ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
My take is that I don't listen to that anymore. I can only listen to a song "x" amount of times before I get sick of it.
Let me see if I understand your reasoning.
It doesn't really matter how good the music is or was, once you've heard it "x" amount of times, it becomes shit, worthy only of contempt. So like your statement that you haven't wanted to listen to Zep for 20 years, it doesn't matter how long it's been since you've last heard it... the music has died, forever relegated to the dustbin of history. You're sick of it. It can never be worth listening to again and is to be avoided.
That about sum it up?
If so, what a bland, featureless, dying world you live in. Caged in by your prejudices, you wander around refusing to ever really like anything, knowing full well that sooner or later, you'll get sick of it.
Scott asked you the same question I did and never got an answer to: What do you like?
It's plain to see why asking you that question is irrelevant.
that was a reasonably well put together post. sure is a whole lotta P-word stealin' up in this bitch lately.
as for his favorite, it really doesn't matter. next week it will be old and stale and he'll never listen to it again.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
KC Scott wrote:Afraid you may catch some grief for your Justin Beiber fetish?
About as afraid as you are to steal someone else's ridiculous IKYABWAI. You flipping KC tards love my smack so much, you're trying to emulate me. Bravo, Scott. Bravo. Just stay away from my junk... okay?
War Wagon wrote:Caged in by your prejudices, you wander around refusing to ever really like anything, knowing full well that sooner or later, you'll get sick of it.
Crack open a dictionary and try rewording this sentence. If I liked something for years, how in the fuck can I be prejudiced against it? Furthermore, you're confusing disdain with disinterest.
Life is short, dude. Things do have a shelf life. We have a shelf life. Don't be afraid to open your eyes to the world around you. You're probably missing out on things.
Goober McTuber wrote:You really have to watch the whole thing. Seriously.
What the hell?
Where was it recorded, Branson or Dogpatch? Please don't tell me Nashville.
If I saw something like that I would just say it's fucked up and leave it at that.
It's bluegrass, not country. A band called Poor Man's Whiskey. I might order that CD to replace DSOTM in the rotation.
that was pretty damn cool, goobs. didn't really care for the intro much, a better banjo picker could have really done something with that section, but, the uptempo main part was tits.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.