AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Atomic Punk »

This is getting better, the buzzer is considering calling the authorities on me with her long response. Hey Van, if LB is "above me," don't you think she should be the one to put the condom on me before she squats down? I don't want to get AIDS from a mudshark.

BTW, I've never posted those pics. Katy did and where is she now?

Van is now in the KC Scrote league of taking sloppy seconds from a bald, sweaty, 'roided, and emasculated weight lifter.

There should be a forum called "Scott and Cocks" with Van as a m0d and buzzer being a hand puppet. Please wear protective gloves in advance, TIA.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by DC Smackmaster »

Atomic Punk:
BTW, I've never posted those pics. Katy did and where is she now?
Fermenting in a barrel under your moms basement slab? Mixed in among Hungry Man dinners in your freezer?
Moving Sale

Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Moving Sale »

Martyred wrote:
All credit to our "Founding Wytch Fathers".
I made a list. Nice.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Van »

Ummm, Todd? In the post directly above yours AP refers to LB as a "mudshark."

Wanna try again?
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88

Show me your dicks. - trev
Moving Sale

Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Moving Sale »

KC Scott wrote:Whole lotta classic in that..

"Don't cry trev, you're husband can't hit you here"

"Cuda Still Racks Me"
It's a bit like Blazing Saddles. You might as well just quote the piece as a whole.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Jerkovich »

Finally, no mention of Kevnic and his reindeer. :lol:
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by bradhusker »

AP cant possibly call a legend like me out. FUCK, I was posting classic takes when his dad was spewing his atomic spunk in men's asses in San Fran bathhouses. SHIT, AP wouldnt ever have existed at all, were it not for the fact that his dad mistook his mom for a shemale tranny.
I'll pull you out of that one bunk hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. The warden, shawshank redemption.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by lovebuzz »

Atomic Punk wrote:This is getting better, the buzzer is considering calling the authorities on me with her long response.
I aspire to be as kewl as you.
I'm going to call the feds (or not and say that I did) and then blab about it (each version getting stranger, larger and less truthful) across every board everywhere, foo.
in between the bouts of madness i will flirt with you shamelessly, demand oral puh-leasure and post pics of me in cheap panties while bragging about pretty much my entire existence.
oh, and i will drink massive amounts of cheap liquor.
board cred. yeahbuddy.
Hey Van, if LB is "above me," don't you think she should be the one to put the condom on me before she squats down? I don't want to get AIDS from a mudshark.
what is this, let's do the time warp again ?!
BTW, I've never posted those pics. Katy did and where is she now?
in MI, apparently :mrgreen:
There should be a forum called "Scott and Cocks" with Van as a m0d and buzzer being a hand puppet. Please wear protective gloves in advance, TIA.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Screw_Michigan »

!zzubevol where she thinks Katy is wrote: in MI, apparently :mrgreen:
As cool as it would be, unfortunately Michigan is not a Canadian province. Although it tries.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Atomic Punk »

I invite the buzzer to be in the kewl club. Are you still mad at me for getting you lost in Wisconsin when I meant to get you home to that other state?

A "Look at me" reply from KC Scrote that constantly hits on other males from this board to hang out?

Scrote, you seem to have a problem with yourself. Messing with board skanks is one thing, but you keep coming back to take abuse. You constantly brag about anything as if anyone cares. I mean, you've posted a pic of a lame car you bought for your wife to impress the masses. Ugly car with an ugly paint scheme. BFD. What surprise me more is if your old lady isn't getting it in the ass from filthy men since her husband prefers to hang out with disgusting men. Am I right?

For now on, when I see KC Scrote post, I'll be reminded of what a young version of Jerry Sandusky is like. I'll bet you that ucunt has had more sexual relations with men than you can crave. That dude must have "game" to attract another male of your persuasion. I'll give you credit for creating the saying "Bro's before ho's."
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by trev »

Katy shared some other of ZZ's pics with the girls. If I was the type the shared pm's you all would have a field day with them. Not that the panties pic hasn't brought years of fun and embarrassment.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by War Wagon »

!zzubevol wrote: i will.... post pics of me in cheap panties
All is saw.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Atomic Punk »

trev wrote:Katy shared some other of ZZ's pics with the girls. If I was the type the shared pm's you all would have a field day with them. Not that the panties pic hasn't brought years of fun and embarrassment.
Of course it was stupid but I don't care. Since it has been about 5 years? I'll tell you what happened. I dated this really hot chick that was weirder than myself. She wanted my to take pics for some reason and she would send pics of herself back. Not really sure why it got her off but whatever. No male here would turn that down. Before those that couldn't get laid in a morgue, ask yourself if you had a hot piece of ass that wanted you to act like an idiot, then you would or you would be a 100% confirmed homosexual if you didn't comply with her demands.

