It's a great ad...couldn't figure out what it was for until Kobe showed up on the screen.
Kinda funny that David Stern doesn't like the ad.'s not like Gilbert Arenas was on the screen pistol-whipping a Wizard teammate or anything.
And the winner for best commercial is....
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Re: And the winner for best commercial is....
Rack. Great fucking ad!
First saw this commercial a couple of weeks ago and I guess I don't watch enough NBA to have caught Kobe's cameo. Needless to say, this game never had a prayer of making it under the tree - my boys pre-ordered it months ago!
First saw this commercial a couple of weeks ago and I guess I don't watch enough NBA to have caught Kobe's cameo. Needless to say, this game never had a prayer of making it under the tree - my boys pre-ordered it months ago!
Journalism Scholar Emeritus Screw_Marcus wrote:Oh OK, so what's legal and what's not determines if something is right or not?