I never assumed he would have such power, you gibbering fuckwit. "Fuck Jim Delany" is always an appropriate sentiment, you Mid-Major Retard.Screw_Michigan wrote:You're just embarrassed you creamed your pants a little early. It was just a study paper, not some decree about to be signed into law. If you think Jim Fucking Delaney is ever going to amass the power to fire schools' coaches, well then you are even dumber than we imagined.Goober McTuber wrote: What, he's your fucking hero? Get your skinny MAC ass out of here, bitch.
So what does the future hold for PSU?
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
- Cross Traffic
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Another cover up!!! Memo to PSU students, quit idolizing this guy, you make your school look even worse than it already is.
As for the penalties, sounds like the punishment is going to be so bad that PSU would wish they would have received the death penalty instead.
As for the penalties, sounds like the punishment is going to be so bad that PSU would wish they would have received the death penalty instead.
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
All the speculatory reports on ESPN are likening the sanctions to the equivalent of a death penalty, yet they're only talking in terms of schollie cuts and bowl bans.
Well, as a USC fan, I'm here to tell you, those certainly do not equate to a death penalty. USC was hit harder than any other major program in recent memory in those two areas, and still they're heading into this season ranked #1 or #2 while concluding last season ranked #6. Despite the schollie limits they have the #1 ranked recruiting class for 2013, and an argument could be made that they were #1 last year as well, considering they had the highest average star ranking by nearly a full half-point.
Also, in all the speculation they're only referring to a one-year death penalty when in fact a whole lot of people around the country have been talking about a multi-year death penalty.
So, no, unless the NCAA hits them with sanctions involving the loss of all (or nearly all) scholarships for a three- to five-year period along with an equivalent-years bowl ban, the penalties that will be handed down tomorrow morning will not be "death penalty" severe, and certainly not commensurate with the infractions. In order for them to be so, the NCAA would have to take USC's sanctions and weigh their violations vs Penn St's, which would mean, what, a doubling or tripling of penalties? Quadrupling?
No matter how one compares them, the LOIC infractions at Penn St dwarf USC's so immeasurably that there really couldn't be sufficient equivalent-type sanctions to do them justice.
Well, as a USC fan, I'm here to tell you, those certainly do not equate to a death penalty. USC was hit harder than any other major program in recent memory in those two areas, and still they're heading into this season ranked #1 or #2 while concluding last season ranked #6. Despite the schollie limits they have the #1 ranked recruiting class for 2013, and an argument could be made that they were #1 last year as well, considering they had the highest average star ranking by nearly a full half-point.
Also, in all the speculation they're only referring to a one-year death penalty when in fact a whole lot of people around the country have been talking about a multi-year death penalty.
So, no, unless the NCAA hits them with sanctions involving the loss of all (or nearly all) scholarships for a three- to five-year period along with an equivalent-years bowl ban, the penalties that will be handed down tomorrow morning will not be "death penalty" severe, and certainly not commensurate with the infractions. In order for them to be so, the NCAA would have to take USC's sanctions and weigh their violations vs Penn St's, which would mean, what, a doubling or tripling of penalties? Quadrupling?
No matter how one compares them, the LOIC infractions at Penn St dwarf USC's so immeasurably that there really couldn't be sufficient equivalent-type sanctions to do them justice.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Van wrote: Nice of you to try and make this about USC, though,
- Screw_Michigan
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
No shit. Van, just shut the fuck up already. Every time you bring up SC in relation to the Paterno scandal, you diminish the severity of what actually took place in Happy Valley.
Why can't this be about Paterno, Sandusky and Penn State? What does this have to be about you?
Why can't this be about Paterno, Sandusky and Penn State? What does this have to be about you?
- Screw_Michigan
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Wow! They took EVERYTHING down!
Rack the fuck out of the PSU president.
Rack the fuck out of the PSU president.
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Screwball, you utter fucking moron, the point isn't about USC, it's about the yardstick the NCAA may employ in handing down their Penn St penalty, especially as it relates to anything approaching a death penalty-equivalent punishment.
You know, the story that's making all the headlines today? We're now at that point. The NCAA has decided to punish Penn St for LOIC, and supposedly they're going to hit them hard. Since USC was the most recent major football power hit with LOIC sanctions, how can their example not be used as some sort of template when it's time to hit another program for their far more insidious LOIC?
