Are kids in America really hungry?

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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

88 wrote:
mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Though derived from corn, fructose is metabolized in our livers and is not recognized as sugar in our brains, leading to increased hunger and over-consumption.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Total bullshit.
mvscal is right, yo.

I think LTS TRN 2 might have intended to make reference to high-fructose corn syrup, which some critics blame for obesity notwithstanding a complete lack of evidence supporting that contention:

What do you mean I might have intended to make make reference to high fructose corn syrup? I put it right up front.

All you offer however is the Wikipedia link which ONLY offers this as per the question of its dangerous effects:

"The Corn Refiners Association has launched an aggressive advertising campaign to counter these criticisms, claiming that high-fructose corn syrup "is natural" and "has the same natural sweeteners as table sugar". Both sides point to studies in peer reviewed journals that allegedly support their point of view."

So...big money corporate PR campaigns are all you need to assure you that they're not just looking out for maximum profits while saying fuck you to the consumers?

Try actually examining some of the studies which are not conducted by corporate whores, okay? Then check back.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by R-Jack »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:So...big money corporate PR campaigns are all you need to assure you that they're not just looking out for maximum profits while saying fuck you to the consumers?

Try actually examining some of the studies which are not conducted by corporate whores, okay? Then check back.
If you think that sugar interests have no stake in the studies you believe, you are a fucking idiot.

My gut is with you on the detremental effects of HFCS, but the notion that the scientific beliefs you believe are not backed by any corporate entity is laughable.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by mvscal »

88 wrote:Fructose and High Fructose Corn Syrup are two different things.
No they aren't. Table sugar (surcrose) is 50/50 fructose and glucose. HFCS is more like 55/45. HCFS is sweeter than table sugar and cheaper so it may be that people are eating more of it than is healthy but that's an individual choice not a corporate conspiracy.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

You pathetic parrots are worthless. Do you actually live by the spoor you spew? Who could?

Fructose requires a different metabolic pathway than other carbohydrates because it basically skips glycolysis (normal carbohydrate metabolism). Because of this, fructose is an unregulated source of “acetyl CoA,” or the starting material for fatty acid synthesis. This, coupled with unstimulated leptin levels, is like opening the flood gates of fat deposition.

Should Fructose Be Eliminated From the Diet?

It’s not that you should eliminate fructose from your diet, but you should be aware of how much you’re consuming. After all, fructose is the primary sugar found in fruits, which provide valuable nutrients. In this case, a little fructose is fine. It becomes a problem only when someone consumes high levels of fructose or HFCS, which is now present in virtually all commercial foods.

Check the Food Labels

While there is no way of knowing exactly how much HFCS is in a given product, you can read the food labels to gauge sugar levels. So, for example, if HFCS is one of the first ingredients listed (in soft drinks or syrup, for example), it is safe to assume there’s a lot in the product. If HFCS is in the products you buy, make sure it is either low on the ingredient list or that the products list very few total grams of sugar (which is how HFCS is shown on ingredient labels).

Leptin tells your body to stop eating when it’s full by signaling the brain to stop sending hunger signals. Since fructose doesn’t stimulate glucose levels and insulin release, there’s no increase in leptin levels or feeling of satiety. This can leave you ripe for unhealthy weight gain.

Okay, Babs, you've just been pounded ...again...

As for the notion that sugar companies are trying to ...force producers to stop using HFCS? funding prejudiced studies?...Are you a total fucking clown, R-Jack? Or just a dutiful puppet?
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by mvscal »

In mammals, sucrose is readily digested in the stomach into its component sugars, by acidic hydrolysis. This step is performed by a glycoside hydrolase, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of sucrose to the monosaccharides glucose and fructose.
Were you trying to make a point?

The bottom line is that too much sugar is bad for you. It doesn't matter if it is too much table sugar or too much HFCS.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

That's true--"white death" table sugar is essentially as bad as HFCS, but the fact that the huge processed food corporations have amped up the danger by shamelessly pumping the far more dangerous--though cheaper--HFCS into the mainstream food supply is in fact a crime against humanity--if they know that it constitutes a serious threat to public health--which it clearly does--and they do.

