Sudden Sam wrote:And he didn't like blacks.
That's why he tutored them regularly, I guess.
This guy is doomed.
Maybe he should be...maybe not. But he's a goner.
I was re-reading the Book of Job recently and "doomed" and "goner" in this case are hyperbole relative to the deal Job got. Still, there are parallels unmistakeable and even though I'm nowhere near being a thumpin' Christer, I can easily see how words of solace on the Biblical tip from a certain PopeTart would be of great benefit to the state of mind of Zimmy.
Yes, PopeTart could provide some wise messages to the sufferin' fella... what the fuck would you say to Zim? Nothing more than point out the obvious as you did above: "yer dooooomed!" and "yer a goner!"
Yeah, you're a veritable Fount of Wisdom. Sure. And yet one of those people you so assuredly decry as just crazy could do far more for the wrecked mind of another than your sorry no-account ass could EVER achieve. And I should mention that a PopeTart, by dint of superior ethical grounding in theory and practice AND fucking vigilance would actually be more inclined to give succor to the wretched than your fuckwittedness could possibly intend in the first place.
Zims:Aw fuck! What the hell happened to my life?
Sukken Sam: uh guh yer a goner and doomed. I gon go ride mah mo'cycle guh...
Fuck off, twat-o.
I'm not pressed at all by the likes of felix, the Commie Cousins, 88... these guys don't present their point of view with the same precious perfect mix of asshole and retard that "inform" your posts regarding things and persons religious.
I leave for the Holy Land tomorrow. When I get back I'll be happy to tell you more about yourself.