Practically every news source out there has attempted to draw that obvious comparison when speculating as to how badly Penn St will be sanctioned. "Knowing what they handed down to USC, what will they do with Penn St? The death penallty? Okay, we're hearing it won't be the death penalty, so what will it be?"
You know, the story that's making all the headlines today? We're now at that point. The NCAA has decided to punish Penn St for LOIC, and supposedly they're going to hit them hard. Since USC was the most recent major football power hit with LOIC sanctions, how can their example not be used as some sort of template when it's time to hit another program for their far more insidious LOIC?
Practically every news source out there has attempted to draw that obvious comparison when speculating as to how badly Penn St will be sanctioned. "Knowing what they handed down to USC, what will they do with Penn St? The death penallty? Okay, we're hearing it won't be the death penalty, so what will it be?"
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Well, I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow. Absolutely the right move on the statue, in my opinion.
This is where true PSU fans show their mettle. If we have to part ways permanently with the Paterno fans along the way, so be it.
This is where true PSU fans show their mettle. If we have to part ways permanently with the Paterno fans along the way, so be it.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Sam, that would just be retarded. Every time a cute girl walked by, it would look like a pack of football zombies were lazily chasing after her.
Even worse, imagine how it would look whenever a little boy happened on by.
Even worse, imagine how it would look whenever a little boy happened on by.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Dave, what's the prevailing feeling there? What are people in Happy Valley expecting to hear tomorrow? Something truly earth-shaking, or something that will only elicit resigned sighs and a few knowing nods, but mostly a collective shrug?
Have you heard any 'inside' news regarding what's about to go down?
Have you heard any 'inside' news regarding what's about to go down?
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Someone tweeted and said that O'Brien met with the NCAA and came out of it "optimistic".
But I've got something else to say.
I'm not the most emotive guy when it comes to the "bigger" stuff. I tend to stay back and process things for a while. I don't always like to go with the prevailing sentiments in emotional situations, deaths, big shocking news, etc.
But something hit me today, amid all of the fear and worry about looming sanctions and whether or not PSU will keep playing football, or whether the statue would stay up.
Before the Freeh Report, before the Sandusky Trial, beyond all of that, something emerged that no one is disputing.
Mike McQueary saw a kid being abused, and he went and reported it to the "Big Man", because that's what the fucking culture surrounding the program demanded that he do - that's what his fucking dad and a family doctor friend told him to do about what he saw.
And when he did that, Joe Paterno actually said that he "didn't want to ruin anyone's weekend" by reporting it right that minute.
That's it - that's the whole fucking thing, right there. That's the man who people fucking worship to this day, the man who many people, both PSU fans and others, regarded as a moral paragon.
It's simply unacceptable to me that he did not jump up right there that minute and call the fucking police. Since November, I guess I've been in ruminating mode, as the hits have kept coming in, but now that statement, which again is not being disputed, as many points of the Freeh Report are...that thing that he said tells me all I need to know about this man, and what his approach was, what he was doing with that program.
I've got two kids that are more precious than life itself to me. I think of what I'd do if anyone showed such a callous, blatant disregard for them as Joe showed for that kid that moment...he cared more about Tim Curley's weekend than he did that kid. I can't get past that statement.
And so you know what? They stripped that statue out of there not an instant too soon. SOMEONE must feel as I do about that kid, and the others that Sandusky got to because that asshole Paterno wanted to keep it under wraps. Someone said "get that fucking statue OUT of there THIS MORNING"...and that gives me just a little hope.
So tomorrow we'll learn what the NCAA will do, but I guess I don't really care as much as I care about that kid, and yet again, I feel that we ALL must do what we can to stamp out abuse in every way that we can, not just at PSU, but EVERYWHERE.
ANd this reinforced realization, this sharp disgust for Paterno and the other enablers...well, they just make me feel even more strongly that the new PSU program and administration need to play football, need to raise money and give it to advocacy and services, need to move ahead and show exactly what we're made of.
Shutting things down makes the whole thing fester in the grave with Paterno. We need to make it about something else - something that we all work together on to be great, and to mean something real. We need to see how much better the whole thing is free and clear of the stink of that old fuck who would not let go, who would not tell the truth, who let those kids be abused.
But I've got something else to say.