Obviously regulations are necessary to PROTECT THE PUBLIC. What is your problem? Isn't it obvious that mere profit in sales is nothing to the welfare of the actual people--you and I and all our families, etc? Or what, you just hate the word "welfare"? 8)

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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by mvscal »

HFCS isn't "far more dangerous" than table sugar. That is total horseshit.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Mikey »

Food processors dump loads of salt and HFCS/sugar into their products to make them "taste better". After eating this shit for a while you become desensitized to it and your taste buds come to expect it. Check the labels on stuff you buy and you'll be amazed. Why TF whould anybody need added sugar or HFCS in apple sauce, or salt and sugar in peanut butter? Even a lot of salad dressings are loaded up with HFCS.

Get off the processed shit, cook your own meals from raw foods and avoid the processed crap. After a while when you try that shit you'll wonder why it's so salty / sweet.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by R-Jack »

mvscal wrote:HFCS isn't "far more dangerous" than table sugar. That is total horseshit.
Well look who said it. Even he doesn't believe it.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:table sugar is essentially as bad as HFCS,
Felcho is a KYOA artist who has taken a fairly agreeable point (refined sweeteners ingested in large quantities is pretty fucking bad for your health) and managed to fuck it all up. Unless one really wants to learn how to live on a steady diet of monolithic stupidity and organic cum, his opinion is pretty much worthless.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Nowhere do you offer any actual refutation of my basic assertion. As usual you make some playground catcalls and run away. Pathetic.

The obvious fact of HFCS's horrible effect upon the human body is plainly demonstrated in all manner of independent scientific studies. The ONLY resistance to this comes from corporate sponsored "studies" (which are clearly being funded to find a desired conclusion--or lack of conclusion), exactly as with the fatuous Climate Change denialists.

Now, we can understand how a shameless corporate fuckstain would want to do anything to maximize profits, but.....what's your excuse?

Why do you automatically sidle up and march along dutifully to the sleazy corporate line? huge corporations eagerly lay off hundreds of thousands of American workers and ship their jobs to Third World cooolie nations. And you're taking their side? Disgusting.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Says who, asshole?

The facts--the actual hordes of obese Americans waddling dutifully to their pricey diabetes meds are all with me. Who's with you...Himmler? :wink:
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Mace »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Says who, asshole?
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Trampis »

Hungry kids are good for farmers. The more kids you can define as hungry, the more tax dollars get pumped into farmers pockets through free school meal programs.

So, on the one hand, you have a culture(farmers) that revels in self-determination and hard work and looks at disgust at those that need public assistance. Yet farmers are eager to have all the food assistance programs the government can think up, be it domestic or foreign aid. :meds:
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by BSmack »

Trampis wrote:So, on the one hand, you have a culture(farmers) that revels in self-determination and hard work and looks at disgust at those that need public assistance. Yet giant agribusiness is eager to have all the food assistance programs the government can think up, be it domestic or foreign aid. :meds:
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Exactly, b-smack. The massive interlocked corporations--from agribusiness to McDonalds, etc.--LOVE the prospect of perpetually hungry kids, and because they are essentially amoral (at best) they don't care about the disastrous effects on the nation's health.

For example...

D.C. Public Schools in the last two years have taken in more than $1 million in corporate rebates -- referred to by some as "kickbacks" -- paid by giant food manufacturers as an inducement to place their brands on kids' cafeteria trays at school.

Documents I obtained through the Freedom of Information Act show that Chartwells, the company hired by D.C. Schools to provide food services at 122 schools across the city, through February of this year had declared $1,076,738 in rebates it received since its contract began in the fall of 2008. That represents 5 percent of the $18.7 million in purchases Chartwells billed the school system during that period. Under federal law, Chartwells is required to credit D.C. schools for any rebates it receives.

Food manufacturers use the rebates as an incentive to entice purchasing agents to buy certain products over others for school meals. Rebates sometimes are referred to as "kickbacks" because powerful food service companies such as Chartwells expect to receive them, much the way grocers expect manufacturers to pay to have their goods displayed prominently on supermarket shelves.

