ucant wrote:So, 1 year of 'taking it in the ass' against a substantially higher cap is not worth 3 other years of totally getting over against a lower cap?
Your issue with the Seymour deal is that it damages Oakland's ability to improve their team NOW.
But you don't see the irony in playing that card when the Pats may very well be damaging their
own cap freedom in a future year by having guaranteed money paid out to a guy who may be giving you NO performance at all at that time?
As I noted, Oakland has no first round draft pick to pay for in '11.
They will also very likely not have Nnamdi to pay for - who would gobble up a LOT of coin.
Not only that, they don't have, as many teams have, large money being paid out to their QB.
Point is, they can AFFORD to pay their most important defensive player the money they are paying him - for two years.
That's why they DID it.
I'm well aware of how most free agent contracts are structured - and backloaded.
But why don't you look at the 2010 free agents.
http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2010/03/04/2010 ... y-tracker/
Now it's true that most all of the 'star' free agents are given 4 or 5 year deals, but the
majority of free agent deals are 3 years or under.
A two year deal like Seymour got, for a player of his caliber, is not the norm.
But Seymour is on the older side, and most teams don't have the
ability to be able to pay out on a two year deal the way the Raiders do right now, due to their
own current salary 'freedom' situation - as I explained earlier.
At any rate, as I said, teams all over the league have a couple/few guys who they are paying major coin to in any given year.
You pretty much can't avoid it.
I'm NOT ragging on NE for the contract they gave Wilfork.
It's not unusual.
I'm just saying that such a deal
also has a downside risk associated with it - which can kick in at a later time.
Bottom line here is, Oakland is NOT damaging their ability to improve their current team by signing Seymour to this deal, imo.