I'm not the most emotive guy when it comes to the "bigger" stuff. I tend to stay back and process things for a while. I don't always like to go with the prevailing sentiments in emotional situations, deaths, big shocking news, etc.
But something hit me today, amid all of the fear and worry about looming sanctions and whether or not PSU will keep playing football, or whether the statue would stay up.
Before the Freeh Report, before the Sandusky Trial, beyond all of that, something emerged that no one is disputing.
Mike McQueary saw a kid being abused, and he went and reported it to the "Big Man", because that's what the fucking culture surrounding the program demanded that he do - that's what his fucking dad and a family doctor friend told him to do about what he saw.
And when he did that, Joe Paterno actually said that he "didn't want to ruin anyone's weekend" by reporting it right that minute.
That's it - that's the whole fucking thing, right there. That's the man who people fucking worship to this day, the man who many people, both PSU fans and others, regarded as a moral paragon.
It's simply unacceptable to me that he did not jump up right there that minute and call the fucking police. Since November, I guess I've been in ruminating mode, as the hits have kept coming in, but now that statement, which again is not being disputed, as many points of the Freeh Report are...that thing that he said tells me all I need to know about this man, and what his approach was, what he was doing with that program.
I've got two kids that are more precious than life itself to me. I think of what I'd do if anyone showed such a callous, blatant disregard for them as Joe showed for that kid that moment...he cared more about Tim Curley's weekend than he did that kid. I can't get past that statement.
And so you know what? They stripped that statue out of there not an instant too soon. SOMEONE must feel as I do about that kid, and the others that Sandusky got to because that asshole Paterno wanted to keep it under wraps. Someone said "get that fucking statue OUT of there THIS MORNING"...and that gives me just a little hope.
So tomorrow we'll learn what the NCAA will do, but I guess I don't really care as much as I care about that kid, and yet again, I feel that we ALL must do what we can to stamp out abuse in every way that we can, not just at PSU, but EVERYWHERE.
ANd this reinforced realization, this sharp disgust for Paterno and the other enablers...well, they just make me feel even more strongly that the new PSU program and administration need to play football, need to raise money and give it to advocacy and services, need to move ahead and show exactly what we're made of.
Shutting things down makes the whole thing fester in the grave with Paterno. We need to make it about something else - something that we all work together on to be great, and to mean something real. We need to see how much better the whole thing is free and clear of the stink of that old fuck who would not let go, who would not tell the truth, who let those kids be abused.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
- Screw_Michigan
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
I thought they would have because Nike had its logo sculpted onto the statues.Sudden Sam wrote:They coulda left the football players on the wall.
- Screw_Michigan
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
I didn't catch the news until this afternoon when I got home, I was off the grid for a bit. I'm more than impressed they got that done as fast as they did.PSUFAN wrote:They stripped that statue out of there not an instant too soon. SOMEONE must feel as I do about that kid, and the others that Sandusky got to because that asshole Paterno wanted to keep it under wraps. Someone said "get that fucking statue OUT of there THIS MORNING"...and that gives me just a little hope.
- Eternal Scobode
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Nah, that whole section I'm fairly certain was stuff dedicated to JoePa. The players in the background were shown being led by their fearless leader, Joe Paterno.Sudden Sam wrote:They coulda left the football players on the wall.
Had no choice but to take it all down.
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Well at least he's not like that asshole Lumbergh. That guy wouldn't think TWICE about ruining somebody's weekend.PSUFAN wrote:Joe Paterno actually said that he "didn't want to ruin anyone's weekend" by reporting it right that minute.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."
—Earl Sinclair
"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.
- Antonio Brown
—Earl Sinclair
"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.
- Antonio Brown
- Screw_Michigan
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Lumbergh fucked her.BSmack wrote: Well at least he's not like that asshole Lumbergh.
- Terry in Crapchester
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
I read that in a news feed that was published after the death of Pope John Paul. Sounded a bit high to me as well, but consider:Van wrote:Did Terry just write that there are 100,000,000 Catholics in America? As in roughly one out of every three Americans is Catholic?
I'm not sure which one to go with here, so I guess I'll use both...
1. With Hispanics being the fastest-growing demographic group in the country, Catholics as a percentage of the country's population are almost undoubtedly growing.
2. Without a doubt, that number includes people like me who no longer attend Mass weekly but still consider ourselves Catholic.
