88 wrote: How in the hell did this guy get elected President without the voters knowing these things, and what the fuck was the Press doing in 2008?
I knew those things because 'the press' I listened to is not a bunch of hacks, unlike 'the press' you listened to.
Nice right wing talking point though Counselor.
Actually, I think that D'Souza is correct about one thing in particular: Obama believes that the United States needs to have a lesser role in the world today and if that entails a smaller economic and political footprint, so be it. This is not a form of isolationism, but a worldview that places the Third World's interests ahead of our own. If that means the average US citizen does with less or has a lower standard of living so that your average TCN has an improved lifestyle or standard of living, that is most definitely an acceptable tradeoff.
I also suspect this is largely the worldview of your typical liberal. There has been much emphasis over the past many years in the mainstream (liberal) press about how out of proportion America's use of the world's resources we use as if we are all supposed to share equally, while failing to recognise that fairness has nothing to do with anything when it comes to economic success.
This is how it really works: What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine too. And that includes oil, minerals, cheap labor, food, and anything else that we want or desire. Suck it, world. All your shit is ours. --Sincerely, America
sounds like you're carrying hurt feelings from some other thread. letting your emotions cloud your ability to deftly reproduce 5th grade insults. did I cause you a problem in this thread?
D'Souza is a long confirmed weasel, though I'll check out the (hit) piece. Barry is after all the most mysterious president ever as far as we the people knowing anything about him. Here's a real eye opener concerning his dad, "double-double" Obama who reset the bar on hit n' run pieces o' shit. Trust me, you won't believe how fucked up was his pa.
The Other Barack: The Bold and Reckless Life of President Obama's Father, by Sally Jacobs.
88 wrote:[And he spends a lot of time explaining how Barack idolized his father throughout his childhood, even though he only met him very briefly one time after he had reached an age where he was no longer shitting in his own pants.
My suspicions in regard to Obama's blacked out college and post graduate years are that he wrote papers for his classes and for the Harvard review that reflect a very Marxist/socialist orientation or demonstrate a very pedestrian intellect which doesn't match up well to the glorification of his mind by the Left. Either that or he just skipped class altogether or received educational aid money or grants as a foreign student which in turn would bolster the whole Birther conspiracy. The very fact he has buried anything and everything regarding his college education tells me there is much he is ashamed of or is worried would harm his reputation with the average voter out there. My gut tells me that he likely has written some very incendiary papers that reflect the views of those Commie pinkos he hung out with all his life.
First of all, Barry has never done anything to suggest he's a socialist, let alone a communist--whatever the hell those terms mean.
In fact, he's boosted the military budget to its all-time high. Okay?
And he's authorized MORE oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and everywhere else than any other president. Okay?
And he's bent over to Wall St. just like every GOP president before him (and Bubba). okay?
And he's kissed the fetid ass of the fake apartheid state MORE than any other president. Okay?
The real question then is who actually groomed Barry so effectively for this situation? Who is Axelrod? And Emanuel? Not Ayers, he's a nobody with no power at all--and you know that.
C'mon, we all need to start looking at this very strange event without the prepped and predictable rote approach. I honestly don't know who or what Barry is, but I sure as hell know that the robot twins are so much worse it's not even a discussion.
88 wrote:[And he spends a lot of time explaining how Barack idolized his father throughout his childhood, even though he only met him very briefly one time after he had reached an age where he was no longer shitting in his own pants.
Is this an abnormal response?
Not at all, at least according to D'Souza. In the film, he interviews a psychologist who explains that this type of situation is very normal, particularly in males, and was observed and studied at length in the years following WWII, when many fathers did not return home to very young children. But it is a perception misalignment issue, which can affect the ability of the individual to understand the realities around him. More psycho-blah-blah, I know.
Then what's the point of including it other than to suggest something more ominous? Let me guess, spent quite a bit of time characterizing Obama as a fawning derelict before a quick aside that this is perfectly normal? I also imagine his feelings toward his father only intensified in response to a shitty relationship with his step-dad? Then again, I'm only guessing since I don't know much about Obama's past other than he lived abroad for quite some time, which BFD.
Dinesh D'Souza was born in 1961 in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, to Goan Catholic parents from the state of Goa in Western India. From early childhood he showed an almost pathological interest in the United States and the writings of William F Buckley, Jr. He arrived in the United States in 1978, attending Patagonia Union High School in Patagonia, Arizona. Though he was originally sponsored through a Rotary International program, he spent a large amount of his time as a teenager with a priest at the Catholic church in Patagonia, who was very influential in obtaining his visa. While in High School he often spoke about his admiration of American Democracy but was disappointed by the Constitutional requirement that a President must be a natural born citizen, for he felt that he had the ambition and intelligence to be the first "President of color." He even planned someday to try and get an amendment passed to change this requirement. While in college at Dartmouth he became a great admirer of Ronald Reagan, but his disappointment about not ever being able to become President morphed gradually to an unrelenting bitterness. This bitterness finally boiled over the top with the election of Barak Obama, a man that D'Souza sees as no more qualified than himself, and who was only able to run for President because his mother happened to be in Hawaii at the time of his birth. Or at least according to the forged birth certificate. Since the 2008 election his hatred for Obama has become obsessive to the point that it's all he thinks or talks about. His entire life is now focused on his writing and films trying to portray Obama as a Godless, Communist hater of America, his theories often couched in esoteric psychological and anthropological doublespeak.
