me-wtf is "wenzeled"
he then said "look it up in the urban dictionary"...I did, and here's the entry
he then briefs me on where the term came from and points me to a thread in a 4X4 forum called Pirate on how the whole thing came aboutWENZELED
1. Defrauded by an Internet seller.
2. Publicly outed as fraudulent person of low character.
"Hey, wanna buy some bran new gears for your truck?"
"LOL ok, here's $115"
"Now I want $140 for used gears out of my 2WD truck"
"Oh snap! I just got wenzled!"
Charlie Wenzel became an internet legend....if you've seen this, sorry, if you haven't it makes for some entertaining reading....all over a total of $25....
moral of the story, fuck the wrong people and it's going to turn out horribly for you....