Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

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Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by bradhusker »

its pretty damm easy to point out how sick the mind of a liberal really is. for example,

anyone see the Clint Eastwood movie, "Gran Torino"?? remember the scene where the black youths are acosting the young teen girl on the street? actually stopping her path forward, then resorting to physically cornering her? making lude remarks, then escalating to a more serious situation? THEN, Clint drives by in a pickup truck, and says, "what are you spooks up to"?

NOW, why is it, that a sick liberal gets offended at Clint using the term, "spooks", when an assault and rape is about to occur?
see, the HIGE difference between a reality based conservative, such as myself, and a sick perverted liberal? I am concerned for the safety of a girl being harrassed by two thugs, the sick liberal is concerned that Clint called the two african-americans "spooks", this shows you just how sick liberals really are, and how detached from reality they are.

the minute that those two "spooks" blocked the girls way, thats assault and kidnapping, had clint not arrived in the timely manner he did, that poor girl would have become another statistic, of the many girls raped and attacked in our inner cities and towns.

YET, the weird shit-for-brains liberal's main gripe? clint calling them "spooks". wow, what a huge difference between reality based conservatives and sicko liberal left wing nut jobs.

ive got a thousand more examples of why liberals are sickos, stay tuned. :twisted:
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Clint Eastwood IS a liberal, you shit huffing tard. Perhaps "they" weren't concerned about the rape because... it didn't actually happen? You know, because it was a movie?
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by R-Jack »

First I've heard of anyone being offended by Clint's language in that flick.

You did realize that was a movie and he was playing a character right?
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by R-Jack »

So when most conservatives like you go to movies, they get angry at the stuff they think liberals would be offended by?

I'd love to see that type of film critic.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by bradhusker »

OF COURSE its a fuckin movie dipshits, you miss the point entirely!!!! anyone who follows the way liberals think, knows that in a case like that, liberals arent thinking about the girls safety, they focus on the word "spooks", because they are mentally dis-ordered.
as for clint? he may be liberal on some issues, but he is conservative on others.

for example, when there is a home invasion, and the thug is killed by the homeowner, the liberal wants the homeowner charged with manslaughter, his reasonning is that the homeowner should have let the police handle the situation, and not take matters into his own hands.

MOST LIBERALS THINK THIS WAY!! its a fact. that is why liberalism is a sick mental dis-order.

ya follow? :twisted:
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by bradhusker »

R-Jack wrote:So when most conservatives like you go to movies, they get angry at the stuff they think liberals would be offended by?

I'd love to see that type of film critic.
no, no, no, im just using the movie as an example of sick liberals. in real life, this kind of thinking would be classic liberal.
ive got countless examples of sick liberal thought, I am gonna list em one after another, until you fully realize, that liberalism is indeed a mental disorder. :twisted:
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by indyfrisco »

bradhusker wrote:they focus on the word "spooks", because they are mentally dis-ordered.
Some focus on the word "gooks" as well.

You go, brad.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by M Club »

IndyFrisco wrote:
bradhusker wrote:they focus on the word "spooks", because they are mentally dis-ordered.
Some focus on the word "gooks" as well.

You go, brad.
haha, what a pussy. why don't you just admit the move to indiana had nothing to do with your wife and everything to do with a promotion.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by poptart »

bradhusker wrote:ive got a thousand more examples of why liberals are sickos, stay tuned.


Somebody rope that Diego faggot to a chair, pin his
eyes open, and make him read bradhusker posts 24/7 until
every speck of liberal sickness is chased right out of him!
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by indyfrisco »

M Club wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:
bradhusker wrote:they focus on the word "spooks", because they are mentally dis-ordered.
Some focus on the word "gooks" as well.

You go, brad.
haha, what a pussy. why don't you just admit the move to indiana had nothing to do with your wife and everything to do with a promotion.
Why can't it be both?
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by bradhusker »

heres one,
How bout the time, Sheila Jackson Lee, the esteemed congresswoman from Houston Texas, and sick left wing liberal to boot,
she got hopping mad when a homeowner took out his 12 guage shotgun and ordered two thugs to "HALT", after observing them do a home invasion of his next door neighbors, fearing the worst, he pointed, then aimed, and then FIRED!!!
needless to say, Ms. Lee, the left wing nut job liberal congresswoman, THE one who wanted congress to proclaim Michael Jackson a national TREASURE, she thought the man used excessive force, and should have called police instead. WOW!!

