Lying Sack of Shit

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Lying Sack of Shit

Post by mvscal »

Obama: Public is 'sold' on tax increases in a debt-ceiling deal
By Sam Youngman and Alicia M. Cohn - 07/15/11 11:54 AM ET

President Obama on Friday kept up the pressure on Republicans to agree to revenue increases in a deal to raise the debt ceiling, claiming 80 percent of the public supports Democrats' demand for tax increases. ... 2#comments
80%, huh? This stupid, fucking asshole is coming apart at the seams. Fearmongering, blatant bald face lies. He's got everything except a plan.

So dumbfucks (you know who you are), is this the change you were hoping for? Good job, idiots.
Last edited by mvscal on Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

In an era of surging inequality of wealth, how could anyone insist on maintaining the Bush tax breaks for the top two percent? No "job creation" occurred, despite the auto-jargon, and even a craven little piggy like the Chimp himself established the tax breaks on a temporary basis.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:In an era of surging inequality of wealth, how could anyone insist on maintaining the Bush tax breaks for the top two percent?
Ask Obongo. He just extended them for another two years last December.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by bradhusker »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:In an era of surging inequality of wealth, how could anyone insist on maintaining the Bush tax breaks for the top two percent? No "job creation" occurred, despite the auto-jargon, and even a craven little piggy like the Chimp himself established the tax breaks on a temporary basis.
LTS, the problem is that it wont be just the top 1 or 2 percent, it will also raise taxes for business owners making 150,000,
100,000, even folks making 80,000 a year will get their taxes raised, and, I am sorry, but when you have a family of 3 or 4. those incomes dont make you filthy rich, that is a FACT.

therefore, Obama and the democrats are lying to the american people, making us think that only rich millionaires will get a tax hike, this is a blatant lie.

also, Obama said just the other day, that it takes a long time for the economy to turn around, that may be true, BUT, one thing I have noticed is that Obama is not a leader, he is in way over his head, FOR EXAMPLE,

Ronald Reagan took office after Jimmy Carter, this country was in just as worse shape, we had double digit everything, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, in fact, it was HORRIBLE to say the least. IN JUST 3 short years, Reagan stuck to his wisdom and beliefs, not giving a shit about what the liberal press and Ted (drunkard) Kennedy had to say, and they crucified him at every turn. YET Reagan turned the mess of Jimmy carter completely around, and the economy started BOOMING, jobs were created by the millions!! and not fake phoney census jobs like Obama gives us, REAL JOBS!

And Reagan didnt have the benefit of internet jobs like bill clinton had, NO SIR, thats the joke of clinton compared to Reagan, Clinton benefitted from the internet explosion, Reagan did it the old-fashioned way, through LEADERSHIP and courage.
some 16 million jobs were created during the reagan era, and taxes were slashed from the top at 50 percent, down to 28 percent, and this economy grew at a record pace not seen since world war II.

also, I know some of you liberals will try to talk about the deficits that reagan rang up? GUESS WHAT? they were not as bad as you think, because as a percentage to our GDP they were very very manageable, the proof is that just 6 years after reagan left office, clinton and newt gingrich balanced the budget, getting rid of those defecits was easy due to the fact that america was back to work and our GDP was huge.

today, our debt percentage to GDP is much much higher, so this makes getting rid of our debt, much much more difficult.
BUT, one thing I know for sure, Obama and his class warfare ideology isnt worth a DAMM!

love reagan or hate him, ONE THING IS CLEAR, he led by core values and beliefs, he was a rock, in troubling times. A LEADER thru and thru, unlike Obama, who blows whichever way the polls blow. WHY THE FUCK would you elect a leader to follow polls? by definition then, if he follows polls, he is not a leader, but a FOLLOWER. DUH.

Reagan didnt give a shit about what the liberal press or teddy thought about him, he was a strong LEADER, who, turned this country from dire straits to prosperity in just 3 short years.
Last edited by bradhusker on Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

He was supposed to turn your country into a Maoist "worker's paradise"...

...not a playground for the rich, complete with coolie labour!

You guys are pissed? I'm FUCKING FURIOUS!

[bradhusker] :twisted: [/bradhusker]
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by poptart »

The Fraud in Chief tells Americans that they are not guaranteed to receive
their social security checks if the debt ceiling isn't raised.

WHAT a disasterous asshole this guy is.

Social Security is NOT an entitlement program.
It's a MANDATORY financial enslavement program forced on the people.
It's OUR money, which the gov was supposed to simply be HOLDING for
us - because we're too stupid and/or incompetent to take care of ourselves.