Critics charge that the rebates -- also referred to as "volume discounts" or "buy backs" -- act as a tool in the campaign to imprint processed and often sugary food brands in the minds of young children. Rebates help explain why kids in D.C. schools routinely are served sugary cereals such as Kellogg's Apple Jacks and snacks like Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, Otis Spunkmeyer muffins, Pepperidge Farm Giant Goldfish Grahams, and flavored milk from Cloverland Dairy that has nearly as much sugar as Coke or Mountain Dew.

The fact that HFCS increases the "always hungry" feeling is beyond dispute. The motive is similarly obvious.

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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:The fact that HFCS increases the "always hungry" feeling is beyond dispute.
...if that's all you eat. Any sugar will have the same metabolic effect.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by smackaholic »

Mikey wrote: Get off the processed shit, cook your own meals from raw foods and avoid the processed crap.

just don't eat as much of it as slim does.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Wolfman »

Here ya go---kill 'em and grill 'em ! whack 'em and stack 'em---screw that "processed" meat.

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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by BSmack »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Otis Spunkmeyer muffins
Still one of the worst names for a food item ever.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:The fact that HFCS increases the "always hungry" feeling is beyond dispute.
...if that's all you eat. Any sugar will have the same metabolic effect.

First, the HFCS amplifies the hunger effect much more than regular sugar, and the sheer amount of it being added to all manner of food has steadily risen--along with the galling obesity crisis in this and other nations. It's not just candy and soft drinks. The notion that there's no difference--"sugar is sugar"--is simplistic and evasive--and patently false.

With the latest reports associating HFCS to increased pancreatic cancer and finally learning that the body handles fructose differently than regular sugar, allowing cancer cells to proliferate and actually promote growth, do you understand you are a pathetic Rusp Limpdick parrot? And extremely unpatriotic.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Mace »

Oh, go fructose yourself.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

'Sup? You down some "electrolytes"? Better chug some HFCS right away! :D

(warning: this cool looking slick marketed crap will kill you)
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: Better chug some HFCS right away! :D
Does that curb your hunger pangs until you are able to chug some High Fructose Man Syrup, Felchco?

I'm sure you're also able to derive some secondary nutrition from the partially digested fecal debris. Stand tall!! You are well on your way to being a uniquely evolved parasitic organism inhabiting bath houses and naval vessels around the globe.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

I piss on you daily. You run like a punk always...

Gee, let's do the math

So, anything to add on the consolidation of gigantic food manufacturers and their blind obeisance to the "neoliberal" policies of massive profiteering at the world's expense?

Of course're a shallow twit with no perspective or scope on any subject, nothing but half baked racist snipes and Limpdick parrotings. What a punk.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Carson »

Your new avatar suits you better, Felchco.

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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Dinsdale »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: What's this, more corporate whoring? That is, you ass clowns just automatically start parroting the corporate line? "No proof of Climate Change!" "More study necessary to connect cigarettes to cancer"...."High fructose corn syrup is just sugar--there's no difference"...

Problem is, ALL of the reputable science is my side--and ONLY the paid shills are on yours.

Eat up, fat boy

Hmm.... the guy who falls for every freaking conspiracy theory that any tard cares to toss down the pike falls for this one, too?

If by "corporate whores," you mean the gut-busting laughter that the American Medical Association responded to this drek with.

And anyone who has even the most rudimentary knowledge of chemistry, microbiology, or anything else along those lines.

What's in "high fructose corn sugar" again?

It's a fairly even mix of fructose and glucose, which is known as sucrose when they form a weak molecular bond.

Take a big guess what's in that bag of C&H you have sitting in your cupboard?

Yeah, it's a fairly even mix of fructose and glucose... sucrose.

Honey? Is nearly chemically identical to "high fructose corn syrup." The bees must be in on the massive corporate conspiracy.

While I'm no fan of Monsanto monopolizing American agriculture, and wish it would stop, I'm certainly not going to try and rewrire the basic laws of chemistry/science to make my point (sup global warming crowd).

Anyone who tells you your digestive system can tell where the sucrose it's digesting came from should be mocked and ridiculed, not worshiped as some outer-of-corporate-evil, since they just made shit up and lied right through their teeth to you.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Yo dins, the similarity argument seems plausible--and the Corn Refiners Association just loves it. But it doesn't hold up..

