Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Problems come to us.
Family problems. Money problems. Health problems. Work problems. Personal issues we hide and can't tell anyone about. Stress that won't end.
We try to position ourselves to avoid the issues.
And when they come to us anyway, we try many ways to tame them or lessen their impact on us.
But plug one hole and another one opens up.
A bigger one.
Finally, despite SO much effort, things really crash in on people in a very big way.
If you look carefully at people you can see it.
Because people try very hard to hide the anguish they have.
They try to put on a good face and they hide.
They all lie.
They are suffering badly.
There is no human method to solve what has come upon us.
Because it is a spiritual problem which has landed on us.
Don't be deceived any longer and take the Answer God has freely given to you.
Ephesians 6:12
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Re: Ephesians 6:12
This world of ours has made more material progress in the last century than in all the millenniums which went before. Almost everyone knows the reason. Students of ancient history tell us that the intellect of men in those days was equal to the best of today. Yet in ancient times, material progress was painfully slow. The spirit of modern scientific inquiry, research and invention was almost unknown. In the realm of the material, men's minds were fettered by superstition, tradition, and all sort of fixed ideas. Some of the contemporaries of Columbus thought a round earth preposterous. Others came near putting Galileo to death for his astronomical heresies.
We asked ourselves this: Are not some of us just as biased and unreasonable about the realm of the spirit as were the ancients about the realm of the material? Even in the present century, American newspapers were afraid to print an account of the Wright brothers' first successful flight at Kittyhawk. Had not all efforts at flight failed before? Did not Professor Langley's flying machine go to the bottom of the Potomac River? Was it not true that the best mathematical minds had proved man could never fly? Had not people said God had reserved this privilege to the birds? Only thirty years later the conquest of the air was almost an old story and airplane travel was in full swing.
But in most fields our generation has witnessed complete liberation in thinking. Show any longshoreman a Sunday supplement describing a proposal to explore the moon by means of a rocket and he will say, "I bet they do it-maybe not so long either." Is not our age characterized by the ease with which we discard old ideas for new, by the complete readiness with which we throw away the theory or gadget which does not work for something new which does?
We had to ask ourselves why we shouldn't apply to our human problems this same readiness to change our point of view. We were having trouble with personal relationships, we couldn't control our emotional natures, we were a prey to misery and depression, we couldn't make a living, we had a feeling of uselessness, we were full of fear, we were unhappy, we couldn't seem to be of real help to other people-was not a basic solution of these bedevilments more important than whether we should see newsreels of lunar flight? Of course it was.
When we saw others solve their problems by a simple reliance upon the Spirit of the Universe, we had to stop doubting the power of God. Our ideas did not work. But the God idea did.
With all the horseshit around here, you'd think there'd be a pony somewhere.
Re: Ephesians 6:12
Nice, yes.