Those that hide beind trolls to attack me are afraid for good reason. They have sexual issues and are buying fake sex pills from overseas locations.

We had a guy named PSUFAN that used to post here, so I took one of myself to mock his shit stained pic. She said it was the only "granny" panty she owned and let me destroy it as it got stretched out when I took it. She has small tits but her body is perfect other than that.

trev, I'm flattered that you are a meat gazer. You lusting over my junk is commendable I guess. If you weren't married I would put a Hawaiian lay on it to let you back into it for mutual carnal knowledge. I know it would be safe sex as your lips are as clean as being swabbed by a alcohol prep pad.

Shit trolls, you've had 5 years and the last 4 haven't been humorous.

In closing, I want to thank the funny posters that keep this place alive. Welcome back DC and Marty needs the keys to this shithole to keep the frauds in check.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Atomic Punk wrote:Before those that couldn't get laid in a morgue, ask yourself if you had a hot piece of ass that wanted you to act like an idiot, then you would or you would be a 100% confirmed homosexual if you didn't comply with her demands.
Those of us who've got things going for them don't have to comply with a hot chick's demands in order to fuck them. The hot chick fucks us because they want to... not because they're some pyscho-bitch with daddy issues who wanted to humiliate some pathetic older gent like yourself. Her father did naughty things to her and you were one of her retribution victims. You do realize this, yes? Holy fuck are you stupid... you had no idea, did you? :lol:
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Atomic Punk »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Those of us who've got things going for them... :lol:
So tell me ucunt, what do you have going for you? Be graphic as I won't believe you nor the need to use the board fallacy words "we" or "us" in defense of your response to me... as if.

Tell my how a 'roided out bald guy gets laid with hot chicks. I don't buy it nor do "we" or "us" here on this board. A miserable fuck like yourself tends to scare off "hot" chicks unless you do the following in bars:

1) Go ugly early.
2) If your standards are too high... lower them.
3) Every girl looks good with a dick in her mouth.

So don't go all 'roid raging and tell me you get laid. The only way a female will talk to you is if you give out your credit card number and then the 3 digit number on the back of the card. So save it 'roid rager/rump ranger.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Van »

Right, AP, because no one here who's seen your pics and read your 'thoughts' has a problem believing you of all people pull "hot chicks" with "perfect bodies," oh, other than for their small tits and gargantuan asses requiring panties the size of circus tents.

Face it, AP, JtR got you to pose in his panties and take pics of it, and this is your faceplant cover-up story.
Last edited by Van on Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88

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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Atomic Punk »

Van wrote: Face it, AP, JtR got you to pose in his panties and take pics of it, and this is your faceplant cover-up story.
Hi Van, I thought "we" had an understanding that you would resign from this board when I posted my degree from the school that rejected you. What is the name of MY school Van? I'll spot you the last 2 letters of MY school's abbreviated name *SC.

You didn't go there, but I did. How does that make you feel? AP is a USC grad and Van is a bitter wannabe bitch that was shown that cards when called. You lose Vangina. You lose.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by poptart »

'll consider your request but am leaning toward calling the authorities on you.

threatened T1B with "legal actions"

I'm going to call the feds


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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Van »

Atomic Punk wrote:I thought
I call bullshit.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88

Show me your dicks. - trev
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by War Wagon »

Atomic Punk wrote:So tell me ucunt, what do you have going for you?
for starters, 15 unique and made Jackasses have trusted him with our league funds for several years... and will again if he steps up.

tap, tap, tap...

this message isn't actually for you, AP.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Diego in Seattle »

The Chicago Cubs are recruiting Atomic Panties to join them. What with all the slump-busters he's pulled, he's sure to get them a WS championship....
“Left Seater” wrote:So charges are around the corner?
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by lovebuzz »

poptart wrote:'ll consider your request but am leaning toward calling the authorities on you.

threatened T1B with "legal actions"

I'm going to call the feds


pop, i'm thinking you know that i was being facetious and poking fun at AP's past shenanigans a bit as well.
if not, well... you do now !
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Atomic Punk wrote:Tell my how a 'roided out bald guy gets laid with hot chicks.
Like most people... just being myself worked fine. Unfortunately for you, that obviously wasn't good enough.

I think we've seen pics of TVO with a hot chick before, right? The point being, it doesn't really take all that much. Which makes your situation even more pathetic.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by poptart »

AP wrote:In closing,...
See you on page 14.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Atomic Punk »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Like most people... just being myself worked fine. Unfortunately for you, that obviously wasn't good enough.

