War Wagon wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:There's plenty of money for Medicare and Social Security as well.
If there were any doubt as to how psychotically delusional you are, this removes it.
88 wrote:
You don't get it, Wags. LTS TRN 2 wants marginal income tax rates on income above $250,000 to be set at 90% or higher. Then, he figures that all the tycoons will just work harder to get their 10% return on risk, which will flood the public coffers with gazillions of dollars, which the elites in government can freely dispsense, lifting all of the boats in the harbor. Fuck man, the previously-poor will dine on caviar in free lunch programs and roses will grow out your ass. This kind of logic has worked every time it has been tried. For the good of the environment, the government will prohibit the use of carbon fuels. We won't be able to make or transport anything. But who really cares, because we won't need any jobs. The Koch brothers will pay for everything... at least their estates will. They will be frog marched into a re-education camp for their own good.
mvscal wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote: Do you know anything about "capital flight"?
Do you?
Capital flight is the inevitable consequence of overregulation of business and overtaxation of individuals.
Okay, briefly, what we've got here is a circle-jerk of a fool, a fake, and a hysterical fraud.
Wags, you foolish fellow, the plenty of money required to keep Social Security and Medicare going indefinitely is to be found both in the river of cash we're pouring down the drain in Afghanistan and Iraq, etc., as well as the grotesque degree of theft committed by the deregulated Wall St. shysters. Simple as that. You can argue the Medicare needs serious reform--and I'd agree--but you'll find that the utterly shameless profiteering of the insurance industry
and Big Pharma is the place to fix the obvious huge problem.
Avi is a total fraud who simply talks asinine nonsense. Capital flight is essentially criminal--corporations--not individuals--funneling vast amounts of money out of
any nation's economy tax-free. It's a colossal dilemma which is at the base of the current world economic meltdown.
SS is a goose-stepping idiot who rants obnoxiously simplistic "libertarian" jargon and can't actually debate anything.
From Glenn Beck and Old Man Potter, to Reagan and Ariel Sharon, their sources and role models are a freak show of disgraceful lunatics and criminals.
Wake the fuck up!