Rooster wrote:Psssst! Hey LTN, listen up. We didn't land on the moon either. And Kennedy was shot by a second gunman. Just remember, you didn't hear this from me, ok? I gotta go-- the CIA is tracking me by my silver-mercury fillings and I don't like to stay in one place for very long. Catch ya on the flip side, Capricorn One.
Okay, Rooster, do you actually believe the Warren Commission Report? Because as sure as we did go to the moon, there were of course other shooters. Wake up.
Felix wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:blah blah blah
seriously, what kind of an asshole thinks 9/11 was some conspiracy perpetrated by government officials to push an agenda?
and how would one go about keeping the
hundreds thousands tens of thousands of people needed to pull off something like this quiet?
Well, consider that the conspiracies surrounding the assassinations of both JFK and RFK have successfully been kept from blowing up. So...big secrets can be kept. And no, thousands of people were not necessary. Hundreds perhaps, probably a lot less. Permanently sealing the evidence is a pretty good start, with a solid media disinformation/smear campaign against investigators. But most of all, that which protects the cover-up--just as with JFK--is exactly the same reason a devout Catholic really isn't interested in a scientific rational debunking of the Shroud of Turin. And that's because just as the average American regards the prospect of a basically honest and "free" government as a nurturing part of daily life, just like the religious belief in a stern but protective God.
The idea that indeed we've been easily duped into a Permanent War on "terror" by a pathetically clumsy Reichstag Fire is depressing enough in itself. That it was carried out on behalf of the vile fake state would cause a revolution tomorrow. Got it?
And SS, your tedious playground taunt and run nonsense is done. Look, the fact of true path of the "flight 77" plane reveals that the damage to poles and so forth was fabricated, for starters. The curiously small hole with the slightest of debris was most likely a bomb and the (fake 77) flew right over the fireball in a carefully timed maneuver. As for
your insisting that basic physics somehow support any part of the official story, this is just Rovian inversion 101. Go ahead, actually try to defend any of the
physics. :wink: