"I got Wenzeled"

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"I got Wenzeled"

Post by Felix »

so I'm at work the other day and a guy I work with were talking about a 4X4 he's beefing up for racing.....he's explaining the modifications he's making and said he was waiting on a part he'd purchased but got "wenzeled" by the guy....

me-wtf is "wenzeled"

he then said "look it up in the urban dictionary"...I did, and here's the entry

1. Defrauded by an Internet seller.
2. Publicly outed as fraudulent person of low character.
"Hey, wanna buy some bran new gears for your truck?"
"LOL ok, here's $115"
"Now I want $140 for used gears out of my 2WD truck"
"Oh snap! I just got wenzled!"
he then briefs me on where the term came from and points me to a thread in a 4X4 forum called Pirate 4X4.com on how the whole thing came about


Charlie Wenzel became an internet legend....if you've seen this, sorry, if you haven't it makes for some entertaining reading....all over a total of $25....

moral of the story, fuck the wrong people and it's going to turn out horribly for you....
get out, get out while there's still time
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Re: "I got Wenzeled"

Post by R-Jack »

Nothing to see here folks. Just quietly TROTS this thread please

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Re: "I got Wenzeled"

Post by Felix »

R-Jack wrote:Nothing to see here folks. Just quietly TROTS this thread please
I've never seen anything quite like it...sure it's 6 years old but allegedly the cited thread received over 250,000 hits and was posted in over 50 other BBB forums...he was banned from ebay and by the time it was all said and done, the guy couldn't sell anything anywhere...and all over $25 dollars that had the guy just admitted he was wrong, that would have been the end of it....

if you don't want to wade through pages of the thread, here's a link that provides a synopsis


he had shirts, posters, cards, etc. made in honor of his stupidity....

but the Pirate 4X4 forum is full of some pretty hardcore posters....just drift down to the "bad sellers" forum and you can run across dudes that tried to jack people up for money and ended up getting the shit kicked out them.....

not people to be trifled with
get out, get out while there's still time
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