KC Scott wrote:Chiefs pass D was just shredded - and Cassell still sucks.
Can;t imagine why they didn't give Brody Frail a chance to get some plays and determine if he's salvagable
Cassell does suck but this loss wasn't on him. And it's just one loss, regardless of the score or how it happened. I'd rather lose a game like this, one in which they were never in, rather than losing like they did at Oakland and Houston and to some extent Indy, games they could have easily won.
No, you don't misunderestimate another NFL team, regardless of the record or what's happened in the past few weeks. Ask the NY football Giants about that.
Props to the Mules for coming out fired up, like I suspected they would, and laying the wood to the Chiefs. This will either be a wake up call for KC or a death knell. I'd like to think the former.
And no mule fan who were calling for their team to lose badly had better open their traps about it. Fucking pussys. Why even bother to click submit when you were already in submission mode.