Mikey wrote:OCmike wrote: They won't say it, but I imagine it has a lot to do with things like Obama skipping intelligence briefings during worldwide uprisings.
Tell me you're not really this...umm...thick. I once gave you credit for a modicum of intelligence, and ability to reason and think for yourself. I guess I was wrong.
I do think for myself. I'm very conflicted with this election. As much as I think Obama is a waffler who is unable to make difficult decisions, clearly doesn't understand the process of working Congress and the Senate (even within his own party) to get shit passed and doesn't provide a clear direction on anything including his own pet projects like health care "reform", Romney is an empty suit douche that I'm having a really hard time convincing myself to vote for. For some baffling reason, he's mirroring John Kerry's failed "I have a plan" campaign and doing multiple "campaign resets" whenever he realizes the bullshit is getting neck deep. So yeah, I think for myself, as muddled as it may seem at times.
As for what you quoted, that's just one example. I think the issue that really soured a lot of people here on Obama is that he's done NOTHING to rein in Wall Street, brought none of those responsible for the financial collapse to justice, and gave billions to banks that were supposed to be used for small business loans and the like and instead were used to (again) gamble on derivatives. No, that isn't Obama's fault entirely...much of the blame falls to Congress. But why wasn't he out front pressuring congress publicly to pass something with teeth? Well, during years 2 and 3 of his Presidency, as we all know, the dude was taking high profile vacations and golfing like he was trying to get his tour card.
Want another? There are signs all over this state declaring that "This project funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" in places like the Baylands Salt Marsh Preserve, little-used trailheads in the foothills above Palo Alto, next to streets widened to accomodate bigger bike lanes, etc, etc. Obama had a chance right out of the gate to shove that pork-bloated turd back in congresses face and tell them to dump the shit and instead he signed it with a smile. People remember shit like that.
And where was his plan to help jobs? Other than encouraging congress to repeatedly extend unemployment benefits, which is putting a bandaid on a gushing artery, he didn't produce anything of substance until his American Jobs Act, which showed up just in time to kick off an election season where jobs are THE issue.
I don't think he's a bad guy or an idiot. I think he was elected on an unprecedented wave of popularity based on his ability to give a great stump speech and inspire people. But he bought into his own press to the point where he thought he was so awesome all he had to do was show up and everyone would do what he wanted and he wouldn't have to work at it.