you still don't get it, bri. having never served in the military, i can see why. what i can't see is fukkers like terry that have being on the same side, likely because it's the political view of their team.BSmack wrote:The Israelis never had those problems you speak of. At least not to the point where they couldn't still whip the fuck out of the entire Arab world with one yarmulke tied behind their back. And lemme check, have we lost any battle engagements recently where women have been involved? I didn't think so.smackaholic wrote:apples and oranges. blacks and whites are still all guys. guys for the most part get along. add a few females into the mix and now the guys have something to fight over. this is a universal truth that goes back before recorded time. it is true with humans and every other species on the planet. it's not a simple matte of getting over cultural prejudices.BSmack wrote:Folks said the same thing when we started integrating blacks into combat units. Then they realized that a black guy could stop a bullet just as easy as a white guy. Maybe some of the backwards ass fucks who populate our military barracks should think about that before they get their APs in a bunch.
the israelis have to had problems with it. doesn't mean they can't still whip the entire arab world
Only of the backwards ass homophobes in the unit can't unfuck themselves. And if they can't, they should find another line of work.when you add gays to the mix, you have the same problem. it's not rocket surgery, really.
it's not about homophobe, dumbass. it's about closely mixing people with sexual attractions to one another which leads to issues.
Which was probably not a bad compromise in 1993. But we're past that now.DADT, IMO was a common sense rule that was adapted which allowed gays to serve ,so long as they kept it quiet. it was basically making official, what was pretty much the case anyway prior to DADT.
no, we are not. human behavior particularly when it comes to sexual relations has not changed. it's how we are fukking wired from the factory
Sorry 'holic. This isn't the 1950s. You can't try to pass off "separate but equal" as policy anymore. The remedy is simple. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and whatever you call those folks who fly shit need to snap to attention, salute and unfuck themselves of any previously held prejudices. It happens every year to more than a few racists. It can happen just as easily with homophobes.the bottom line is that the purpose of a military is not to provide careers for people. the purpose is to have an organization that can knock the FUKK* outta somebody that needs it. GUBMINT*'s job is to make this organization work as efficiently as possible. females and gays take away from this efficiency by introducing potential conflicts within the group. when they talk about esprit de corps or unit cohesion, it is a nice way of saying that two guys banging the same chick tend to not be the best of pals.
some try to make the claim that the military is actually improved because it increases the size of the talent pool. i might buy that argument for women if at the same time they didn't lower the bar for them.
not saying that women or even openly gay men shouldn't be banned from the military in general. i am all for them filling logistical and medical billets ashore or "in the rear".
* all caps added just because i know it annoys truman.
hears a simple question for you. let's say it is your 19 year old daughter serving aboard the ronnie raygun. tomorrow, the DoD announces that as a cost cutting measure, berthing compartments and showers are going co-ed. would you have an issue with this? do you not see how this is similar to having openly gay men share very cozy living arrangements with straight ones? would you tell her, this ain't the fities, honey, suck it up?