Felix wrote:I get the idea that a lot of people here would simply prefer that we stop all scientific study of climate change
Another great example of KYOA.
Yeah, continue the study, as long as everyone toes the party line, and of course, anyone who doesn't is a "hack."
And whatever study is done, it has to be edited by a bunch of party-line-toers, and the original data from the "study" gets desroyed before any of the Evil Deniers gets ahold of it -- for these peole, "peer-review" is a good thing... as long as they get to choose the "peers."
Felix wrote:scientific study
I laughed.
"Science" involves coming up with a hypothesis, studying as much on the subject as possible, and taking
all alailable data into account, to either solidify or dismiss the hypothesis.
The Alarmists do no such thing -- this is inauguable. If they find data that doesn't fit into the preconceived goal, it's thrown out and the word "hack" is attached to it -- sound familiar?
But when the person who signs said scientists' paycheck wants the numbers to come out a certain way, you get people doing things like "hide the decline" and other such shit.
I mean, let's look at this "scientific study" -- involves computer models. Among the many, many unknown variables in the atmosperic system is aerosol solar forcing. Since no one really knows what numbers to plug into the models, since that science is still in its infancy, the modelers
run the computer models to end at a predetermined number, then use the results to come up with a constant to plug back into the same model... this is not up for debate, either -- it's exactly how the IPCC folks, et. al. came up with their numbers. That's not "science" -- it's a parlor trick. But of course, it becomes fact, since certain people have decided that there's a set of goalposts to be split, "even if we have to redefine what the peer-review process is!"
And which one of those models has even been in the same area code as what came to be? That's right -- none of them are even close. Yet, solar scientists published papers that predicted warming and cooling trends 30 years ago, based on what they learned from studying solar science -- and somehow these fuckers nailed it 30 years ago...
"Wow, when we put more temperature reporting stations in urban areas, the overnight temps skew the results. The obvious solution is to... take down all of the reporting stations in canada, and replace them with urban stations in Europe -- that should make our numbers reallyreallyreally reliable."
And then they sell rubes on the idea that "the more CO2 we pump into the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect is going to be amplified proportionately," even thought this is an absolute, complete, proven impossibility.
Let me teach you some really super-basic SCIENCE, Felix -- for any observable effect/phenomenon that a scientist wants to explain, they gather data and formulate a hypothesis. And here's where "science" has somehow been redefined -- read closely...
If continued observation of data doesn't match what you've predicted according to your hypothesis -- then your hypothesis is wrong.
Period, EOS.
Yet somehow, "back to the drawing board" has been replaced by "redefine what the peer-review process is," and "HIDE THE DECLINE!" Then they start "smoothing" data (I still can't believe you said that... I don't think the term "smoothing" means what you think it means) and dismissing other data to make their miles-off predictions appear true?
That's not "science," it qualifies as "scam."