Yet you still continue to BSH for the conferenceGoober McTuber wrote:FUCK. JIM. DELANY.
Not quite sure how this relates to the point we've been discussing, other than to show that Penn State's athletic department is FUBAR in ways that go beyond this. The relative merits of Annapolis and State College notwithstanding (and yes, Screwy, I'm well aware that you BSH for your adopted hometown and surrounding area), there is no way in any universe that the Navy men's basketball job should be considered a step up, or even a lateral move, from the Penn State job.Screw_Michigan wrote:Someone please talk to former PSU men's bball coach Ed DeChellis, now at Navy, and ask him what he thinks about Spanier, Schultz, Curley, etc. DeChellis was basically told to fuck off by Spanier when he asked for more men's bball money after leading the program to its most successful season in just about forever. Spanier basically told him right before all the Sandusky shit went down we don't invest in men's bball, so DeChellis decided to hit the eject button and take the Navy job. Not a bad decision. I'd rather live in Annapolis than State College any day.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
- Cross Traffic
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
60 M fine
4 year postseason ban, all wins vacated from 1998-2011! DAMN!!!
Initial scholarships down from 25 to 15, any players that want to transfer can leave without penalty.
Bowden is once again the wins leader.
4 year postseason ban, all wins vacated from 1998-2011! DAMN!!!
Initial scholarships down from 25 to 15, any players that want to transfer can leave without penalty.
Bowden is once again the wins leader.
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
When I was watching the news yesterday morning, not once did I hear one person in the media invoke the name of USC when talking about PSU. Drawing comparasions to USC isn't a media thing, it's a you thing.Van wrote: Practically every news source out there has attempted to draw that obvious comparison when speculating as to how badly Penn St will be sanctioned. "Knowing what they handed down to USC, what will they do with Penn St? The death penallty? Okay, we're hearing it won't be the death penalty, so what will it be?"
I know that the root of this thread is Sandusky changing out little boys dimeholes for quarters, but you sure have been quite a humorless bore in this thread.
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Joe Paterno and his worshipers got their wish - the program died with him, as they always wanted. It always rankled them that Joe would have to be succeeded by anyone, that he would have to step down some day.
My disgust for Paterno and his worshipers is total at this point.
I take issue with the punishments in this sense - they do nothing to harm Joe and his worshipers. For them, the program died the minute Joe was fired anyway.
For the real Penn State University fans, the burden falls on them. Myself, I really am still focused on the child victims. I'm still at a loss to explain my disgust for those that turned away from their plight.
Fuck Paterno, fuck his harpy wife, fuck his blind, misguided family. Fuck his worshipers, who poisoned Penn State with their disease.
My disgust for Paterno and his worshipers is total at this point.
I take issue with the punishments in this sense - they do nothing to harm Joe and his worshipers. For them, the program died the minute Joe was fired anyway.
For the real Penn State University fans, the burden falls on them. Myself, I really am still focused on the child victims. I'm still at a loss to explain my disgust for those that turned away from their plight.
Fuck Paterno, fuck his harpy wife, fuck his blind, misguided family. Fuck his worshipers, who poisoned Penn State with their disease.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Cross Traffic wrote:Bowden is once again the wins leader.
Also, Eddie Robinson is back to being the winningest college coach on any level (I think?)...
I knew they wouldn't give them the death penalty. The NCAA did a good thing in basically wiping out the existence of that program during that period. It knocks Paterno down quite a bit but doesn't eliminate everything he did prior to that. Basically, the last dozen years were lost years for them and Paterno. Whatever they achieved then was done without honor and they shouldn't benefit from any of those wins.
- Cross Traffic
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Watching ESPN, and there were people crying in the student center? Where was this crying for the victims?
Watching ESPN, and there were people crying in the student center? Where was this crying for the victims?
- Eternal Scobode
- Posts: 21259
- Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:35 pm
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Big Ten presser at 11 AM EST - more penalties to come.
- Left Seater
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Shoalzie wrote:Cross Traffic wrote:Bowden is once again the wins leader.
Also, Eddie Robinson is back to being the winningest college coach on any level (I think?)...
John Gagliardi is the all time leader.
Robinson is the Division 1-AA leader and second all time.
Bowden is the Division 1-A leader and third all time.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
- Cross Traffic
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
ESPN just showed a telling video that some at PSU still don't get it. Students CRYING over the sanctions.
