Jsc810 wrote:I'm right here and am not backing down an inch.
Nobody expects you to. Nobody wants you to. You're free to have an opinion, no matter how debased that opinion is.
All of this will just make the SCOTUS Prop 8 decision that much sweeter. I will be laughing my ass off, and yes, I will say I told you so.
And if the decision goes the other way, what will you say then? And when your boy becomes a one term President, what will you say then?
Constitutional rights are not subject to a popular vote.
mv already covered this but yes, yes they are. 32 states can't be wrong. A government for the people, by the people, of the people, shall not perish.
In case I haven't told you lately, take your fag agenda and go jump off the nearest bridge into the Missisippi river. It's 15 feet low these days, so maybe your spine collapses at first impact and nobody has to waste any time fishing your carcass out to send it to the ER for the umpteenth time.