A Princeton University research team has demonstrated that all sweeteners are not equal when it comes to weight gain: Rats with access to high-fructose corn syrup gained significantly more weight than those with access to table sugar, even when their overall caloric intake was the same.

In addition to causing significant weight gain in lab animals, long-term consumption of high-fructose corn syrup also led to abnormal increases in body fat, especially in the abdomen, and a rise in circulating blood fats called triglycerides. The researchers say the work sheds light on the factors contributing to obesity trends in the United States.

"Some people have claimed that high-fructose corn syrup is no different than other sweeteners when it comes to weight gain and obesity, but our results make it clear that this just isn't true, at least under the conditions of our tests," said psychology professor Bart Hoebel, who specializes in the neuroscience of appetite, weight and sugar addiction. "When rats are drinking high-fructose corn syrup at levels well below those in soda pop, they're becoming obese -- every single one, across the board. Even when rats are fed a high-fat diet, you don't see this; they don't all gain extra weight."

As for the seeming identical qualities of HFCS and honey, consider that when bee keepers attempt to feed their bees HFCS the bees get sick.

You're at least honest about acknowledging the bigger problem of the HFCS assault on the public--namely the consolidation of mammoth food corporations. Monsanto is indeed perhaps the worst but there's others plunging ahead with the same amoral rapacity.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Carson wrote:Your new avatar suits you better, Felchco.

A head of stone.

Constantly being shit upon.
Consider...the great Spinoza in stone...just being...and indeed being shit on by pigeons. Okay, now consider how these "pigeons"are today's scared racist ignorant squirming Tea Baggers, etc., and Spinoza's truth, while disrespected, remains solid beneath. So as with this palsied forum do I maintain an accurate and pressing perspective on the world while pigeons like you and the other Limpdick "dittoheads" cluck and coo--and do your poo-poo. Get it? :wink:
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Carson »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, now consider how these "pigeons"are today's scared racist ignorant squirming Tea Baggers, etc.,
Jew-hater says what?
JPGettysburg wrote: Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:57 pm In prison, full moon nights have a kind of brutal sodomy that can't fully be described with mere words.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Spinoza is the greatest philosopher, period. All human rationality leads to and from him. And I certainly don't mean to sound religious in offering such an accolade. The fact that he was a Jew is of course completely irrelevant. He was promptly excommunicated by the Jewish society at age 23. Bear in mind, there has never been a great religious Jew in history--or can you name one? And I don't mean Moses :D

But to your kneejerk assumption that I hate Jews, this is of course complete bullshit. I certainly don't like the monotheism of the Jewish religion--but of course the vast majority of Jews are not religious at all--certainly all the great ones we love and enjoy. Similarly, I'm clear on my disgust for Zionism, which I regard as being virtually identical to Nazism. But as one should always bear in mind when approaching this subject, the vast majority of Zionists are not Jews at all, but rather Born Again Christers--of the particularly ignorant variety, like Palin, Hagee, etc. There's nothing hysterical or bigoted in my attacks, despite the auto-smear reactions of the ankle biters on this forum.

Now, back to the topic at hand...I notice a standdown and apparent surrender concerning the difference between HFCS and the standard white death table sugar as per my clear unrefuted evidence. This is a no brainer, but the real issue is the giant food corporations ratcheting up the amount in all manner of products.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

You are as rigid and idealogical as those you claim to loathe...perhaps more.
Your argument does not even proceed from polite discourse.

I doubt you have any friends in real life, but if you wish to make us surrogates, I won't deny you that.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by nostra »

Mace wrote:In my part of the country, there's no reason for any school age kid to go hungry during the school year. Over half of them qualify for free meals at school and many more qualify for a reduced rate. The school serves a healthy, and usually tasty, lunch for $3, which I've been eating since I began working as a substitute teacher. I think breakfast is $1.75, so there is no excuse for anyone not eating.