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Thanks for the thoughts, Sam. My years growing up watching PSU are still a good memory for me. Those years did not contain any awareness of the horrific crimes of Sandusky. The latter years did contain the knowledge that Paterno had stayed too long and was killing the program slowly, but I never dreamed that this would happen.Sudden Sam wrote:Dave, I can only imagine what this is doing to you, but I know damn well that if it turned out that Bear Bryant had covered up for a child molestor, I'd hate his ass just as you now despise Paterno. No doubt in my mind. Yet I'm certain there would still be those who felt he continued to "walk on water".PSUFAN wrote:Joe Paterno and his worshipers got their wish - the program died with him, as they always wanted. It always rankled them that Joe would have to be succeeded by anyone, that he would have to step down some day.
My disgust for Paterno and his worshipers is total at this point.
I take issue with the punishments in this sense - they do nothing to harm Joe and his worshipers. For them, the program died the minute Joe was fired anyway.
For the real Penn State University fans, the burden falls on them. Myself, I really am still focused on the child victims. I'm still at a loss to explain my disgust for those that turned away from their plight.
Fuck Paterno, fuck his harpy wife, fuck his blind, misguided family. Fuck his worshipers, who poisoned Penn State with their disease.
What Paterno did is mind-boggling. My disdain for him is off the scale. He has proven to be the worst of the worst. BTW, I never did like him or his "look". But i respected his program and Penn State as a university. Man, talk about a fall. From the very top to the extreme bottom.
Gonna take years and years for your Lions to recover from these sanctions. Better prepare yourself for some miserable Saturdays. I hate it for you.
One thing that bugs me is that my son and I had started traditions of our own with watching the games. PSU football will never be the same for me and for us. We will follow the team and support Bill O'Brien and the kids who tough this out, so who knows...maybe what will emerge will be something even more tremendous. Time will tell. I am determined to accept the challenge that I have repeatedly recognized in this thread - that we all must do more to prevent abuse and to support victims of abuse.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
at least the admin responsible for this are all taking a fall as well, so there's that.
- World Renowned Last Word Whore
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
To get to the Big 10 championship game, Wisconsin is still going to have to wade through Illinois, Indiana and Purdue.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
- World Renowned Last Word Whore
- Posts: 25891
- Joined: Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:07 pm
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Makes that SEC West look like a walk in the park.Sudden Sam wrote:Man, that Leaders Division is tough, isn't it?Goober McTuber wrote:To get to the Big 10 championship game, Wisconsin is still going to have to wade through Illinois, Indiana and Purdue.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
:)BSmack wrote:Well at least he's not like that asshole Lumbergh. That guy wouldn't think TWICE about ruining somebody's weekend.PSUFAN wrote:Joe Paterno actually said that he "didn't want to ruin anyone's weekend" by reporting it right that minute.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Nice.schmick wrote:And I understand that penn state didnt get rid of the statue of Joe Paterno, they just moved it to the schools library as a reminder to everyone to "keep quiet"
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Bullshit.R-Jack wrote:When I was watching the news yesterday morning, not once did I hear one person in the media invoke the name of USC when talking about PSU. Drawing comparasions to USC isn't a media thing, it's a you thing.Van wrote: Practically every news source out there has attempted to draw that obvious comparison when speculating as to how badly Penn St will be sanctioned. "Knowing what they handed down to USC, what will they do with Penn St? The death penallty? Okay, we're hearing it won't be the death penalty, so what will it be?"
Try watching them with the sound up.
Too bad. It beats what you've added to this thread.I know that the root of this thread is Sandusky changing out little boys dimeholes for quarters, but you sure have been quite a humorless bore in this thread.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
In terms of the football program, the fine and the vacated wins mean nothing. They're both merely symbolic penalties. So now Joe's no longer the leaders in wins. Besides his family, friends and ardent admirers, who cares?
It's a four-year bowl ban plus a sliding four-year scholarship reduction. Damaging, yes, but hardly anything approaching a death penalty.
Oh, and Terry? Do any sort of google search you wish for "Religions in America." Catholics don't even represent 25% of Christians in our country, never mind one in three of all Americans. Recall the big to-do over Kennedy being elected president? That was Huge News, the idea of a Catholic president.
