Prolly because it didn't happen in California, where we've actually already pretty much succumbed to single provider trash-hauling. ... hills.html
'Tea partyers' oppose trash-collection changes
Valley community's decision to change the
way trash is picked up provided further
proof of how deeply the nation's anti-
government, "tea party"-fueled sentiment is
A decision by the Fountain Hills Town
Council to hire a single trash hauler and
begin a curbside recycling program has
been met with angry protests from residents
who accuse town leaders of overstepping
their bounds and taking a leap toward
Some even likened it to "Obamacare" for
garbage, calling it "trashcare."
An Arizona website affiliated with the
Alexandria, Va.,-based Campaign for Liberty
,, features an intimidating, cigar-
chomping man standing in front of the
town's famous fountain next to a story
about the issue.
And last week, a flier was circulated around
Fountain Hills with an ominous icon and the
phrase, "The Hills Will Have Eyes," and that
claimed the "Fountain Hills Green Police"
checked residents' garbage and recyclables,
and as a result, "you are wanted for
On Thursday, a divided council approved a
five-year contract with Allied Waste Services
to be the single hauler and begin a recycling
program. Residents currently can choose
among five haulers and the town has no
curbside recycling.
That single issue generated a nearly five-
hour public hearing and council debate that
went past midnight.
Fountain Hills Mayor Jay Schlum believes the
angry reaction, which also included e-mails
to the mayor and council, was fueled by this
year's election.
"I don't think people would have been as on
edge had it not been following one of the
more volatile elections we've had in our
country's history, at least as far as I've been
around," he said. "But that doesn't mean
what they brought up isn't valid or anything.
It just added more heat to those arguments."
Peter Bardow, an opponent, said the issue
isn't about politics, but about taking away
his and other residents' right to choose their
own trash hauler. "I feel like you're forcing
homeowners-association regulation and
homeowners-association enforcement on
me," he said.
Fountain Hills is home to two tea-party
groups - Fountain Hills Tea Party and
Fountain Hills Tea Party Patriots.