And now we're told by this piece of shit that there simply may not be money
in the coffers?


Well, where the fuck did it... GO?

Again, government, where the fuck did our money go?

On top of this COMPLETE outrage, this fraud is lying his ass off because
there is EASILY money in the coffers to continue to send out social security
checks each month because the gov EASILY takes in enough revenue to pay
for it's essential obligations.

14.5 trillion in the hole and this clueless fucktard proposes a budget calling
for another 1.65 trillion dollars in deficit spending in ONE year?


What human being with a brain actually supports this guy?

Just simply UNbelievable.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by mvscal »

poptart wrote:What human being with a brain actually supports this guy?
His kneepadders sure are awful quiet these days. I guess voting for a cymbal clacking affirmative action monkey wasn't such a good idea after all.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by The Seer »

IF the public was so in favor of tax hikes, why disguise it as "revenue increases"...or is that the new PC term for something offensive?
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by Truman »

poptart wrote:The Fraud in Chief tells Americans that they are not guaranteed to receive
their social security checks if the debt ceiling isn't raised.
Thought we had a [drevilairquotes]Trust Fund[/drevilairquotes] to address such a scenario.

Oh, snap....
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by MadRussian »

He is pretty deece reading a teleprompter, probably from experience though
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by Cuda »

mvscal wrote:
poptart wrote:What human being with a brain actually supports this guy?
His kneepadders sure are awful quiet these days. I guess voting for a cymbal clacking affirmative action monkey wasn't such a good idea after all.
Ojgaboo is only a puppet himself-a grocery boy carrying out orders from above. why the fuck do you think he has time to play so much golf?
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by bradhusker »

isnt that what Marlon Brando said in the 1979 classic, "apocolypse Now"? "your just an errand boy working for grocery clerks"
"oh the horror...the horror"
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by Cuda »

bradhusker wrote:isnt that what Marlon Brando said in the 1979 classic, "apocolypse Now"? "your just an errand boy working for grocery clerks"
"oh the horror...the horror"
Cuda wrote:Ojgaboo is only a puppet himself-a grocery boy carrying out orders from above.

Does it fucking LOOK like it's the same thing?
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by bradhusker »

Cuda wrote:
bradhusker wrote:isnt that what Marlon Brando said in the 1979 classic, "apocolypse Now"? "your just an errand boy working for grocery clerks"
"oh the horror...the horror"
Cuda wrote:Ojgaboo is only a puppet himself-a grocery boy carrying out orders from above.

Does it fucking LOOK like it's the same thing?
actually dumb fuck, IT DOES! hence my reference, u dumb ass turd.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by Cuda »

not hardly.

feel free to melt some more, though.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by bradhusker »

Cuda wrote:not hardly.

feel free to melt some more, though.
its the same fuckin thing, either way its someone who is a low man on the totem poll taking orders from someone up above,
how can you not notice the simiarities you low-life ball-licker?
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

mvscal wrote:
Obama: Public is 'sold' on tax increases in a debt-ceiling deal
By Sam Youngman and Alicia M. Cohn - 07/15/11 11:54 AM ET

President Obama on Friday kept up the pressure on Republicans to agree to revenue increases in a deal to raise the debt ceiling, claiming 80 percent of the public supports Democrats' demand for tax increases. ... 2#comments
80%, huh? This stupid, fucking asshole is coming apart at the seams. Fearmongering, blatant bald face lies. He's got everything except a plan.
Obama wasn't nearly as far off the mark as you insinuate. ... 03544.html

66% want a combination of tax increases and spending cuts, and 3% want tax increases exclusively. That's 69% in favor of tax increases. Throw in the 3% who are undecided, as well as a standard 4% margin of error for public opinion polls, and you're up to 76%. Granted, I wouldn't have used the 80% figure if I were Obama, but he's a lot closer than you think he is.

On the other side of the coin, if you take the 69% in favor of tax increases and subtract out the 4% margin of error, that still leaves you with 65% in favor of tax increases in a worst-case scenario for Obama. That's still a pretty healthy majority in favor of tax increases.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by Dinsdale »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:66% want a combination of tax increases and spending cuts, and 3% want tax increases exclusively.
This relates to the other thread -- not only do people not know shit about American Civics, they're also quite shitty at math and economics.

Without going on a rather dinsdalian typefest, if you look at taxes as a percentage of GDP, and what raising them to what would be historic highs would do, it still doesn't make a dent in the deficit.

