poptart wrote:
First, you didn't answer my simple question.
in answer to your question, it depends...lets say I was the father of one of the members of Seal Team 6 which flew into the sovereign airspace of Pakistan
without permission, which by the way constitutes an
act of war...I would have no problem in that instance of my son engaging in such a mission....but there's a problem here......by ordering that operation to be carried out, Obama clearly violated the same exact law that you're now so adamantly defending....so, where was your outrage the first time Obama violated this law?
Second, mvscal already answered for you why impeachment proceedings have not begun.
which of course is complete and utter horseshit....remember the whole "birther movement" and how many reps. were calling into question whether obama was a natural born citizen....seems pretty fucking stupid when you look back on it, but some reps were pursuing it like blood hounds....and you seriously expect me to believe that given the chance to discredit obama by accusing him of violating his oath of office they wouldn't take it....if you actually believe that, then you're a fucking fool....
1. Most of Congress is nearly as fucked up as Barry is, and they care only slightly more about the Constitution than he does.
2. The Dems control the Senate.
3. The Repugs like the idea of Presidental over-reach - so that their future guy can use it.
1. I'd say congress is a lot more fucked up than obama, and 3/4 of them know less about the constitution than I do....
2. Impeachment proceedings are initiated by the House, which is controlled by the republican party
3 oh so their saving this little tidbit for some future "hey he did it so we can do it" moment in the future dude, do you know how fucking stupid that sounds....but given the republicans history, that's not as far fetched as it sounds.
Neither party gives half a shit about the Constitution.
You've seen our 15 trillion dollar debt, right?
couldn't agree more...hence my "I'm not voting", because why would I vote for somebody that puts their own self interest above what is best for our country.....
As for needing to explain the specifics of our military operations in Libya, it doesn't matter how complex they were.
Barry simply had no authority to put our military into action in Libya at any level because war powers conditions were not present.
and he had no congressional authority to send military aircraft into the airspace of Pakistan which again, constitutes an
ACT OF WAR yet I'm pretty sure you were supportive of that operation....look dude, you can't be okay with the same act one time, then be outraged at the same thing later on....be consistent
And also, Mr. Arrogant American, your attitude sucks horsecock.
The "Oh, we're not really doing all that much... just dropping some bombs around" attitude.
actually what we were doing is giving assistance in deposing a dictatorship of a fucking maniac that was directly involved in acts of terrorism perpetrated against the United States and our allies....so, if my son were asked to serve in that operation, no I wouldn't have any qualms about it....
What the hell are you going to be saying if some country decides they need to drop some bombs around on YOU? Not war, mind you. No, just bombs raining down.
you're making this sound like NATO was carpet bombing Tripoli and killing thousands of innocent people...that's not what happened and it's pretty disingenuous of you to imply that it did.....insofar as "some country raining bombs" down on me? I want to wish whatever country decides to undertake that adventure the best of luck....because they'll need it...