by the way, even Nancy Pelosi, who was the majority leader at the time, even she said NO, to honoring Michael Jackson,
as liberal and nutty as Ms. Pelosi is, even she doesnt want to honor a child diddler, a pervert child molestor, KUDDOWS to you Ms. Pelosi, probably the ONLY time I will ever agree with a nut job from San Fran sicko.

as for Ms. Sheila Jackson Lee? one can only hope that her humble abode will face an invasion from thugs, and that she will have the time to dial the POlice, fuck da POlice!!!! :twisted:
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by Diego in Seattle »

Breathe deep into one of these....

On second thought....
Place your head in one of these & breathe deep....
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by bradhusker »

Diego in Seattle wrote:Breathe deep into one of these....

On second thought....
Place your head in one of these & breathe deep....
in your dreams pedro, in your dreeeems, pedro, :twisted:
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by R-Jack »

Mod abuse alert..............

If I see you drop one more of those devil smilies, I'm TROTSing everything you throw up here.

Give it a rest.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by bradhusker »

Its time we got REAL and HONEST in this country, I am sick and tired of the democrats lying and decieving the american people.
AND, it starts with the president himself, he is the biggest joke I have ever seen,

He stormed out of the closed discussions yesterday, BUT, its a big show. Barak Obama is a poser, he is not a leader. The mainstream media wont call him out, and the mainstream media wont call out the FACT that the democratic party hasnt put up a meaningful budget.

WOULD you guys like to know why the senate hasnt put up a real budget yet? its because the democrats and their liberal base know that they cant make any meaningful spending cuts!!! BAMM I SAID IT!! the sick sick liberals in this fuckin country, cannot tolerate any real and meaningful cuts in spending, because they are the party of entitlements. THEY depend on entitlements to get votes!! this is how being a sick liberal democrat works in todays united states of america.

Paul Ryan came up with a real budget plan, and the media crucified him for it, POINT BEING, is that there have been no serious budget plans proposed by democrats thus far, THEY CANT!! this whole thing is a joke, and we have a left wing democrat in the white house who is as useless as a pet rock.

We have a president in office right now, who cant lead, he cant be honest with the american people, he proposes some cuts in spending, BUT, in reality, the cuts he proposes are a RUSE, IN FACT, IN order for Obama and his party to stay in power, they cannot seriously cut spending, its the way they get votes, and it always has been.

which brings me back to the point that liberalism is a mental dis=order. entitlements are a part of the sick liberal mindset,
its part of their philosophy, there are no "shovel ready" jobs, ONLY entitlements and free lunches.

I look at your typical liberal like Bill maher, and I laugh at his ugly weird face, and his weird comments, and then I feel sorry that he must go thru life with an ugly ugly mug like that. CNN puts Bill Maher on, and tries to paint him as an intellectual?
a career comedian? who, by the way, isnt even funny. and when he talks, he spews shit from his mouth, and I laugh at the sheer stupidity of this sicko liberal.

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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

You know what you don't really see in the candy aisle at grocery stores anymore? Good old fashioned bubble gum. Double bubble, Bazooka Joe, etc. It's a shame.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by War Wagon »

R-Jack wrote:Mod abuse alert..............

If I see you drop one more of those devil smilies, I'm TROTSing everything you throw up here.

Give it a rest.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by Goober McTuber »

Don't look for Paul Ryan to get re-elected next time around. Just sayin'.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by indyfrisco »

R-Jack wrote:Mod abuse alert..............

If I see you drop one more of those devil smilies, I'm TROTSing everything you throw up here.

Give it a rest.
Admin abuse alert......

So if I edit his posts and add the evil smiley, you'll finally start TROTSing this tripe?
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by poptart »

Which is not a Mental Disorder?

a) four vodkas before noon
b) jew stew
c) not fearing a showering ucant
d) liberalism
e) soccer sunday
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by bradhusker »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:You know what you don't really see in the candy aisle at grocery stores anymore? Good old fashioned bubble gum. Double bubble, Bazooka Joe, etc. It's a shame.
what about Big League Chew? bet you dont remember that one? when I was a big time first baseman for my little league team, I would take a huge pinch of grape chew, between my cheek and gum, and BAMM, I felt like a big leaguer, just like george brett stormin out the dugout ready to tear the ump a new one for sayin' his pine tar was a tad bit too high, and a big mound of spittle spewing from his mouth!

man, those were the good ol' days..........
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by bradhusker »

IndyFrisco wrote:
R-Jack wrote:Mod abuse alert..............