Current federal spending is unsustainable by any economic measure.

I think ol' Barry signed his exit papers with the Social Security threat. That's neither an entitlement or discretionary spending.

BTW -- this whole debt ceiling "debate" is cracking me up. The only "debate" is about passing a budget.

As far as raising the debt ceiling, I know presidents have always sought (and gained) congressional approval in the past, but it's merely getting congress to share some political culpability.

The Treasury Department is part of the Executive Branch (which apparently fewer that half know exists).

There's something about "the validity of the public debt... shall not be questioned."

The guy with the degree in constitutional law who has never read the Constitution, being the head of the Executive Branch, can do whatever the hell he wants with the debt ceiling. It's not about incurring new debts, it's about paying what's already owed...

and It Shall Not Be Questioned.

Hopeychangey just wants others to share in the political fallout, because he certainly doesn't need their permission to raise the ceiling.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by Cuda »

The US Govt. takes in approximately $2.2 Trillion per year right now. That's already far too much. They don't need more revenue to piss away, they need less.

But just like a junkie who needs his heroin, the politician will remorselessly lie, steal, even kill to satisfy his addiction
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by bradhusker »

sorry terry in crapchester, the polls are gonna tilt that way no matter what, its simply due to class warfare, sure the dumb fuckin poor folks are gonna want more taxes on the rich NO SHIT, that doesnt make it right, the government doesnt need to take in any more money for it to piss away.

its time we said NO. no more liberal democrats taking peoples hard earned money, and spending and pissing it away.

NO MORE, put these lazy fuckin maggotts to work, I dont care if they must work at taco fuckin bell, no more sleeping in all day and getting a free check, NO MORE.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by mvscal »

Dinsdale wrote:Hopeychangey just wants others to share in the political fallout, because he certainly doesn't need their permission to raise the ceiling.
Yes, he does.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by mvscal »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:Obama wasn't nearly as far off the mark as you insinuate. ... 03544.html
In other words, he was lying....even if that poll was accurate which I highly doubt.
One Obama Presser, 36 Obama Lies and Deceptions ... tions.html
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by Kansas City Kid »

O'Bammy is running the country like a nog runs his own household. :lol:
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:In an era of surging inequality of wealth, how could anyone insist on maintaining the Bush tax breaks for the top two percent?
Ask Obongo. He just extended them for another two years last December.
This is standard inverted gibberish from the board's biggest fraud. What twisted non-reasoning. Look, just because Barry caved on extending the tax breaks for the top two percent, well that doesn't make it right. He was wrong on that just like many other decisions. So what? It's the tax breaks which have been proven ineffective in any "job creation," and it's time to rescind them. Or what?
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:Look, just because Barry caved on extending the tax breaks for the top two percent, well that doesn't make it right.
That is, of course, totally irrelevant to the fact that he owns those tax breaks now.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

And that indeed he's calling again for their repeal. Right? And that this is the correct course of action. Right? :wink:
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:And that indeed he's calling again for their repeal. Right?
Mere months after he signed them into law?!? And then only when it appears to be the politically expedient thing to do?

Again you are ignoring the basic fact that these are his tax cuts now not Chimpy's.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

No, the Chimp wrote them in--with the clear date of expiration. And while Barry caved, disgracefully, and granted a temporary extension, he's currently demanding that the extension is over. Clear? Any problems..?...oh yeah..
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:No, the Chimp wrote them in--with the clear date of expiration.
And the expiration date came, Congress reauthorized them for another two years and Obongo signed them into law. He could have vetoed the extension and it would have stood, but he didn't. They are now his cuts.
he's currently demanding that the extension is over.
I guess he should have thought about that a few months back. What, exactly, has changed in the interim other than his own partisan political calculus?
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by bradhusker »

guess which president out of the past 5, has the lowest spending as a percentage to GDP?

Bush 1
Bush 2

anyone have a clue?

this should make the lying liberals in here squirm like the faggotts they are.

its Bush 2 at 19.5 percent of the GDP,
followed closely by Clinton at 19.8 percent,

WOW, Obama is at a dismal 24.5 percent, which shows you how much liberals lie lie lie, thats what liberals do,
which is why I have no respect for them.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

What's changed? Oh..the once reasonably respected GOP being hijacked by a bunch of Murdochian morons for starters. The old guard is pissing their respective slacks--if you haven't noticed. And...the weird and lost fact of the post-Reagan/Bush malignancy--as it has debilitated the entire world economy and political structure--is now playing out its dire denouement in the manner of a closet queer Medea. Sure, a good braying bottom like Rick Perry is just what the Chimp would like--'cept he was a bottom too.

