Still, gonna miss the OU Invitational (aka Big XII Championship Game) played at Arrowhead every third year. WHOLE buncha talent sportin' red made the trip North for that one....
Journalism Scholar Emeritus Screw_Marcus wrote:Oh OK, so what's legal and what's not determines if something is right or not?
Still, gonna miss the OU Invitational (aka Big XII Championship Game) played at Arrowhead every third year. WHOLE buncha talent sportin' red made the trip North for that one....
That can't be true... just listen to the way Harv tells it. OU has no hot women while he ignores that between 1/3 and 1/4 of the student body is from Texas.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
Still, gonna miss the OU Invitational (aka Big XII Championship Game) played at Arrowhead every third year. WHOLE buncha talent sportin' red made the trip North for that one....
That can't be true... just listen to the way Harv tells it. OU has no hot women while he ignores that between 1/3 and 1/4 of the student body is from Texas.
BSmack wrote:I can certainly infer from that blurb alone that you are self righteous, bible believing, likely a Baptist or Presbyterian...
Miryam wrote:but other than that, it's cool, man. you're a christer.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Okay, Sunny, yer cards are on table as a flat-out Christer.
A mook self-monikered as Sirfindafold takes issue with ‘Coasty’s pics?!
MY only issue is that all those sweet, hard-bodied hotties are about my daughter’s age. But I’ve seen their mama’s at Arrowhead[/pron’s jackoff smilie]…
Coupla reezons why OU will always hold my rooting interest: My best RL pal is a dyed-in-the-wool Sooner. I still revere the memory of Billy. And the class Sooner Ladies I’ve encountered at the OU Invitational tailgates over the years have always been plus one.
Good people. Nice folks. Great fans. And I hate like hell that we get you WEEK 4 in Norman next year.
Journalism Scholar Emeritus Screw_Marcus wrote:Oh OK, so what's legal and what's not determines if something is right or not?
Truman wrote:
MY only issue is that all those sweet, hard-bodied hotties are about my daughter’s age.
It's called "compartmentalizing" and it works like a charm. You must learn this technique.
Good people. Nice folks. Great fans.
At the end of the 2007 Big XII Title game I got a call from orcinus at what I'm guessing was a watch party at his Springfield trailer. In the midst of my despondence, I got serenaded by a whole room full of drunken, heathen Sooner honks. Far from angering, it was funny as heck and cheered me up... sorta'. It's been hard to stay mad at Oklahoma since.
Hell, I had Orc's pa runnin' smack on me over the phone that night.
Got to meet his family at a half-marathon I ran with Orc down in Spring-town. Anyone who doubts the elevation of Ozark "mountains" needs to go fuck themselves.
VERY good folks.
Journalism Scholar Emeritus Screw_Marcus wrote:Oh OK, so what's legal and what's not determines if something is right or not?
War Wagon wrote:At the end of the 2007 Big XII Title game I got a call from orcinus at what I'm guessing was a watch party at his Springfield trailer. In the midst of my despondence, I got serenaded by a whole room full of drunken, heathen Sooner honks. Far from angering, it was funny as heck and cheered me up... sorta'. It's been hard to stay mad at Oklahoma since.
It's funny how fans of the team that beat yours to a pulp always treat you nicely, eh?
Ahh, the trusty old, "If you claim it, it will come." Haven't seen that tactic pulled here since Kaley was run. Birds of a KC shitfeather flock together.
War Wagon wrote:absurdly grotesque pineapple face.
How does Norv Turner have anything to do with this?
kcdave wrote: ↑Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: ↑Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
I don't have to be tough to put you in your place, just pragmatic.
You have some problem with my posts, that's clear. You like nipping around at my heels for some reason that 6 years of training hasn't cured... even though you've been tossed a bone or two.
War Wagon wrote:You have some problem with my posts, that's clear. You like nipping around at my heels for some reason that 6 years of training hasn't cured... even though you've been tossed a bone or two.
Well, gosh, Whitey. Here I thought all along we were just a couple of e-pals funnin' with each other on a smack board. I had no idea that all this time you've been... hurting inside. I've been insensitive, and I'll try to back off.
A mook self-monikered as Sirfindafold takes issue with ‘Coasty’s pics?!
MY only issue is that all those sweet, hard-bodied hotties are about my daughter’s age. But I’ve seen their mama’s at Arrowhead[/pron’s jackoff smilie]…
Coupla reezons why OU will always hold my rooting interest: My best RL pal is a dyed-in-the-wool Sooner. I still revere the memory of Billy. And the class Sooner Ladies I’ve encountered at the OU Invitational tailgates over the years have always been plus one.
Good people. Nice folks. Great fans. And I hate like hell that we get you WEEK 4 in Norman next year.
2nd....great times in Norman. Very hospitable fans who thank you for coming.
I have all seasons, both movies and their Christmas special on DVD. I have yet to watch the Christmas special, but I never really got tired of watching them. The end of Countdown to Liquor Day was awesome I thought.
Yeah, I got a little worn down with Ricky and Julian. Same shitbirds doing the same shitscams. I always liked Bubbles throughout the series. However, around season 3 or 4, Lahey became my favorite charachter. Lahey's real daughter was the bitchy redhead skank who went from chunker to trailer park queen by series end. I thought I read somewhere they are thinking about making another movie.
Lahey is one of the best television characters of all-time. But I thought the whole gay dynamic between him and Randy was a mistake. I just don't think they should have "went there."
I'm just glad they never actually "did" anything other than the occasional comments. Lahey's gay obsession with Julian, as well, was disturbing. Normally, I won't make time to watch shows with gayshit in them, but TPB is one where the gayshit was overwhelmed by the genius in the rest of the show.