100% bullshit.Diego in Seattle wrote:Know when to stay down, felchcal.The five firms that qualify for the breaks are now among the most well-established and profitable companies in the world. Two of them--BP and Royal Dutch Shell--aren't even American companies. Along with the other three--Exxon Mobil, Chevron and ConocoPhillips--the five companies combined earned $116 billion in profits in 2011. If the tax breaks were eliminated and the whole tally came straight out of the bottom line, with no offsetting savings, the total decline in profits would be a paltry 1.8 percent.
Now let's talk actual numbers here.The 1990 Tax Act provided some special tax credits and advantages for small companies and individuals. This tax incentive, known as the "Percentage Depletion Allowance," is specifically intended to encourage participation in oil and gas drilling. This tax benefit is not available to large oil compaines, retail petroleum marketers, or refiners that process more than 50,000 barrels per day. It is also not available for entities owning more than 1,000 barrels of oil (or 6,000,000 cubic feet of gas) average daily production. The "Small Producers Exemption" allows 15% of the Gross Income (not Net Income) from an oil and gas producing property to be tax free.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The federal government spent $24 billion on energy subsidies in 2011, with the vast majority going to renewable energy sources, according to a government report.
Renewable energy and energy efficiency accounted for $16 billion of the federal support, according to the Congressional Budget Office, while the fossil-fuel industry received $2.5 billion in tax breaks.
2.5 billion dollars in tax breaks. Considering our annual deficit of 1.5 trillion dollars that adds up to about the equivalent of a fart in a tornado.
Exxon alone pays more than ten times that amount in income tax every year. If you weren't balls deep in a ten year old boy, you might realize that you're being fed a pile of bullshit. Even if you weren't, you're probably too stupid to figure it out anyway.