And you're pretending to quibble about..what? :?
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by mvscal »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:What's changed? Oh..the once reasonably respected GOP being hijacked by a bunch of Murdochian morons for starters.
This happened in the last seven months?!?

Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by bradhusker »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:What's changed? Oh..the once reasonably respected GOP being hijacked by a bunch of Murdochian morons for starters. The old guard is pissing their respective slacks--if you haven't noticed. And...the weird and lost fact of the post-Reagan/Bush malignancy--as it has debilitated the entire world economy and political structure--is now playing out its dire denouement in the manner of a closet queer Medea. Sure, a good braying bottom like Rick Perry is just what the Chimp would like--'cept he was a bottom too.

And you're pretending to quibble about..what? :?
you just dont get it? you are so fucked in the head and so devoid from reality, its a sad joke.

ITS THE DEMOCRATIC party who continues to coddle the useless, instead of actually putting these idiots to work, the democrats just give entitlements and freebies out like candy, ONLY, its destroying the country. YOU keep bringing up Reagan?
You try to pin all this on Reagan? under president Reagan, some 16 million jobs were created, putting people to work.
Under Obama, the unemployment rate continues to climb, higher and higher.

The country is going to hell because of liberals like you, and your sick sick policies, policies which continue to drain this country of its very lifeblood.
Policies which pay fuckheads to sleep in all day and be parasites and leeches on the rest of us.

ANY reasonable person realizes that when millions of folks are unemployed, the country cant support them, the country will go down the drain handing out trillions in entitlements to unemployed maggotts, who fuck all day and make more babies, courtesy of the democratic party, who is guarenteed their vote, because of the free handouts.

ITS a vicious cycle, the democrats pretend to be for the poor and downtroddden, so, they hand out free money, virtually guarenteeing their votes, MEANWHILE, the democrats villify the republicans and continue to encourage bad behaviour, and reward bad behaviour.

LYING SACKS OF SHIT like LTS and other sicko liberals, try to paint Reagan as a bad evil man, BUT, the reality is that Reagan creates JOBS, puts people to work, WHILE a community street peddler like Obama just hands out entitlements.

Sicko left wing college professsors have never created anything in their worthless lives, so, they despise republicans who do create jobs. you know the old saying, those who do, become rich, those who cant, teach.

THIS is why left wing liberals are demented crazy fools, they despise the productive people in this world, and they want government to grow and become bigger and bigger so it can control the evil productive members of society.

I have known the sick mental minds of liberals for years, which is why I want to shout from the rooftops, LIBERALISM IS AN EXTREME MENTAL DISORDER!!!!!
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:What's changed? Oh..the once reasonably respected GOP being hijacked by a bunch of Murdochian morons for starters.
This happened in the last seven months?!?

No, and no one suggested as much. The agenda of the Murdoch/FOX News has taken about ten years or so. Indeed, as I've pointed out, a grotesque joke like Palin or Bachmann would have been laughed off the political stage ten years ago.

Stop blaming Barry. Why? What would he do more that any wind up right wing scared a-hole like you would want? What? More war? More surveillance? More backing off on regulations? More sucking up to the fake apartheid state/ What? You see, you're totally fake.

You can't even say anything 8)
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:Hopeychangey just wants others to share in the political fallout, because he certainly doesn't need their permission to raise the ceiling.
Yes, he does.

Lot's of "lawyers" (mostly college profs, so take it for what it's worth) debating this, and they all seem to think (vast majority, anyway) that Scary Barry needs no such permission, on a few grounds, some of them interesting.

One, that Congress appropriates and apportions monies. Well, they already did that, and they don't get to vote whether to spend the exact same money twice. Once they spend money, it's entirely the Treasury's job to pay it off -- and Obumble is in charge of the Treasury (**shudder**).

Another point being made is that no could show "particular" or "specific" damages to give themselves legal standing to pose a legal challenge to Obummer doing so. BillyJeff (not a lawyer anymore) said "if I were president, I'd raise the ceiling, and challenge them to stop me in court," which he implied no one could do.