Yes, the influx of Mexicans into our country has tilted the percentage a bit towards Catholics, yet keep in mind that last year more Asians than Mexicans arrived on our shores. Most of them aren't Catholic.
It's a four-year bowl ban plus a sliding four-year scholarship reduction. Damaging, yes, but hardly anything approaching a death penalty.
Oh, and Terry? Do any sort of google search you wish for "Religions in America." Catholics don't even represent 25% of Christians in our country, never mind one in three of all Americans. Recall the big to-do over Kennedy being elected president? That was Huge News, the idea of a Catholic president.
Yes, the influx of Mexicans into our country has tilted the percentage a bit towards Catholics, yet keep in mind that last year more Asians than Mexicans arrived on our shores. Most of them aren't Catholic.
Last edited by Van on Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
I heard someone say they should have simply turned the statue around so Paterno was looking the other way.
Very nice.
Very nice.
- Eternal Scobode
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
How do you figure, in terms of the fine? The $60 million is the equivalent of one season of gross revenue from football. That's pretty huge.Van wrote:In terms of the football program, the fine and the vacated wins mean nothing.
- Left Seater
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Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Fixed!Van wrote:
...keep in mind that last year more Asians than Mexicans arrived on our shores legally. Most of them aren't Catholic.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Mgo, those moneys tend to pay for their other sports more than for the football program. Besides, they're still free to raise funds for the football program, and I'm comparing it to the total cost of a death penalty. They're attempting to say that the $60 million represents the gross profits of one year's worth of football operations. Well, does that include TV monies and all ancillary monies? It surely doesn't include all the monies that would've been lost by those people whose incomes are at least partially dependent on Penn St football.
It's on that last score where I'm now wavering regarding my earlier feelings regarding the necessary severity of the sanctions. I felt they should have received a two-year death penalty. However, thinking about the way such a penalty would have also affected all those rank-and-file people (the hot dog vendors, parking lot attendents, ticket counters, stadium ushers, local bar owners, etc.), I've come to the conclusion that no, a death penalty would've been too much and that this is more of a proper punishment.
A four-year bowl ban along with the proviso that any of the current players may transfer to another program without losing any eligibility means they're going to see a significant loss of players, never mind the four-year scholarship reduction.
In addition, Emmerick made the point that the NCAA may still hit the individuals involved with further punishments once all the dust has settled from the criminal proceedings, so all in all these sanctions seem to be on the mark.
It's on that last score where I'm now wavering regarding my earlier feelings regarding the necessary severity of the sanctions. I felt they should have received a two-year death penalty. However, thinking about the way such a penalty would have also affected all those rank-and-file people (the hot dog vendors, parking lot attendents, ticket counters, stadium ushers, local bar owners, etc.), I've come to the conclusion that no, a death penalty would've been too much and that this is more of a proper punishment.
A four-year bowl ban along with the proviso that any of the current players may transfer to another program without losing any eligibility means they're going to see a significant loss of players, never mind the four-year scholarship reduction.
In addition, Emmerick made the point that the NCAA may still hit the individuals involved with further punishments once all the dust has settled from the criminal proceedings, so all in all these sanctions seem to be on the mark.
Last edited by Van on Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
Cynic.Left Seater wrote:Fixed!Van wrote:
...keep in mind that last year more Asians than Mexicans arrived on our shores legally. Most of them aren't Catholic.

Anyway, aren't they saying that for the first time in forever the number of Mexicans arriving here illegally took a huge hit, basically down to the equivalent number of Mexicans returning home? Supposedly the economy has become so shitty here that the influx of illegals has slowed to a relative trickle.
Joe Satriani is a mime, right? - 88
Show me your dicks. - trev
Show me your dicks. - trev
Re: So what does the future hold for PSU?
I did.Van wrote: Oh, and Terry? Do any sort of google search you wish for "Religions in America." Catholics don't even represent 25% of Christians in our country, never mind one in three of all Americans. Recall the big to-do over Kennedy being elected president? That was Huge News, the idea of a Catholic president.
23.9% of the US population (which I assume is more than 25% of "Christians") is Catholic (74,115,001). Not sure where that last 1 came from. Prolly some non-aborted baby.
This came from Wikipedia (you did say "any sort" of search).
OK, the Pew Religious Landscape Survey also puts it at 23.9%. Total "Christian" percentage is 78.4%. That makes Catholics 30% of the "Christian" total.