If I see you drop one more of those devil smilies, I'm TROTSing everything you throw up here.

Give it a rest.
Admin abuse alert......

So if I edit his posts and add the evil smiley, you'll finally start TROTSing this tripe?
funny stuff, a twit callin me a tripe, wow, pot kettle..
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Are you kidding? I loved Big League Chew. Yes, grape was the shizznickle.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by indyfrisco »

I'm amazed they are even allowed to call it Big League Chew anymore with the PC crowd and all.

They still have it around as I just recently worked the concession stand at the baseball field and it was on the candy shelf. No grape though. Just the original.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by bradhusker »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Are you kidding? I loved Big League Chew. Yes, grape was the shizznickle.
its not just the delicious flavor of the grape, but, the huge lump in your cheek it gave you, making you feel like a major league superstar like a george brett or a rusty staub, I would take more than a pinch of grape big league chew, shove it between my cheek and gum, and I felt like the KING OF THE WORLD on that baseball diamond!!! one time, I ran from the dugout, MAD AT A CALL, an obvious bad bad call, spittle flying everywhere, I looked like george brett from the famous pine tar incident.
hey, do me a favor, get that clip of george brett going ballistic over the pine tar from the 80's, and post it, and you'll get an idea of what I looked like in my little league days.
obviously brett is doing snuff, but the big league chew gives you the exact same lump in your cheek.

for some reason, I am having trouble porting over the youtube clips.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by Goober McTuber »

bradhusker wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Are you kidding? I loved Big League Chew. Yes, grape was the shizznickle.
its not just the delicious flavor of the grape, but, the huge lump in your cheek it gave you, making you feel like a major league superstar like a george brett or a rusty staub, I would take more than a pinch of grape big league chew, shove it between my cheek and gum, and I felt like the KING OF THE WORLD on that baseball diamond!!! one time, I ran from the dugout, MAD AT A CALL, an obvious bad bad call, spittle flying everywhere, I looked like george brett from the famous pine tar incident.
hey, do me a favor, get that clip of george brett going ballistic over the pine tar from the 80's, and post it, and you'll get an idea of what I looked like in my little league days.
obviously brett is doing snuff, but the big league chew gives you the exact same lump in your cheek.

for some reason, I am having trouble porting over the youtube clips.
Who turned the PC on for you? That's the person that needs to die.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Just checkin' this the lithium ward? I mean it appears no one has anything to say, just silly dick jokes and ADS kids at play.

How about Eric Canter? i mean is this guy even working for America? He seems perfectly willing to guide us right off a cliff with his robotic refusal to compromise or (gasp) allow the vile Bush tax cuts for the top two percent properly expire. He's stated before that he regards his first priority as a congressman to maintain the interests of the fake Middle East apartheid state, but that's not so uncommon these days in the "conservative" circles, eh?
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:silly dick jokes
Fess up, you also enjoy a big lump in your cheek.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

No, your childish prattle bores me--as it should you. The issues of the day are off the hook and offer plenty of room for all manner of scathing humor--however debauched, it's okay. But to just piddle about like ADS patients is really sad.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by bradhusker »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Just checkin' this the lithium ward? I mean it appears no one has anything to say, just silly dick jokes and ADS kids at play.

How about Eric Canter? i mean is this guy even working for America? He seems perfectly willing to guide us right off a cliff with his robotic refusal to compromise or (gasp) allow the vile Bush tax cuts for the top two percent properly expire. He's stated before that he regards his first priority as a congressman to maintain the interests of the fake Middle East apartheid state, but that's not so uncommon these days in the "conservative" circles, eh?
OH MY GOD! this proves that LTS is a bona fide retard!! ur own words bury you.
where do I start?
"middle east apartheid state", this is what you call Israel??? the reality is that Israel is the ONLY real free state in the entire middle east, everyone of every faith is allowed to pray within their borders. In the arab states, NO one can pray or do anything they wish. SO, this exposes LTS as a lying snake in the grass.

next, you make fun of eric canter? EVERYONE and their mother knows that Obama and Pelosi and REID and the entire liberal democratic party WILL NEVER cut spending in any meaningful way shape or form.
therefore, to take more of peoples money is a JOKE,.a fraud, cause the lib dems will NEVER stop spending, EVER!!
the fact that you dont see the obvious here, shows me that you are dellusional/

everytime you open ur mouth, lies and distortions spew forth.

the democrats will NEVER cut spending in a serious and real way, to do so would totally lose them votes from their base, they know it, and everyone knows this.

the fact that you are too deluded and detached from reality is cause for laughter and pity at the same time.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:...the vile Bush tax cuts for the top two percent properly expire.
They did expire...last year. They're the Obama tax cuts now, you brainless asshat.

