Sounds like Ted's ready for a duet with Hank jr, some bleary paranoid rant with occasional searing cliches on guitar, and of course some huntin' lust--you know, just wanting to roam about with high powered weaponry shooting bears, presidents, Arabs, anything really.
Howard wanted to do a real interview with Courtney so he tried to calm her down and asked her about her past heroin abuse. She told Howard that she was the last person to lose her virginity in her peer group. She said one of the first times she had oral sex was with Ted Nugent. She said she was young and she didn't want to say exactly how old she was. It was a long time ago and she didn't even have breasts yet. She was only 12 and a half years old back then.
That Nugent is a pedophile isn't really in dispute. Neither is the fact that he is a draft dodger.
So yeah, considering his being a pedophile draft dodger and his recent comments about the Commander in Chief, I understand why the Army doesn't want him.
Right the word of a crack take that to court much very often esquire ?
I was thinking more along the lines of a criminal conviction that might support your's and the other liberal honks allegations that Ted is a pedophile.
You know, proved and convicted in court ?
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Yet another irrelevant distraction brought to you by our least favorite dog-eating, Kenyan moron in order to in order to steer the conversation away from his utterly disasterous handling of the economy.
As I said earlier, his campaign will be predicated on a series of irrelevant distractions and they are going start flying fast and furious. Wait...where have I heard fast and furious before? Sounds familiar...hmm, nevermind. HEY!! LOOK EVERYBODY!! TED NUGENT!! GET HIM!!!
No surprise to see the usual dullards here hoodwinked by the horseshit.
Screw_Michigan wrote: ↑Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:39 pmUnlike you tards, I actually have functioning tastebuds and a refined pallet.
Comparing Nugent and the backlash from his stupid comments to the Dixie Chicks and the concerted smear campaign leveled against them is idiotic--and standard Rovian twist-logic. Nugent is an ignorant punk who likes to think big thoughts in tiny spurts, and so concludes drastic nonsense. Just like the right-wing lock-step Tea Baggers around here, btw. As for his being a draft dodger, well this is certainly a good thing which could be said about him if it's true. After all, he was dodging Vietnam, a Nazi-like war crime of massive aggression. But this nonissue exposes another real problem creeping deeper into the national fabric, and that's the constant reference to the president as "my Commander In Chief." Everyone does it routinely, even congressmen like Cantor who hate the president. The president is commander in chief of the military, period. If you're not in the military, he's decidedly NOT your commander in chief. Rather, he works for you. This blanket application of the president's military role is a pernicious angle to promote the Permanent War as a normal state of affairs. Fuck the pentagon--before they fuck you.
smackaholic wrote:So, writing a song about banging some young honey = pedophile
You consider a 13 year old a "young honey?"
kcdave wrote: ↑Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: ↑Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
I used to spend every Summer in Tempe, AZ and I remember way back Terrible Ted played at Compton Terrace (formerly Legend City) owned by Stevie Nicks' father. I think Stevie had a home on Camelback Mtn. The rumor was that Ted also drank a quart of motor oil that screwed him up to get out of the draft. Jay in Phoenix may be able to verify some of this.
Oh, and Ted Nugent shit his pants to avoid serving in Vietnam. Of course, I suppose he was going to shit his pants either way. His way, he got out of going to Vietnam. Bode him on that point. I guess.
And Diego was right on point bringing up the Dixie Chicks. Remember, they were pretty much blacklisted, all for saying that they were embarrassed to be from the same state as W. Nugent, OTOH, exhorted a bunch of people, some of whom were probably even crazier than he is, to cut off Obama's head. And all he lost was a single concert on an Army base. Small potatoes, by comparison. And I'm guessing you weren't all that worried about the Dixie Chicks' First Amendment rights.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
He had a relationship with a 17-year old Hawaiian girl when he was 30. He became her legal guardian in order to comply with laws regarding relationships with minors.
Not charged or convicted with any crime of course. A 17 year old is still legally a minor by definition of the law, granted. An of course you liberals will take the low road and call her a child, while at that same time most likely you have dropped the hammer on a 17 year old back in the day. Shocking.
But if it works for you position, keep spinning. Take it to court and make it stick if you can. Probably not. Still not enough for the pedophile label to be used here. Just like Clinton was not an adulterer.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
He had a relationship with a 17-year old Hawaiian girl when he was 30. He became her legal guardian in order to comply with laws regarding relationships with minors.
Not charged or convicted with any crime of course. A 17 year old is still legally a minor by definition of the law, granted. An of course you liberals will take the low road and call her a child, while at that same time most likely you have dropped the hammer on a 17 year old back in the day. Shocking.
But if it works for you position, keep spinning. Take it to court and make it stick if you can. Probably not. Still not enough for the pedophile label to be used here. Just like Clinton was not an adulterer.
Nobody has said that Nugent was ever convicted of child molestation. It's not subject to reasonable dispute, though, that Nugent had "inappropriate relationships" (to use a Clintonian phrase) with underage girls at varying points in his life. And I'm guessing you never had any problem with calling Clinton an adulterer. Or for that matter, a rapist or a murderer.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
I'll give you that one, Derron. Writing about wanting to bang 13 year olds is more fucked up than obtaining legal documents so you can bang 17 year olds. Pedophile? I don't know. Piece of shit? Most certainly.
If Nugent did nail a 17 year old as a 30 year old, he's not a ped. He is a POS, however, IMO.
