OCmike wrote:That line of thinking is what gave us WWII.
So what you are saying is that prior to WWII we were spending as much as the next 4 or 5 nations combined? Can you back that statement up?
Thanks for helping show that you don't even understand the military on a basic level.
I don’t have a spreadsheet on you so I didn’t know you were in the navy. So what I was supposed to figure it out from the psi of your boiler?
And no, my ship should not have been scrapped, it should have been properly maintained so that it could safely fulfill it's mission .The LHA class, though gas hogs, were the most versatile ships in the Navy.
An Amphibious Assault Ship that was launched sometime in the 70’s was indispensable to our mission. For what? Besides Somalia?
They sported two five inch guns, carried cobra gunships, Harrier jump jets, twin rotor troop carrying helos, as well as LCAC hovercrafts that were deployed out of the rear of the ship, the latter of which could be used to deploy the 2,000 marines we carried with us for amphibious operations.
Blah Blah Blah.
Because of the sheer size of the ship, it was also used in humanitarian missions, such as in Somalia in 91-92.
You have GOT to be kidding. That’s what you think we need to spend 660+billion a year on?
Sorry, dude, but I have to spice things up with some random idiocy. Otherwise your Link?/strawman/liar! posts are far too spectacularly dull to bother to respond to.
So you won’t back up what you say, you won’t use logic and there is no need for you to tell the truth? I now believe you were in the military.
Here's a few: radar gave us microwaves and nuclear bombs gave us nuclear power, military jets gave us jet airliners, military satellites gave us satellite TV & Radio, the cia gave us the internet, centrifugal pumps gave us hydroelectric power, etc, etc et-fucking-cetera
You are kind of dumb huh?
I know the things the military has made. Geez arguing with you guys is like playing chess with a monkey.
I was insinuating that A) That shit could easily have been made using cheaper and less destructive means B) Free enterprise is a better way to go to get it than the Gov and C) how many people have to die for you to pop some corn?
Good gawd you are dumb.