Papa Willie wrote:Goober - I've never really known if you're a liberal or not. I guess you are. Tell me - why do you guys let these tea-baggers bother y'all so much? Is it because their main message is that they want less gov't? I'm ALL for fucking less gov't, though I'd really consider myself a lot more of a Libertarian than a tea-bagger.
Still - I find it kind of amusing how they piss y'all off so bad. :D
Tea-baggers don't piss me off. I posted this thread for shits and giggles. Governor Wanker pisses me off, but that's just because he is the worst kind of political hack. I am definitely for trimming government.
Governor Wanker appointed the 20-something son of a campaign donor to a $65,000 a year job, from which he immediately was promoted to an $81,000 a year job running a department he knew nothing about. His qualifications? No related experience and two DUIs. There's a place we can trim. There's alot of mid-level administration that can be trimmed from government and from our school system.
I like to think of myself as Libertarian as well, but I also admit to some liberal leanings. I also own guns and am in favor of exporting illegal aliens. There's a lot of Hispanics in Madison, and apparently our governor has decided go with the flow and turn Wisconsin into North Mexico.