Goober McTuber wrote:Oregon is a truly fucked up state.
Now you're catching on. Wasn't a big deal, until somehow it became the destination for the tit-to-tomb transplant crowd, who unfortunately get to vote.
And outside of Portland, Eugene, and Salem, people don't vote fopr the stupidity. Unfortunately those metro areas make up the huge bulk of the state's population. Ask the folks on the other side of the mountains how they feel about big-city land use laws that still apply in the middle of the desert.
You do have opportunities to clean up your deficit on the backs of your government workers. Just not the K-12 teachers.
Therein lies the rub -- it's the battle cry of the big-government folks... anyone who is opposed to bloated government and its runaway spending is immediately branded as someone who hates teachers, cops, and firefighters (the latter two have their own unions and pension plans anyway).
And heaven forbid anyone proposes a ballot measure with tax cuts or a referendum on a new tax bill -- the fatcats, without hesitation immediately turn to "we'll have to fire teachers and state police."
I couldn't even tell you the exact moment things got away, but at some point in the 90's, something went horribly wrong (in no small part because the feds decided they were better able to dictate timber harvests than the state was, and that was the state's bread-and-butter since the beginning of time)
Appreciate the link.
What's insane, is that the guy who started the downward spiral, believing the taxpayers were a bottomless pit to be milked at will, decided to run again, and the idiots here actually voted for him. And I'm not sure, but I think other states budget differently -- in Oregon, each agency gets to... and no, I'm not making this up, but it's going to sound like I did... but each state agency
gets to make up its own budget... no, really. The governor then takes all the agency budgets, and
allegedly "reviews" them. By "review," I mean "says OK, no problem." The it gets approved by the legislature -- there is some stupid law that says the budget "must be balanced," but the catch is they're making the budget over two years out, and they have no idea what revenues are, and they come up with the "projected revenue" figure
after they make the budget (I think they claim otherwise, but your link showed how "transparency" works around here). And the last time the legislature denied any request for "free money" was... right around never. And since the actual revenue never adds up to the budget... guess what the Salem Einsteins do next... you'll never guess?
I won't even insult you with the answer -- it's just a matter of "who." Last time, it was the "evil corporations" -- and the tards voted for it, even after it was explained to them how C and S corps work... didn't matter. Yup, they voted in taxes for all corps, including C and S, which make exactly zero profit every year... but it's better than that -- they even made the tax increase
retroactive... and no, I didn't make that up either -- corps had to pay more for the previous year. Pretty business-friendly climate we've got going -- yet the Elite can't figure out why unemployment is off the charts (and so many people have used up the benefits, many have estimated the actual rate for the state at 20%+).
Quick example -- my buddy wants to move his winery, so he can expand it. The land-0use clowns won't let him do that unless he plants at least 15 acres of grapes immediately. Buying/leasing a building with a couple of thousand of square feet in the boonies so its cheap is one thing -- starting a major agricultural enterprise while attempting to expand an established business is another -- and is proving to be too onerous to overcome (although that requirement depends on all kinds of convoluted zoning and location and land-designation, and 5000 pages of other shit). Hell, if reading the related paperwork and filling it out wasn't a full-time job, maybe he could get into a place and be done with it, expand production and... crazy thought...
hire people. But that's not Oregon's way.
I bring this longwinded example up since it's relevant to what's in your link -- it takes a huge staff of 6-figure state (and local) administrators to decide how many thousands of forms someone starting/moving/expanding a business has to fill out, and another few 6-figure administrators to decide how they should go about it.
Once the power gets top-heavy, don't look for those in charge to vote themselves out of a cushy job that offers a
pay raise upon retirement.
Let it be a word-to-the-wise in other states. Never let a state's budget grow at a rate greater than the increase in state GDP. Here' the state budget has averaged right around a 7% increase per year (although its done in bienniums), for at least the last 16 years -- since our idiot governor's first go-around.
Oh, and BTW -- this is a "sancuary state," and illegal aliens get free health care, across-the-board.
But BSmack says we're not broke, so it must be true.