When my kids were younger, I used to make up a lot of pancakes on Sunday afternoon, freeze them, and then the kids would throw some in the microwave every morning before school. Pretty easy and better than eating a couple of Poptarts. A lot of parents don't have the time, or take the time, to make sure their kids eat properly before heading off to school.....and some are just too damn lazy to feed them or even make sure they're heading to school.
Do you fuckin' know how many people an aborted baby would feed? Do you?
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Mace »

nostra wrote:
Mace wrote:In my part of the country, there's no reason for any school age kid to go hungry during the school year. Over half of them qualify for free meals at school and many more qualify for a reduced rate. The school serves a healthy, and usually tasty, lunch for $3, which I've been eating since I began working as a substitute teacher. I think breakfast is $1.75, so there is no excuse for anyone not eating.

When my kids were younger, I used to make up a lot of pancakes on Sunday afternoon, freeze them, and then the kids would throw some in the microwave every morning before school. Pretty easy and better than eating a couple of Poptarts. A lot of parents don't have the time, or take the time, to make sure their kids eat properly before heading off to school.....and some are just too damn lazy to feed them or even make sure they're heading to school.
Do you fuckin' know how many people an aborted baby would feed? Do you?

That would depend on how big the baby. Right?

Good to see you around Nostra.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Martyred wrote:You are as rigid and idealogical as those you claim to loathe...perhaps more.
Your argument does not even proceed from polite discourse.

I doubt you have any friends in real life, but if you wish to make us surrogates, I won't deny you that.
I'm a compassionate anarchist.

Really? And was Spinoza similarly rigid? (Think carefully :wink: )
As for "polite discourse".. :lol: ...tell it to Bibi as he plows through the West Bank

Of course you pretend to have a rational base beneath your silly quips and sarcastic snips...but really, where is it?

You've never once offered any actual defense or criticism of the Zionist state or the American government's shameless obeisance thereto. You've never actually taken a real position on anything. "Compassionate anarchist"? What's that, someone who smiles wistfully at the site of a traffic jam?
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Trampis »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Spinoza is the greatest philosopher, period. All human rationality leads to and from him. And I certainly don't mean to sound religious in offering such an accolade. The fact that he was a Jew is of course completely irrelevant. He was promptly excommunicated by the Jewish society at age 23. Bear in mind, there has never been a great religious Jew in history--or can you name one? And I don't mean Moses :D...
That Don Rickles guy is a pretty funny Jew.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

But not religious. Neither was Lenny Bruce, Leonard Bruce, or Sandy Koufax. You don't get it, do you?
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by BSmack »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:But not religious. Neither was Lenny Bruce, Leonard Bruce, or Sandy Koufax. You don't get it, do you?
Koufax passed on pitching Game 1 of the 1965 World Series because it fell on Yom Kippur. But no, he wasn't religious or anything. :meds: ... ax_yom.htm
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Yer right of course, but the fact remains that Koufax only served to undermine his team--just like the runner in Chariots Of Fire--betraying all that is meant by team and honor. And sure, Sandy achieved his great five year run--and with numbers that are right at those presently of Tim Hudson and Roy Halladay--was anointed his proper immortality. Okay..he is an exception. A great Jew who was religious in some practicing form. But...unless you still don't get it, shall I I roll off a list of a hundred or so great Jews--all of them, cept Sandy 8)--who were not in any way whatsoever religious. Do you even know what religious is in this sense? Do you know what a Hasidic is? Well is sure ain't Gershwin :wink:
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Mikey »

You're forgetting Hank Greenberg.
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Re: Are kids in America really hungry?

Post by Trampis »

Hows the old Steven Wright joke go?

One day I got on the bus, and when I stepped in, I saw the most gorgeous blond Chinese girl. I sat beside her.

I said, 'Hi', And she said, 'Hi', and then I said, 'Nice day, isn't it?'.

And she said, 'I saw my analyst today and he says I have a problem.'

So I asked, 'What's the problem?' She replied, 'I can't tell you. I don't even know you.'

I said, 'Well, sometimes it's good to tell your problems to a perfect stranger on a bus.'

So she said, 'Well, my analyst said I'm a nymphomaniac and I only like Jewish cowboys... By the way, my name is Denise.'

I said, 'Hello, Denise. My name is Bucky Goldstein.'.
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