Another point goes back to "debt shall not be questioned," which is wonderfully vague. It had a specific purpose when written, but today, it doesn't say anything about the actual payment of those debts, and who might even be questioning them. I'm no judge, but since the treasury handles the money, and is part of the executive Branch (part of Separation -- Legislative spends it, Executive holds on to it), it would seem, in the spirit of Separation of Powers, that it's the sole jurisdiction of the Executive Branch to come up with the way to finance the unquestionable debt if it exceeds the revenues drummed up by Congress...

Which is where it gets tricky -- there's enough revenue to service the debt, easily. There isn't enough money to servive the debt, pay the bills, then go on a drunken spree.

Therein lies the legal rub.

But... Congress already spent that money, along with forming a plan to generate the revenue to pay it... their job is done (which they obviously screwed up pretty badly). Congress voting on the debt ceiling is akin to getting a "do-over" on a binding budget cycle.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by bradhusker »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:
mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:What's changed? Oh..the once reasonably respected GOP being hijacked by a bunch of Murdochian morons for starters.
This happened in the last seven months?!?

No, and no one suggested as much. The agenda of the Murdoch/FOX News has taken about ten years or so. Indeed, as I've pointed out, a grotesque joke like Palin or Bachmann would have been laughed off the political stage ten years ago.

Stop blaming Barry. Why? What would he do more that any wind up right wing scared a-hole like you would want? What? More war? More surveillance? More backing off on regulations? More sucking up to the fake apartheid state/ What? You see, you're totally fake.

You can't even say anything 8)
so, let me get this straight? To LTS, Obama is a brilliant accomplished man, while Bachmann is a grotesque joke?
well, that exposed LTS as a freakin cocksucker with the mental capacity of a turd.

lets see, Obama is a teacher? a community street peddler? Bachmann ? an attorney who actually practiced law. Obama teaches because he cant do, those who teach, do so because they arent do'ers.

the only reason Obama got elected to the highest office in the land is because they're are a lot of dummies amongest us.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by smackaholic »

bradhusker wrote:Obama teaches because he cant do, those who teach, do so because they arent do'ers.

the only reason Obama got elected to the highest office in the land is because they're are a lot of dummies amongest us.
lemme help you with the quote you butchered so badly.

those that can, do. those that can't, teach.

not sure i agree with it entirely, as i have high regard for good teachers. as for the obongo, i doubt he's much at either. pretty much an empty suit with oratory skills. and did i mention he's so clean and well, unblack like?

as for why he was elected, see my prior sentence. not saying the voting populace isn't collectively dumb as a box of rocks, just that they wouldn't have elected a white dude as unqualified as obammy.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by bradhusker »

smackaholic wrote:
bradhusker wrote:Obama teaches because he cant do, those who teach, do so because they arent do'ers.

the only reason Obama got elected to the highest office in the land is because they're are a lot of dummies amongest us.
lemme help you with the quote you butchered so badly.

those that can, do. those that can't, teach.

not sure i agree with it entirely, as i have high regard for good teachers. as for the obongo, i doubt he's much at either. pretty much an empty suit with oratory skills. and did i mention he's so clean and well, unblack like?

as for why he was elected, see my prior sentence. not saying the voting populace isn't collectively dumb as a box of rocks, just that they wouldn't have elected a white dude as unqualified as obammy.

well said, he is indeed an empty suit, with borderline oratory skills at best, as for knowledge or wisdom? pleeeese, Ronald Wilson makes him look like a 3rd grader.

take away the tele-prompter? and there isnt much left.
however, he is a nice and affable young chap. I'd shoot baskets with him and have a nice cold beer afterward, but, running the country? nope,
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by Goober McTuber »

bradhusker wrote:they're are a lot of dummies amongest us.
Sig material if it came from a real poster.

smackaholic wrote:those that can, do. those that can't, teach.
Not an apostrophe out of place. Now if we can just teach you proper capitalization, you might just seem literate.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass

Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
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Re: Lying Sack of Shit

Post by mvscal »

Dinsdale wrote:Lot's of "lawyers" (mostly college profs, so take it for what it's worth) debating this, and they all seem to think (vast majority, anyway) that Scary Barry needs no such permission, on a few grounds, some of them interesting.
These lawyers are full of shit. There is reason that no president has used the 14th amendment to raise the debt ceiling on his own...he can't. There is always something, however painful, that can be cut before one gets down to the bare nubbin covered by the 14th amendment.
BillyJeff (not a lawyer anymore) said "if I were president, I'd raise the ceiling, and challenge them to stop me in court," which he implied no one could do.
Then why didn't he? He had his chance and didn't say shit about it.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
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