One peroxide blonde Philly fan in her early 20s was more entertaining than the game. She was easily three-sheets to the wind when she arrived for the first pitch. She was climbing up and down the aisles, kissing all the guys in the row, throwing the bird to Nats fans in the section, showing everyone her green thong. She took her Phillies shirt off so we assumed that the tit-tays would be coming out eventually, but no. If not boobs, we were hoping for vomit. Nope. Instead she passed the fuck out during the sixth inning and didn't wake up until the game was over.

You would have thought the Phillies had never had a free agent leave the team in its under .500 100 year history because all the Philly fans booed Jason Werth like scored women. Christ it was pathetic. There were people in line for tickets buying RF tickets just so they could boo him. :?
Don't you losers have anything better to do that destroy other people's cities. Go play in your own shithole. Oh that's right, you can't get tickets. You unconnected losers.
Philadelphia Phillies (8779-9828) .472