I think we've seen pics of TVO with a hot chick before, right? The point being, it doesn't really take all that much. Which makes your situation even more pathetic.
There you go again. Hiding behind a false consensus "we've" "we" "us" etc.
BTW, no, "we've" never seen TVO with a hot chick before. If you're talking about the one with a girl with a big rack and red shirt, that one is stolen from a porn site.

Now, if you're thinking of zyclone doing a quick pic grab being near women then acting like he's getting some, then YOU, not "we" are sadly mistaken. He has always posted pics after buying chicks free booze before he gets shut down while bragging about owning boats and taking pics of receipts from Ruth's Chris steakhouse to post here.

The last pic zyclone posted was him bragging about living the dream in some hovel in MD. Remember that beautiful view of his parking lot view?

I would suggest you (in your book "we") would have to use a date rape drug to induce women to be near you. I've read your shit for years and your only chance at geting "lucky" would be if you bought Diego one of those fruit cocktails and compliment his choice of sandals.

You could then bench press his motorcycle and use the back wheel as a buffing machine for your bald head while he hits the throttle.

You're more likely to pull tail off of Diego which is up your alley, if you get the insinuation.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by trev »

The girls had a good laugh over your erectile dysfunction and 5000 posts says women's panties didn't help and "you don't care."
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by poptart »

Panty dalliances are just a fella's personal deal.
After 5 years, I vote to cease the stone casting.

Erectile dysfunction is a physical condition.
No need to castigate men for their body ailments - or we're all hosed.

Perhaps the other pics need to be aired to see if there is anything left with any BITE to it - by which this longtime fellow board member should rightfully be thrown to the lions, ucant's, Van's, DC's, R-Jacks and buzzers.

As of now, I find nothing.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Atomic Punk »

Um trev, what pic would that be?
I do not suffer from that medical condition other than TDTF sometimes. (To Drunk to Fuck). I don't even have pics of myself or one where a female here/or was here was riding my crank. Not sure if that one has ever been posted here. One thing is for sure, you cyber bitches talk shit but want to hook up in private. You like the route of using PM's to apologize and then wanna hook-up. This is true. The funniest thing is you bitches have boyfriends or some are married and cheat on their hubby's anyway.

So trev, I'll accept your blow job as a form of apology. I really hope your husband doesn't read this board or your PM's. ;)
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by poptart »

AP wrote:You like the route of using PM's to apologize and then wanna hook-up.
In the discovery phase of this investigation, it would help your case if said PMs were entered into evidence.

Yes, your own board reputation has been undeniably sullied, yet if mischievious and manipulative misdeeds by various wanton women can be shown to have precipitated your downfall, much board cred and renewal will come your way.

Flip this whole thing 180.

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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Atomic Punk »

pops, you "bring up" something interesting. The rules of this board specifically said one would be banned for posting PM's here. I know the shit posters would love to see me banned here, but that isn't really what anybody wants.

Secondly, the admins are all responsible for allowing Katy to post the panty pic that I've never posted here. They are all guilty and it shows the true character of these assholes that bend the rules in their favour.

So before I have to defend myself for your edification, ask these assholes in charge why they are all a bunch of Eric Holder's and even let that pic in question on the board in the 1st place. By definition they should all be banned for hypocrisy by breaking their own rules. The well-known closet homosexuals still have that pic to stroke to after all of these years. That's really fucked up We have some sick bastards here friendo.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by poptart »

Board Rules

1. No revealing other user's personal information. This includes, but is not limited to: user's full, real names; home or employment addresses; home or employment telephone numbers; place of employment; e-mails; or IP information. Any violator of this rule will be publicaly revealed, with details of violation posted for all to see. The violator will be BANNED FOR LIFE. In addition, the proper authorities will be notified, with complaints of harassment, threats or other applicable criminal violations reported. There will be no exceptions to this rule under any circumstances whatsoever.

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Nudity in avatars will not be allowed.

To repeat...if you want to dump media into an existing thread, pm the thread starter or a mod BEFOREHAND, it's that simple.

Feel free to embed YouTube flash files without the tag, because those files are not auto-play.

4. Forums. In most of the topic-specific forums, the mods will exercise their wide discretion to delete what they don't want to see posted there. Trashing a good thread with a shit post is definitely a good basis for deletion. Someone who repeatedly does that will likely lose the ability to post in that forum. And the mods have full discretion with no second guessing by the admins. If you don't like it, leave. It is that simple.

