DC Smackmaster wrote:Actually, it would! At least then I would TRULY have free will. Your omnipotent god is giving life to souls he KNOWS are hell bound? Does that make any sense to you? I really would like you to explain to me in plain terms how this works.
Before going off into that realm, there is a question I might ask you to think about a little bit.
Satan was God's creation.
He was loved by God, shown extreme grace, and granted the loftiest of positions.
Are you also bothered that God will be keeping satan in hell for eternity?
DC wrote:All this talk of "taking verses out of context", or, "this or that isn't meant to be taken literally" is such bullshit. Since Jesus actually spoke so little in the bible I hardly see how anyone would be able to determine when he was being literal vs. figurative. it takes a decent amount of familiarity to "get" someones wink wink nudge nudges. It seems his words are uncannily figurative when speaking on such matters as personal wealth. "I don't need to sell all my belongings and take up my cross because Jesus wasn't talking literally! Sweet!" Same goes for the Old Testament. The fundy gay-bashers are ALL OVER Leviticus when they need to spout some scripture about the abomination of homo lovin, yet dismiss all the other CRRRAZY laws also in Leviticus that they themselves ignore. Why are some of these important and some not? As soon as you point this out, many Christians will admit that they didn't know about some of the "other" laws in Leviticus, but quickly remember, "Oh yeah!! Jesus came to save us from all these laws that none of us could ever obey!" Okay, fine, whatever...so you're going to leave gay people alone now? "FUCK NO! THEY ARE SINNERS AND AN ABOMINATION!!" Ok, will you stop wearing mixed fabrics and kill that neighbor of yours that keeps planting his tomatoes next to his cucumbers? "WHAT??? THAT'S FUCKING CRAZY MAN!!"
I tried to give a proper response to the verses that Mr T put up.
If what I posted didn't sound right to you, so be it.
Not much else to say.
DC, when people (Christians
and non-believers) post Old Testament Law Scripture to make claims about what is right or wrong, I usually cringe.
Everything is finished in Christ -
Romans 10:4, Galatians 3:23-25, John 19:30, among many others. Give it a look.
Regarding the gay issue - of course many people like to find the verses within the Law (Leviticus 18:22) for example, and use that to condemn homosexuality.
But as I pointed out, we are no longer following the Law - so it's frankly
dumb to pull those up and make "correct lifestyle" judgements on them
We're following Christ.
So homosexuality is fine?
No, it's not really fine and I wouldn't recommend people go into it.
The view that homosexuality is best not pursued is very easily (and thoroughly) shown by looking at the
whole of the Bible (Old & New T.).
I could easily post that case - and nobody with a shred of intellectual integrity could debate it.
It's honestly quite preposterous that any Christian would attempt to support homosexual activity, and yet many are vigorously doing that, and even doing it by pulling up Scripture which they twist to try to make that case.
All of that said, it's not a critical issue that needs
nearly as much focus as people give to it.
Jsc wrote:poptart, not trying for smack, but there is the same amount of evidence to support Zeus as there is to support God: none.
So why would you believe in one and not the other?
Chip, it's actually jaw-dropping to have a
lawyer (who is
very familiar with what evidence is) to make the statement that there is no evidence of God.
I would say, for example, that the behavior of the apostles, if brought into a courtroom, would make for some VERY compelling evidence.
Van wrote:Spray, take a good look at how God treats His children. We're all just part of a demented science project to that sick fuck. Seriously, every bit of evidence would seem to indicate that He's much more Josef Mengele and much less George Burns.
Van, I've pointed out now multiple times to you what the Bible says about God's children, and who they are.
Romans 10:9-10
John 1:12