Sun rising over Love Field in Dallas as we changed planes and an old school Southwest paint scheme pulls up along side.
On a non game day some of us went to the OKC Federal Bldg Memorial.
Statue of Jesus across street from Memorial, inscription reads "and Jesus wept"
Marker of South Entrance
Mural of photos
Entry Gate to Memorial of what was 15th Street.
One of hundreds of personal memories.
Just inside the West Gate looking down what was 15th street. The truck was about 2/3rds of the way to the far gate.
Markers for those who died in the blast.
Looking North towards the survivor tree that was burned but not killed.
Northeast Corner of bldg foundation.
Looking across the memorial from the survivor tree.
Message from a recovery team
Later that night some of us went to take in the RedHawks game. Nice park, but what was common around OKC many of the seats were tarped off.
We had seats in row D of Section 108 but that was behind the screen so we moved to the first row down the 3rd base line.
After we won game 3 of the series some of the staff went to Tap Works about the only bar open and I saw this in the pisser. Guess it was a Cowboy fan making fun of a Sooner's English.
The brown bldg is a prison at the OKC airport where ConAir flights can transfer prisoners. Jetways are included but can't be seen in this photo.
View of Denver on approach. Had to connect there and Austin to get home with only 8 hours notice.
This ad always makes me smile. What a better ad than to pax on another airline that are pissed that they just dropped $60 to check their bags.
I had to call my counsel after seeing this in the Austin Airport.
Nice city as usual, but I suggest coming on a non convention week. Great sports facilities, but way to many seats covered up. But with so few people attending their baseball and hockey games I see why they cover them.