5. PMs. If you post (here or elsewhere) a PM that someone sent you in confidence here, it's cause for banning you from here.


Yes, I see #5.

That is problematic.

At this point, people will just have to take your word that these harlots sent enticing PM's.

Your credibility is fairly high, so I think folks can find this easy to digest.

Skanks were skanking around.

I, poptart, get it.

Which of the above rules did the admins participate in violating by allowing Katy to post that infamous pic of you?

Was it #1 - a personal information breach?
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Atomic Punk »

pops, I never knew "that" pic was even posted for a long time until our board racist mvscal called me out on it. I forgot all about it as I was pretty wasted sending it to a board skank that constantly called me and whined about her love life. I sent "that" pic to her to make her laugh as she said the poster Spinach Genie? (he had another name too and I forget whom he posted as) had a 3 inch cock and he got her pregnant.

She said he was sweating all over her as he pumped away. This was a phone conversation and I'm telling you that she called me all of the time to complain about life. I'm not into the PM thing other than to talk to a few professional people that are good folks. I also have to retract my statement saying all of the admins are in this. They are good peeps and know I like having fun at their expense. However, none asked me if that pic was cool to be broadcasted to where the worst of the worst posters can use M$ Paint and make really bad pics. If it it meant that much to the unknown shit posters, I would have asked DC Smackmaster to give me shit.

BTW, off topic here... DC Smackmaster put out his p/w years ago and I took it for awhile then gave it back to him. He's fucking cool. TV0, took mine and I'm telling you he was very cool about it. He ripped Cuda, and a few others and went to town on the 5 nutlickers then gave my zztop nick back. I want to say I retired zztop afterwards and created Atomic Punk.

DC told me about the Ulead graphic program and I actually bought it and my man shutyomouth got toasted as I got good at it. I will say TVO is the best Photoshop poster on this board, David Copperfield is the best Flash expert even though ppanther didn't agree with me.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Atomic Punk wrote:There you go again. Hiding behind a false consensus "we've" "we" "us" etc.
I am not hiding behind anything. I am telling you that for most people in this world, just being themselves is good enough to fuck a hot chick. You are the 1%. The other 99% of us didn't have to wear panties in order to pull this off. I am sorry you're struggling so mightily with this concept, but it's the truth.
Atomic Punk wrote:ask yourself if you had a hot piece of ass that wanted you to act like an idiot, then you would or you would be a 100% confirmed homosexual if you didn't comply with her demands.
This never gets old: "You guys are faggots because you've never had to walk in my shoes panties." :lol:
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by DC Smackmaster »

The TVO "hot chick" was paid. Not a doubt in my mind. What chick lets a little creepy-looking fart like TVO write some dorky saying like, "Rack the Trolls!" on her body and then allows herself to be photographed knowing it will end up on the internet...for free? A paid slut of some sort. Which is fucking PATHETIC!!

"I am going to show this group of strangers that despite my hobbit-like stature I can not only pull hot tail, but these hot bitches will do WHATEVER I ASK THEM TO DO"

Believable? No. Not in the least.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Python »

You said known psychos.
Moving Sale

Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Moving Sale »

DC Smackmaster wrote: A paid slut of some sort.
Nope just a regular slut, you blubber-layer walrus-looking dumbass. Just because the only thing you could ever talk a chick into is 'commitment' and 'babies' and all that crap doesn't mean you have to be an asshole when someone else gets a slut to get naked for the internet for free... and is then nice enough to post it for you.
Moving Sale

Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Moving Sale »

Roach wrote: I wish the pic survived!
It was lipstick and I still have the whole pic set.... someplace... I think. :?:
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by MadRussian »

This will never not be hysterical, awesome to see AP is still in a melt over it years later :lol: :lol: :lol:
At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by Screw_Michigan »

And yet again, for the one millionth time, only you, tardrussian, would have to unnecessarily doctor up a photo that was already hilarious to begin with. Fuck off, already.
kcdave wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 8:05 am
I was actually going to to join in the best bets activity here at good ole T1B...The guy that runs that contest is a fucking prick
Derron wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 3:07 pm
You are truly one of the worst pieces of shit to ever post on this board. Start giving up your paycheck for reparations now and then you can shut the fuck up about your racist blasts.
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Re: AP Is Calling All You Bitches Out

Post by MadRussian »

Screw_Michigan wrote:And yet again, for the one millionth time, only you, tardrussian, would have to unnecessarily doctor up a photo that was already hilarious to begin with. Fuck off, already.
Dab some salve on your swollen, raw vagina, FFS you half a sissy.
At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.
P.J. O'Rourke.
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