Last edited by Mikey on Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
And Goob's reaction is what one typically expects to hear from someone with a closed mind. You shouldn't be afraid to test your convictions. I've seen all of Michael Moore's "documentaries", Loose Change and many other flicks produced by persons having completely different views of the role of the federal government. I doubt your views would change at all. And hell, you might even be entertained or learn something.
Only partial C&P.
I copied some of it from Wikipedia and made the rest up. Sort of like what D'Souza does.
I'm thinking of adding some details about the time spent with the priest.
88 wrote:And Goob's reaction is what one typically expects to hear from someone with a closed mind. You shouldn't be afraid to test your convictions.
I don’t need to see some film designed to pander to dumbass right-wingers that was thrown together by a jealous and bitter wannabe to make me wish that someone else occupied the White House. None of the reviews I’ve read convinced me that this is worth watching.
BTW, I've never watched anything Michael Moore produced.
Joe in PB wrote:
Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote:
They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Go Coogs' wrote:It still doesn't change the fact that you're close minded, Goobs.
I know, I know...it still doesn'tchange the fact that my wife is a fat beast.
But go ahead, get that last word in, Goober.
Don't mind if I do. I'm not close-minded. I don't support Obama and won't be voting for him. His presidency has been a large disappointment, and I was opposed to a number of things he pushed for. But that doesn't mean I'll rush out to watch what appears to be a hatchet job.
Not sure what Sham-oogs has to do with this discussion.
Joe in PB wrote:
Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote:
They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Van wrote:Where do you see any evidence of 88 throwing a tantrum, or playing it any less cool than you are?
I felt no need to insult. then he did.
simple stuff.
Are you saying your usual 1-3 sentence responses are not lacking in depth? I don't really have an opinion about you one way or the other... but I think "Bace is a man of few words" is a rather apt description of your posts. No?
M Club wrote:Then what's the point of including it other than to suggest something more ominous? Let me guess, spent quite a bit of time characterizing Obama as a fawning derelict before a quick aside that this is perfectly normal? I also imagine his feelings toward his father only intensified in response to a shitty relationship with his step-dad? Then again, I'm only guessing since I don't know much about Obama's past other than he lived abroad for quite some time, which BFD.
The "ominous" point the film tries to make is that Obama has an anti-neocolonialism world view, which was developed partly in view of his life experiences and partly in view of the people with whom he associated (either by his choice or by his parent/guardians' choice). I do not think the film characterized Obama as a fawning derelict. It showed him as a boy who had a very high opinion of an ideal father, which was quite a bit off the mark in terms of reality. The film suggests that this is absolutely normal behavior. And attempts to explain why that normal behavior might have a profound influence on how he views things, whether that view is grounded in reality or not.
The last line of your take is precisely my take away from the movie. I don't know much about Obama's past either. No one does. The Press has not made any effort to find out anything about him. The fact that he "lived abroad for quite some time" may or may not be a BFD. It depends what he was doing there, and how that experience shapes his decision making.
The idea that since he was elected to the Illinois State Senate and later became a U.S. Senator means that there is no reason to explore his past when he seeks to be President is mind boggling. David Duke was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives and missed becoming a U.S. Senator by a few thousand votes. The backgrounds of elected officials are important, and should be investigated by the Press.
I finally made the treacherous walk over to Wiki and discovered that he lived abroad for all of four years, between the ages of 6-10. You're right: the press should thoroughly investigate that aspect of his life to better understand his dark impulses toward the country he's spent his other 47 years living in.
What about his past do you think needs to be investigated. Seems to me it's rather well-documented. Suppose there's the issue of sealed college records, but like someone before me I suspect they're just some insipid Marxist ramblings or something else opponents can use to pretend he hates America. If that's the case, though, it's quite obvious he's abandoned those beliefs in favor of the economic cronyism all POTUSs subscribe to.
As for David Duke, you really think he came oh-so-close to becoming a Senator because the press failed to adequately investigate his past?
Van wrote:Where do you see any evidence of 88 throwing a tantrum, or playing it any less cool than you are?
I felt no need to insult. then he did.
simple stuff.
Are you saying your usual 1-3 sentence responses are not lacking in depth?
For all the vitriol and bluster of the people here it doesn't take much judo to unravel their stupidity. I isolate specific items, address those, and show the remainder of their 500 word diatribe to be silly. Pretty easy considering most of the arguments here are usually ten words of an actual point, a hundred words of smack that was played out in 2002 and another three hundred of shit they heard on Hannity the other day.
88 wrote: How in the hell did this guy get elected President without the voters knowing these things, and what the fuck was the Press doing in 2008?
I knew those things because 'the press' I listened to is not a bunch of hacks, unlike 'the press' you listened to.
Nice right wing talking point though Counselor.
88 wrote:Looks like the AP decided to rebut/respond to the assertions made by D'Souza in the movie (surprisingly, without requesting comment from President Obama):