Felix wrote:so I'm assuming he's produced a scientific study (peer reviewed of course) that supports this? Of course not....he's a fucking hack with a bachelors degree in geophysics
like I said, listening to a bunch of uninformed mooks
Felix, Felix, Felix...
He's just echoing what...
NASA observed 40 years ago... right up until they were PAID to say otherwise.
Dude, crack a book. Scientists know a shitload about astrophysics, and there's reams and reams of books on the subject which all say the same thing. But suddenly you want to toss out what we
know to be true, because it doesn't gibe with what some people
want to be true?
Yeah, that's "science."
And since the scientist
on the other side of the aisle don't have the gall to dispute the wavelengths of CO2 absorbtion of radiation, you might wanna back off on this one. Research upon resarch has been done on the subject for decades and decades, and the numbers always come up the same. Yet now that they blow some people's theories/agendas out of the water, they must be wrong?
But let's take this debate down to a much, much more fundamental level, and toss out CO2 wavelengths and other such shit...
Let's just stick to rudimentary
First, let's start with the end of WW2 -- the reasons being many: A much larger percentage of the world became industrialized, fossil fuel consumption began accelerating rapidly, and our information gathering techniques (and the interest in gathering it) improved dramatically.
Can we agree on that?
Thought so.
In the ~65 years of that period, it's estimated that human-released CO2 has risen by a factor of around 6 (600% increase), in an accelerating curve.
Fair enough.
Atmosperic CO2 has risen by about 28% in that period, give or take a bit.
And in those 65 years, the earth has been in a warming trend for 23 years of the 65, and in cooling trends for the other 42.
Simple fucking logic -- if there is a large correlation between atmosperic CO2 levels driving earth's temperature, there's logically only one conclusion that can be drawn...
That CO2
COOLS earth's temps.
Simple fucking logic.
Now, if you wanna go out on a limb and say that the extra CO2 that's released by humans could
possibly have a slight æffect on earth's normal climate swings, you'd get no arguments from me. With the
little bit we do know for fact about the atmosperic systems, this seems pretty reasonable, and could almost qualify as "likely."
To say it "causes" it is ridiculous, a logical fallacy that falls flat on its face, and frankly -- has been disproven to all but the "True Believers."