Daryl Hannah arrested at protest

Darryl Hannah, pictured here as a leftist cunt
If there was ever a place to run a pipeline in this country without upsetting the Hezbollah Wing of the American Left, one would think that it would be in the Flyover. After all, it ain’t like anybody is proposing to build a refinery (shudder) or drill for oil in the Gulf (horrors). And it ain’t like we have snail darters or spotted owls to displace in these parts either. One would have to think that it is a far more efficient use of land than building another retarded wind-farm or three.
So who gives a flying rat’s ass if the pipeline ruptures on occasion? Such an event would take weeks to hit your newspapers anyway. The Wall Street types in the East would care only if a disruption in delivery were to æffect oil futures. And I can’t see the left coast getting all that bent as long as they have a steady supply of wheat to bake all their faggy croissants and bagels.
Gawd forbid that a private sector enterprise would propose a system to efficiently deliver a commodity that merely powers every single aspect of our economy. Hell, the Red States of America would welcome the jobs – and perhaps, therein lies the real issue: It’s not fair to look beyond government for employment in Obama's America.