I know a lot more about it then you'll ever know....poptart wrote:
you don't know football.
go fuck yourself asshole
I know a lot more about it then you'll ever know....poptart wrote:
you don't know football.
See you there, FILLED WITH RAGE.poptart wrote:You want to meet on I-70 so we can get this matter squared away?
look, I don't give a flying fuck what you think about what I know or don't know about football....poptart wrote:haha
I could sense we were on the verge of an old skool pinky meltdown.
the moral of the story is that you couldn't care less about Denver or Tebow....you really have no stake in the matter other than your team plays in the same division....this place and this forum in particular is full of people posting ridiculous shit....I've been wildly wrong about lots of stuff before and probably will be again....when the season first started I said that Denver would be a fucking terrible team and guess what, they're not nearly as bad as I thought they would be...I predicted they'd be dead last, but now they've got the potential to win the division...but never a word from you on any of those outright wrong predictions....no, you opted to pursue this particular matter with a fervor and that's what has me perplexed and why I think you're being an asshole....poptart wrote: That's the moral of this story.
Greenjeans is a made Jackass, done a fine job as rotating commish this year.poptart wrote: It's going in my T1B Time Capsule, along with some background discussion on your board history over the past decade-or-so.
I hope you put it right next to the memory of the $20 bet I let you off of on a bronco/duh's game when I told you that of instead of sending me the money, I wanted you to buy your wife dinner and tell her it was on me....you do remember that right?poptart wrote:
It's going in my T1B Time Capsule, along with some background discussion on your board history over the past decade-or-so.
I did?Felix wrote:but you made this personal, and that's why I think you're a fucking asshole.....
I know. If there was only a way we could keep people from being quivering twats.BSmack wrote:It is shit like this that ran Killian.
I've never actually put any credence in those assertions whatsoever, I've always thought it was just a running joke...you're an AFC West comrade, even if you do root for the blots....here are the running jokes on me: greenjeans, pinks, pinky, pinkyjeans, fake ticket giveaway, meltdown king, faggy buttlicker, and a few others that I'm probably forgetting, but I'm sure that others here could probably remember....I've actually embraced the whole "pinks" thingy....funny stufftrev wrote:
Try walking in my shoes, babe. Constantly being called a vodka drinking horrible mother with no way to defend it.
I'm not going anywhere, I'm just trying to establish the ground rules with tart....obviously he was trying to elicit a response and I guess it worked....sometimes I forget this is "just a message board" and that posters I've known for a long time really aren't my "interweb fliends even if I do consider them as such....I always need to remind myself that not everybody thinks the same way I do.....BSmack wrote:It is shit like this that ran Killian.
you've never heard that from me....I always thought that whole deal was pretty stupid...but tards will always be tards and I don't put much stock in the things idiots (s'up AP) like that say....R-Jack wrote:Besides, if you want personal, try having tard after tard calling me a horse fucker.
I hope those are crocodile tears.BSmack wrote:It is shit like this that ran Killian.
add hog and jog to my resumeKC Scott wrote: You ran out on the check in Boise too
:grin:War Wagon wrote:pinky potatohead was always good for a few yuks.
Rack trev.trev wrote:Feelings have been hurt. Over Tim Tebow.
Personal? Felix, really? How so? Personal? Try walking in my shoes, babe. Constantly being called a vodka drinking horrible mother with no way to defend it. LOL........Personal........
BSmack wrote:It is shit like this that ran Killian.
In the Penn St kiddie fucking thread he got a little........ummmmmmm........butt-hurt.ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:BSmack wrote:It is shit like this that ran Killian.
What happened?
He's a pussy.ucant wrote:What happened
Basically. Just another run-of-the-mill attention-whoring pussy who couldn't stand not getting his way.poptart wrote:Got all indignant because the mods let homo discussion carry on for a while in this thread.
You're my friend, Felix.Felix wrote:posters I've known for a long time really aren't my "interweb fliends even if I do consider them as such
I'm not sure where that came from or if it's deserved, but I've never pulled that card.trev wrote:Constantly being called a vodka drinking horrible mother with no way to defend it.
With friends like you, who needs enemies?poptart wrote:You're my friend, Felix.
sa'll good bud, maybe we need the smack level dialed up a notch....poptart wrote:
Wanna put our fresh-out-of-the-dryer tube socks on and drink some hot cocoa?
As a product of a Catholic education, I'm sure that the thread must have dredged up some very uncumfortable memories. That said, husker needs to be dropped into the chute to have a steel rod fired through his forehead and then mulched into fertilizer.poptart wrote:He's a pussy.ucant wrote:What happened
Got all indignant because the mods let homo discussion carry on for a while in this thread.
Page 8.
Said he's run.
What a damn faggot.
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
I used to frequent that site a couple of years back, but the tardishness displayed by most of those posters was just too much for me to handle....it was back in the days when Cuntler was the QB....I simply mentioned I thought the guy was a headcase, and I must have had four or five guys that wanted to fight me, telling me I was not supporting the team (you'd have thought Denver's season depended on me buying a bronco bottle cozy)....I was too critical of Bolen's hands off ownership style, the coaching staff, the draft picks etc. etc.poptart wrote:
Myopia unparallelled anywhere in the universe.
And maybe this is one reason why I decided to get on Felix (the Mule fan) and ride him for a spell.
I still luv you, greenjeans.
It would be one thing if these takes were produced by ONE random Dungver asshat, but you've got other Donkey 'tards cheering him on through this exercise.
Tebow is better than like, half, of the current NFL starters.
that cat was a real tool....back in the days when there were more bronco fans posting here, even they thought the guy was a douchenozzle of the highest orderpoptart wrote:LOL
Bronco Knob started that site??
That is frickin' HILARIOUS ---> and perfect.
http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/20 ... owmaniacs/@johnelway i hope pat fires you and you can go back to arena football were you belong you piece of trash.
How does it feel @johnelway from being our hero to be almost as hated as Philip Rivers?
denver fans are notoriously myopic and as quick to throw players, managers, coaches, owners, under the bus as any fan base I've seen....tebow is a polarizing figure in denver, but I can guarantee that when he starts to lose, the majority of the fan base will turn on him like a rabid dog.....when bronco fans get upset they tend to stomp their feet and hold their breath til they turn blue....poptart wrote:These whiny Hee Haws are among THE most ridiculous of all cunt fans in sport.
They'll do a sharp 180 in no time flat and start threatening to jump off buildings when Tebow's failings = losses, which is coming soon.
BSmack wrote:Fucking Tebowmaniacs are insane.
http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/20 ... owmaniacs/@johnelway i hope pat fires you and you can go back to arena football were you belong you piece of trash.
How does it feel @johnelway from being our hero to be almost as hated as Philip Rivers?
Wow. I knew being a Bronco fan involved some level of mental illness, but geez.
Denver has played 1 complete team since Tebow became a starter and that resulted in a 45-10 shellacking.
Prediction time:
Denver is going to feast on an easy schedule from here on out: imploding clubs in San Diego, Buffalo and Kansas City and the 2-8 Vikings. They’ll finish with a solid record, miss out on elite QB prospects, roll with Tebow next year and then faceplant in an epic and thoroughly satisfying manner.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Labrador Retriever - labradors can swim, but Tebow can walk on water. Easy one Tebowpoptart wrote:http://www.orangemane.com/BB/showthread.php?t=101480