Obama signs bill to extend Bush-era tax cuts for two more years

President Obama signed into law the most significant tax bill in nearly a decade Friday, a day after overcoming liberal resistance in Congress to continue for two more years tax breaks enacted under president George W. Bush and to provide a fresh federal boost for the tepid economic recovery. ... 06200.html
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote:They did expire...last year. They're the Obama tax cuts now, you brainless asshat.

Obviously, you and your link are wrong... since LTS is always right.

He's got a great track record.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by M Club »

IndyFrisco wrote:
Why can't it be both?
figured the klan was calling its rising star home.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:How about Eric Canter? i mean is this guy even working for America? He seems perfectly willing to guide us right off a cliff with his robotic refusal to compromise
Oh and what "cliff" would that be, btw?

Cantor is, of course, exactly right and it is time to call Bambi's bluff.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by Dinsdale »

A poker reference for Bush Light/Dark.

And I can think of no better poker strategy than telling your adversary "don't call my bluff."

BTW -- after seeing some numbers...

The "corporations aren't paying their share" crowd is bad at math.

If we taxed those really enormous 20-largest corporations at 100%... every dollar they made, in addition to all other revenues... it wouldn't cover the deficit spending.

Seems like the problem must be the other side of the equation.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by mvscal »

Dinsdale wrote:A poker reference for Bush Light/Dark.

And I can think of no better poker strategy than telling your adversary "don't call my bluff."
Unfortunately he isn't playing poker. He's playing politics. Will the Pubbies have the stones to call him on his blatant lies and fear-mongering? I honestly don't know.

Just for the record, failure to raise the debt ceiling does not equal default. The federal gov still pulls in 200 billion every month. That's more than enough to cover debt service, social security, medicare and defense spending with a good deal left over.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by poptart »

mvscal wrote:Just for the record, failure to raise the debt ceiling does not equal default. The federal gov still pulls in 200 billion every month. That's more than enough to cover debt service, social security, medicare and defense spending with a good deal left over.
Of course.

It's simply a matter of BASIC common sense prioritizing, the likes of which households across America do on a monthly basis.

But give households across America the opportunity to go into debt with money that isn't theirs (and that they are not responsible to pay back), and they'll wastefully spend every last cent.

14.5 trillion in the hole - and multiplying? lol

Yeah, the gov needed it's credit card to be cut up a LONG time ago.

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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by bradhusker »

another terrific example of backward liberal thinking, anyone remember the reverend Wright hoopla??? WELL, its funny how the mainstream media totally dropped the ball on this one. SURE fox news tried to bring it to the forefront, HOWEVER, the ENTIRE media didnt want to fully expose the sick racist hate of this pastor and his teachings.

This reverend, and I use the term loosely, teaches a theology full of hate and bigotry. Here is part of a passage, "and I quote",
"the only way a white man can get to heaven".


of course this is a very large congregation, so, are we to assume that a lot of folks think this way? also, while we are on the subject, if you took a poll, I'd be curious as to how many of the members in that church, think that elvis presley stole from black artists? would you say 75 percent? 80? it wouldnt surprise me one bit.

imagine if a church had in its theology, "the only way a black man can get to heaven", imagine the national uproar that would cause?

seee, I attended a southern baptist church for ten years, and NEVER, not once, did the pastor preach that kind of sick hate that pastor Wright preached in Chicago. NEVER.

forget about the fact that this Wright character spewed his hatred of the USA, thats the least of my concerns, whats really disturbing was his racist theology, "the only way a white man can get into heaven" wow, and the mainstream liberal racist media turns a blind eye? that speaks volumes, my friend.
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Re: Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder

Post by Felix »

bradhusker wrote:.....
somebody off this shit troll

my scroll wheel would be most appreciative
get out, get out while there's still time