglary charges in California after the owner of the couple's old house reported they had been living there without permission.
A representative of the property owner called Santa Barbara County sheriff's deputies Saturday afternoon to report that squatters had been staying in the guest house illegally. When deputies arrived at the house that evening, they found Randy and Evi Quaid, who said they had owned the property since the 1990s.
The property owner's representative provided documents that showed his client had bought the home in 2007 from a man who had purchased it from the Quaids several years earlier. A contractor showed police more than $5,000 in damages to the guest house that he believed was caused by the Quaids.
Police arrested the Quaids on charges of felony residential burglary and entering a noncommercial building without consent, a misdemeanor. Police also charged Evi Quaid, 47, with resisting arrest.
Bail was set at $50,000 each.
Last September, the couple was charged with defrauding an innkeeper of more than $10,000 as well as conspiracy and burglary after an invalid credit card was used at San Ysidro Ranch in Montecito.
Senior Deputy District Attorney Arnie Tolks had said an invalid card also was used at The Biltmore, a luxury resort in Santa Barbara.
Felony charges were later dropped against Randy Quaid, 59. Evi Quaid pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor count of defrauding an innkeeper and was sentenced to three years' probation. She was also ordered to perform 240 hours of community service.
Randy Quaid won a Golden Globe Award and was nominated for an Emmy for his portrayal of President Lyndon Johnson in "LBJ: The Early Years," but he's perhaps best known for his roles in the "National Lampoon's Vacation" movies, "Independence Day" and "Kingpin."
You'd think there would be enough income just from residuals to keep a roof over his head.
R-Jack wrote:You were thinking about this place when you were logged into this place and reading thread titles in this place?
Do tell.
I thought this place is where R-Jack gets a piece of shit dumped down his throat when mentally challenged ...which isn't a feat isn't it? Are you trying to be an mvscal now? Go PM him and reply at some later time when you wipe off the remaining gizz from the corners of your gaping mouth.
Back to your original post, since you don't take this board seriously and aren't offending when smacked about horses, etc. The answer is "No." How's that? Or do you need to get help?
Atomic Punk wrote:When I read the thread title "Shitter's full?" I was thinking about this place.
What do think of when you're staring back at the pathetic reflection of drunk-assed transexual facing a serious mid-life crisis in a jizz-stained mirror?
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:What do think of when you're staring back at the pathetic reflection of drunk-assed transexual facing a serious mid-life crisis in a jizz-stained mirror?
Snapping a picture and PMing it to a trustworthy board piece?
War Wagon wrote:There is a God and my tomato garden is proof of that.
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:What do you think when...
Anytime you or Tardowned answers, I think nothing of either of you. Is that good for now? Shitter, Twitter, no girl hitter... unless Tard's mom is still alive. I hear she has crabs since PUSFAN now has them. Rumors...
Go Coogs' wrote:"Is PMing a photo of yourself wearing only women's panties considered messageboard suicide?"
"Can PUSFAN use a clean pair of undies?"
IndyFrisco' wrote:
Go Coogs' wrote:Can you read, motherfucker?
Yeah, just with one eye at a time.
Double rack.
kcdave wrote: ↑Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: ↑Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
Atomic Punk wrote:Double posting and YOU are married to a fat fucking hog??? No cred for you.
Can you read, motherfucker?
While I didn't marry $$$ like you or another poster did... yes, I can read with one eye, panties, jizz on the mirror, etc... YOU are THEE joke for marrying what IF's family makes a living on slaughtering to put in the market place to be on my plate for dinner.
So go on with your "takes" that get racked by the worst posters on this board.
You've married a fat slob and then give me shit for something that happened before you signed up here? Hey wannabe noticed? No matter what the dealio, you have to SEE that FAT slob of a woman you've married every damn day. You should be ashamed of yourself and at the same time be embarrassed for marrying potential energy/fuel. No excuse for that.
PSUFAN wrote:Rack rumps. Laughing out loud is always welcome.
I'm pretty sure I said getting racked by the worst posters on this board isn't a good thing in this thread. Then a follow-up by shit troll Tardowned. Also, Goobs called Tardowned out in another thread. Yeah, nothing to see here. Do I need to c&p the link for you TardO? Let me know. You know you are a piece of shit that is too scared to pull the trigger on yourself.
Atomic Punk wrote:YOU are THEE joke for marrying what IF's family makes a living on slaughtering to put in the market place to be on my plate for dinner.
Were you tasered just before you wrote that?
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
PUSFAG, just because you are like the reeking/ranking board member BCS committee of opinions on this website, doesn't make you anything. Do I need to help you along? Yes I do...
You aren't funny... you've never been funny, and you turds can rack each other (see reach around) all you want. You keep chiming in acting like you are something that is respected but you are a boring twat.
I only post here to call out shits for being phonies. I don't come here to make anyone laugh as it's not my intention However, I call out people that are fakes that hook up with other fuck heads that want "board love" like you desire. You want love. Awwwww... Hook up with a FAT woman and it makes sense.
I'm just here to put idiots like you in a line to be flushed. Nothing personal. BTW, "Shitter's full." You have a few hours before you swim with the other turds.
Look man... you've married a FAT hog. Anything you write is nothing. I don't understand why a white male would marry nig-nog fodder. You have no self-shame.
Atomic Punk wrote:Look man... you've married a FAT hog. Anything you write is nothing. I don't understand why a white male would marry nig-nog fodder. You have no self-shame.
If you want, man, I can PM you a picture of her panty drawer. You need a fix?
88 wrote:Go Coogs' (Regular Season Total Points Champ)