http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me ... 4747.story
Walking through "Chinatown" and having to walk through the kitchen to get to the second floor where the restaurant was with a menu that said... if you you didn't like what was on the menu... " you could go fuck yourself ".
And... that's just when the fun began.
"Even though it's dirty and the place is small, it's a tradition," she said. "It's real authentic Chinese food, where the waiter's mean and the cook is mean. They don't have all day to explain the menu to you."
Hong was a tad gruff herself Friday. She chastised two women after they joined their friends in line ahead of her. And she expressed disdain for a TV reporter's decision to interview a pretty young blond, griping that longtime regulars may not be as easy on the eyes but that they know more.
She whispered dismissively after eavesdropping on the interview. "Sweet and sour pork?" she said of the young woman's proclaimed favorite. "Come on. If I ordered that they'd probably hit me with a pan."
As the day wore on, mournful comments piled up on Yelp and other online forums. Many recalled bringing their own booze for boisterous late-night gatherings on the third floor, which invariably included shenanigans with the dumbwaiter.
Most lamented the loss of another old-time San Francisco institution, warts and all.
If you never had the chance to eat there... you've been eating out of your ass... your whole life.