But, if we are gonna play morality police and go after a 30 year old rock star for banging a 17 year old groupie, what do you say about a 50 year old POTUS banging an early 20s underling? And then lying under oath about it. And we won't even bother going into JFK's wanderings who make Ted and Willy look like choir boys.
And save me the 17 is not 22, because 30 year old rock star is surely not 50 year old POTUS.
I suspect that all this kiddy diddling being brought up, will cause Nugent's stock to fall in conservative circles, because, that's generally how we roll. Too bad it ain't the case among libs desparate for a hero to hold up.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
smackaholic wrote:If Nugent did nail a 17 year old as a 30 year old, he's not a ped. He is a POS, however, IMO.
But, if we are gonna play morality police and go after a 30 year old rock star for banging a 17 year old groupie, what do you say about a 50 year old POTUS banging an early 20s underling? And then lying under oath about it. And we won't even bother going into JFK's wanderings who make Ted and Willy look like choir boys.
And save me the 17 is not 22, because 30 year old rock star is surely not 50 year old POTUS.
To an extent, I agree, but then you go on to . . .
I suspect that all this kiddy diddling being brought up, will cause Nugent's stock to fall in conservative circles, because, that's generally how we roll. Too bad it ain't the case among libs desparate for a hero to hold up.
Was Bill Clinton's conduct appropriate? Certainly not. But was it kiddy diddling? Not by any reasonable definition of that phrase. Like it or not, the law recognizes a 22 year old as a consenting adult.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
What groupies Nugent pulled--and their respective ages--is not the point at all. Why are you guys stressing on who he fucked in his private life? What matters is that a nominal celebrity is spouting absurdly simplistic gibberish that borders on threatening the president. Of course he's exaggerating and just blathering whatever comes into his very simple mind, but what's significant is that this sort of over heated childish rhetoric is standard for right-wing hacks everywhere. There are lots of (Koch brothers funded) radio hacks spewing this same sort of inane drivel everyday. And what's truly perverse is that the corporate militarist tools (like Nugent) are in fact the "America Haters" that he decries like a hysterical child.
Explain yourself, P-willie. Nugent is a hysterical spouter of simplistic drivel. He's not even worth responding to, and i only mention him as being typical of the simplistic Tea Bagger mentality. Okay? Try to keep up.
Well, I've made about three, and nothing too detailed. I don't like his music and his politics, as I've pointed out, are typical of the GOP mouth breathers these days. What's your point again? You keep not saying it.
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Well, I've made about three, and nothing too detailed. I don't like his music and his politics, as I've pointed out, are typical of the GOP mouth breathers these days. What's your point again? You keep not saying it.
Since you don't like his music or politics, but you keep spouting off about , I think his point may be shut the fuck up. Maybe...
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Derron wrote:Unfortunately it means we have to continue to read the shit ass drivel you post here and try to pass off as a take on anything. Painful really...
But it has nothing to do with TN being kicked off a gig by the Army now does it? So why then did you cite it in your original post?
You don't have to answer that because we all know the answer is that you are a complete tardling.
Whose point? I'm the only one actually saying anything. You guys are just me...As usual, you make no sense and i wonder why you're even posting at all.
smackaholic wrote:If Nugent did nail a 17 year old as a 30 year old, he's not a ped. He is a POS, however, IMO.
But, if we are gonna play morality police and go after a 30 year old rock star for banging a 17 year old groupie, what do you say about a 50 year old POTUS banging an early 20s underling? And then lying under oath about it. And we won't even bother going into JFK's wanderings who make Ted and Willy look like choir boys.
And save me the 17 is not 22, because 30 year old rock star is surely not 50 year old POTUS.
To an extent, I agree, but then you go on to . . .
I suspect that all this kiddy diddling being brought up, will cause Nugent's stock to fall in conservative circles, because, that's generally how we roll. Too bad it ain't the case among libs desparate for a hero to hold up.
Was Bill Clinton's conduct appropriate? Certainly not. But was it kiddy diddling? Not by any reasonable definition of that phrase. Like it or not, the law recognizes a 22 year old as a consenting adult.
I never said it was. My point is that The POTUS is held to a MUCH higher standard than a moron who plays a guitar, shrieks, then bangs everything in site after the show.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
smackaholic wrote:If Nugent did nail a 17 year old as a 30 year old, he's not a ped. He is a POS, however, IMO.
I don’t think the 30-year-old nailing the 17-year-old thing is as bad as the multiple inferences that he was screwing girls under the age of 15.
A thirty year old rock and roll dude banging a 17 year old groupie is quite understandable. I seriously doubt that the roadie in charge of grouupie skank requesitioning is checking IDs.
If Ted admitted to banging 14 year olds or there is solid evidence that he did, he should be thrown under the jail.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
When I was 30 years old, I was tapping an 18-year-old (we lived together for about a year). She was a fairly mature 18, I was a fairly immature 30. She was also drop-dead gorgeous. I was a part-time bartender in the tavern her dad owned. Those were some good times, and her old man was a good shit.
Joe in PB wrote:
Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote:
They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Goober McTuber wrote:When I was 30 years old, I was tapping an 18-year-old (we lived together for about a year). She was a fairly mature 18, I was a fairly immature 30. She was also drop-dead gorgeous. I was a part-time bartender in the tavern her dad owned. Those were some good times, and her old man was a good shit.
Fucking pedophile.
Finally someone comes clean. This makes my 19 years dropping the hammer on a 17 year old about 200 times seem pretty tame.
Last edited by Derron on Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.